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Posts posted by coastiechick

  1. Update on Prof Toto:


    my 2 year old really loves it; my 4 year old would rather be doing classwork, BUT she watches it anyhow and when I sent her to her room for a timeout I heard her reciting the numbers 1-10 in italian! success! woo hoo!

    I was laughing pretty hard. I think it's time to make it more of a class lesson --- as in "this is called a borsa," picking up my purse ... the 4 yo would appreciate that, but either way, it must be working because both of them repeat Prof Toto as he says things ;)

  2. SO ...


    yesterday we had the chance to try our first Prof Toto session ... it is total immersion (in our case italiano), but my 2 year old was mesmerized by it and I encouraged them to repeat after the professor when he asked his students to repeat them ... my 4 year old was hungry, so she was cranky, but after I gave her a snack, she wanted to go right back to watching Prof Toto ...

    SIDENOTE: do not tell your kids it's a game ... made that mistake and my 4 yr old kept asking me when we were going to play the game -- I won't make that mistake again.


    If you use the discount code "HOMESCHOOLER" you get $50 off the total w/ shipping comes to $178 ...

    that's not really that bad for 3 notebooks for coloring & make it more like a lesson, 3 dialogue booklets w/ translations (and vocab booklet), a whole lot of DVDs and a CD for listening to children's music in italiano!

    There are lots of suggestions in the parent booklet AND it has a 30-day money back guarantee ;)


    I'll let you know more as things progress ... maybe next week when we've done several session ;)

  3. if you google "auralog" you will find a different type of language program, different than Rosetta Stone, with a decent amount of languages that is more geared toward students of languages, as opposed to just getting by ... we're looking buying it (way more economical and it goes up to level 10) for our kids once they get to 1st/2nd grade to use as a family. i hope that helps! I don't know about Greek though... I was thinking of going to a Seminary school for that myself lol


    DS has been studying Italian off and on since 2nd. We've only really used Rosetta Stone, but I too would like to find more resources to help him out, something fun--he's 5th now. I think we'll be taking on Greek next year. He has no interest in learning Latin, so would rather not push it. Attic Greek is something he's wanted for awhile, should be interesting. (He's also had some Spanish, Korean and Japanese while in PS.)
  4. thank you for all that info ...

    I just signed up for live mocha this afternoon to refresh the level 3 italian I went up to in college (in prep for helping my preschoolers w/ the basics) ... i will look up your suggestion right now! i love saving money ... i have alwasys thought RS was over-priced but assumed it must really work, but if it's anything like live mocha, all you will do is memorize photos :(



    Auralog Tell Me More - less than half the price, and much better quality.


    Rosetta was never meant to fully teach a language; it was originally designed for people like Peace Corps members and international businessmen, people who needed to get fairly conversational in a language quickly but had no need to learn the structure, grammar, and syntax - they "why" - behind a language.


    (As a linguist, this program is my pet peeve. If all you're looking for is vocab and conversation, it's a great program...but for that price, it had better wash your car and scrub your floor! ;) )


    It's a popular program because their marketing department is amazing - they found that there was a definite opening in the homeschool market for a language program and they filled it. However, they market it as a full language learning program...and unless you choose to go through all levels (and pay an arm and a leg), it falls seriously short. I have had so many students that have become really frustrated with RS, simply because they had no clue why they were doing what they were doing - they were simply pointing at pictures out of memory. It makes the mistake of assuming that an older student or adult will learn the same way as a young child - but they don't. There's a developmental shift that happens between the grammar and dialectic stages that requires answering the "why" behind what is learned.

  5. Thanks!


    By the way, are their any cool CD's/programs for computer for little ones to learn Italian?


    I just posted something about Professor Toto ... this company has a set of lessons w/ dvds and cds in italian for preschool/ early school age kids ....

    i'll repost on my thread how it goes. I should be getting it in the mail next week .. so excited!!

  6. I first starting shaving in 5th grade because I have jet black hair and that just wasn't fun as a 5th grader when I wore skirts . . . I started out w/ an electric shaver and that saved me a lot of nicks, but once I did get a real shaver in 6th grade, I took a huge chunk of skin off on my shin.

    If the electric shaver is good then she'll be perfect and if not Nair is a lot better than it used to be :)

  7. Well, I have searched the forums for info on Professor Toto AND googled reviews and nothing much as come up . . . So, we went ahead and ordered the whole set with our 20% discount code (HOMESCHOOLER) and have a 30 days money-back guarantee;


    We're going to be learning italian, as it's our heritage & I studied in Rome for 4 months in college, so at least I can be of help at a preschool level lol


    Anyone used this program?

    I'll post how it goes . . . the kids left the tv when I started to play the youtube dvd example and wanted to watch it again (even though I thought it was boring) so I thought that was a green light :001_unsure:


    I want my kiddos to learn italian (and actually my whole family) and move onto Rosetta Stone (as a family) when my oldest (4 now) is 6 or 7; and then I am hoping we can all learn latin together after this . . . and squeeze in a family trip to Italy :drool: (in the off-season lol) as a homeschool field trip that satisfies a lot of subjects


    thank you, Rochelle

  8. On another list I received an offer to be able to buy Rosetta Stone for a very good price. But I heard a rumor that it might not work if it's a used copy? Or that the company either frowns on or doesn't allow resale? Does anyone know what is true about this?


    I know you can go onto ebay and there is a "licensed" seller of rosetta stone that are slightly cheaper than going directedly w/ rosetta stone . . . I would probably go w/ rosetta in case of problems

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