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Posts posted by heritagelearningacademy

  1. My oldest is about 10 lessons into BJU Press Geometry DVDs.  We LOVE BJU Press in our other subjects and loved Algebra last year.  It is an older video with some pauses as the instructor speaks to the class.  My son is doing great in the other subjects, but really does not like the DVD instruction.  He is strong in math, just doesn't care for it.  I'm trying to find some other options if we decide we want to switch this year and return to BJU Press for Algebra 2.  


    ANy suggestions?

  2. We use our 5th bedroom as a homeschool room/office space.  It is where our printer is, my desk and laptop, craft shelves in the closet.  We have 2 bookshelves in here too that are full of the kids work/texts, etc.  There is also a small desk traditional school desk for my 7 year old.  Our white board is here too.  Maps on the wall, a calendar with pockets on the wall.


    Now, where do we actually school?  that's the funny part.  I had this room originally set up with a table and an extra desk.  But, my oldest (14) needs more quiet and less distraction when he studies.  He sits in his room to read his history and science.  Math is done at the dining room table with him.


    My middle (10) likes to work at the dining table too.  My youngest she will work in the school room at her desk or at the dining table.  I usually move back and forth between the two littler ones. 


    What I love about having this dedicated space is that we have a place for all of the stuff after school is done.  It goes back on the shelf and we can clear off the table.

    A dedicated room is great and I would still keep one as long as I can, but truthfully, we don't use it like I thought we would based on my kids' needs.


    And, that's okay. 

  3. I'm asking this because I am thinking my perfectionist tendencies may be making me place an unrealistic expectation on my oldest.  He will be 9th grade starting July. 

    We've had issues this year with him in math...not a lack of ability, but a lack of interest and a lack of effort.  So, he does an assignment and is okay with a  B.  if he would check his work, he would score higher because he would catch his sloppy math mistakes.  But, he will check after my getting on him about it, but then slip back into not checking. 

    So, is a B in math okay?  Or should he be expected to be striving for higher?

    We don't see this behavior in science or history, because he loves them.  We saw it a bit in creative writing this year with sometimes his being willing to spend more time to work on a stronger assignment, and others he was okay just getting it done.


    Any insight or advice would be welcomed!


  4. I am searching for planners for my 2nd grader and 5th grader.  We will be meeting on Sundays to write down the work for the week.  I need big enough space for them.  I will be using Debra Bell's Ultimate homeschool planner, but want to train them to use planners early.  My oldest will use the high school one from Debra Bell as a 9th grader this year.



  5. We use TT and I found that I had boys who were rushing and not worried about "attempts".  So, I started looking at how they did.  Anything that was wrong, or that they had to do 2 attempts for, I go in and delete and they have to redo that problem the next day.  if they miss it again, they rewatch the lesson and rework the problem again. 


    After 2 months of this, you would be amazed at how my oldest finally will willingly double check his work before he enters the answer and how much more careful they both are when they enter an answer.


    It solved our hurry and rush issue, and still allows us to stick with a program that is working!


  6. My son will be a 9th grader next year too.  he is a bright child, but lately seems to be lacking motivation.  We are working on that.  Here is the plan for next year.....


    Math TT Algebra


    Science BJU Physical Science (I am actually debating between the BJU science class dvd and doing the DIVE dvds.  I'm trying to figure out what will work best and get done. and also the budget will matter)


    English/Comp/Lit  Whatever I call it....  IEW, BJU 9th grade Literature intro, occasional grammar review with analytical grammar (he is really strong in grammar so I don't worry about that as much)


    Foreign Language (Spanish) I am looking at different high school text books/college text books and will do that.  Our co-op in town may offer Spanish so that might be another option.


    Vocabulary -- we are using a box of SAT cards to prep for the SAT in regards to vocab 


    PE -- soccer practice and games


    Health -- still trying to decide what to use


    Fine Arts -- he would like to do a study of architecture.  I saw a course on the Great Courses catalog that might work.  We will stretch this credit out over this and next year if need be. 

  7. My son loves looking at building and hearing about their design and history.  He has expressed an interest in doing a study on architecture of building for high school credit.  I am currently planning his high school 4 year plan.  :)  I found a course called The Cathedral through the Great Courses.  It's a DVD series, but I figure I can have him write an essay/paper after the course.  It has 24 lectures so I believe that could be at least a semester course. 


    Do you think this would work to make a credit worthy course?



  8. A huge lesson we have learned this year is that our middle son's perfectionist tendencies are becoming stronger and now a stumbling block, especially in English.  Grammar portions of English he breezes through without a problem.  He retains the information well too.

    When it comes to writing, sigh....he has a melt down because he wants his writing to be perfect the first time.  We've talked over and over about drafts, showed him the purpose of them, etc.  We get to a nice finished product at the end, but the getting there is challenging.


    We are using BJU4 with  him this year and the balance of grammar one chapter and then writing the next has been good. 

    However, I am curious what you might suggest for him next year as a 5th grader.


    I am specifically looking at Meaningful Composition, IEW, BJU. 

    Any insight would be much appreciated.  His momma (me) has perfectionist tendencies as a child, but mine played out in my being more determined and working harder.  I never froze like he does.  So, we are learning as we go on this one.


  9. I am trying to finalize my curriculum for my oldest who will be 9th next year.  He enjoys creative writing and has a strong ability in it.   I know we need to do a little more structured writing and really help him strengthen essays and more formal papers as training for college. 


    One of my issues was that Meaningful composition didn't appear complete and I did not want to start that and not be able to finish and switch programs.  I spoke with the Meaningful Composition author about the lack of high school books available and if they will be doing them.  they are all slated to be finalized this summer/early fall. 


    So, insight as to which you would lean towards?  My son is a strong writer but can be a bit lazy if he is not motivated by what he is doing.  We are working on that, but really haven't overcome that yet.  SIGH




  10. I guess I used social studies for a general term because I am not sure what to cover.  I feel like we have done US Geography this year.  She also participated last year in World Geography.  I feel like I need to do MORE than just geography.  But, I am not sure where I want to start with her. 


    I have some health issues I am addressing and can have very painful days.  I need something that is open and go and doesn't require tons of prep.  Something that allows reading on the couch or in bed if necessary.

    Additional suggestions?

  11. We use it for my 8th grader.  He LOOOOOOVES it and is excited with having a final product.  I will be honest that we have had some personal ups and downs with extended family this year so it will take us 1 1/2 years to complete, but I am okay with that.


    He likes that he is writing about something that he is interested in. 


    he wants to do One Year Adventure Novel next.


  12. I have suffered from fibromyalgia for 14 years now.  Goes in and out of remission.  It is back full force and I have had really rough days/nights.  Lots of pain.  Yet we press on with school!  :)


    My husband has asked about the possibility of my taking medicine for it.  I am trying to shift us to clean eating and juicing.  I do better some days/weeks than others.  The reality of 3 kids in sports makes that hard to always be consistent.  That's partly what led my husband to ask about medicine. 


    Anyone take anything for fibromyalgia?  If so, what do you take?  how has it helped?  If not, did you choose not to take something and why?




  13. Not reading yet?  Maybe purchase All About Reading curriculum!  Amazing!  We also have the DVD set of Magic School Bus which are great time fillers for my 6 year old when I am still busy with her brothers.  I would look at manipulatives too.  Dry erase markers are a hit here too and we have multiple boards for spelling, drawing etc.  thus we always need more markers.


  14. My first grade daughter is struggling in how Singapore wants you to regroup everything into tens.  We are just doing Sinapore A and we are not moving forward.  It seems her mind does not work this way.

    If I were to switch, any suggestions on which math?  It has to be spiral, that I know.  It works best for review for her. 

    I was looking at horizons math.  Thoughts?


  15. I am not familiar with BFSU, but in our house we really like BJU Science.  We tried Apologia but it was not concrete enough the writing for my son.  He didn't like what he felt were tangents or hammering of points over and over in the Apologia General Science Text.  BJU is the right fit for my very concrete, sequential son.

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