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Posts posted by Rochelleg

  1. I love the pictures! But we don't have a designated place in our house.. we have bookcases in several rooms and then we work all over the house... could be any where.... our computer is in the upstairs hallway niche so everyone can see the computer when you walk by. But we do school on my bed, at the kitchen table, on the bedroom floor, on the living room floor, in the car.... in my son's room... just all over! lol! Rochelle

  2. Yes, well my husband, (bless his heart) put on over 20 lbs... so he decides to loose it because his blood pressure goes up... so he does Atkins and the toad lost ALL the weight. QUICKLY!

    So I try the dumb diet and guess what?! I do that for 14 days and NOTHING except EXTREME constipation... and if you aren't laughing yet... I will tell you I tore a ligament in my chest pushing so hard trying to go...

    NOW are you laughing!? I CAN'T believe it!!! lol!!!!

    Jokes on me and my big ice cream heiney! lol!

    TMI? Sorry!!! lol!!

    Soooo if I figure out how to loose it I will definitely let you all know! lol

    Oh! and btw, the book about Atkins it says almost EVERYONE will lose the weight.. that it is EXTREMELY RARE to not loose on the Atkins diet!!! Oh MAN WHY AM I ALWAYS THE ONE IN A MILLION!? lol!!!!!

    Rochelleg :glare:

  3. I have a son just like me! LOUD!

    I am just like you Jann! I am loud and people in my family shushh me all the time. I just don't realize most of the time that I am getting excited or that I am loud. I have just told people sometimes "you know I am loud sometimes so if I get to loud just let me know and I'll try to turn it down a notch or 2".. grin... because yes... I can get LOUDER too! lol!

    Sorry everyone! :iagree:

  4. I read your posts and continued my research today... I had heard about Latin in the Christian Trivium and took a look today. I have heard before that LC 2 gets more challenging. I think we will stay the course with LC 2 and then after that do either Henle 1 or LCT. I appreciate your feedback and I think I will sell the Latin Road I just got! Oh well! I got to look at it anyway. :)

    Thanks again for your input! Rochelle :)

  5. Ok my son completed Prima Latina and will finish Latina Christiana I next week. We are debating whether to continue with Latina Christiana II or switch to The Latin Road to English Grammar.

    He is VERY strong in grammar, spelling and writing. We have looked at TLREG 1 and some of it will be repeat, but not all.

    TLREG isn't as visually appealling as LC but it seems like it has more "meat" to it.

    I own both now and keep going back and forth looking at which to do!

    If we switch to TLREG I am going to drop our Sonlight Language Arts and just do TLREG. So that would be a plus.. if I stay with LC II then we will cont. with SL Language Arts.

    My son is 10 and will be starting 5th grade in the Fall. He is very bright and well ahead academically. He is motivated to do TLREG and give it a whirl. He complained to me this year that the DVD with LC was repetitive and that Leigh Lowe the teacher talked too much. He would often ask if he could "fast forward" past a part because he already knew it.

    Sooo, I thought perhaps TLREG would be more challenging and less boring for him.

    ANY thoughts, comments, advice is very welcome! Particularly if you are familar with BOTH programs. Grin... boy I sure will be when this is all done! lol! Thanks! Rochelle:bigear:

  6. My son LOVES learning Latin! He has been doing Latina Christiana I and before that Prima Latina. We are currently trying to decide if we are going to continue on in LC II or go to The Latin Road to English Grammar. But it has made a big difference already in my son's ability to pick up Spanish. Plus he also has a better grasp of English as well. I am very impressed and am thrilled I went with my instinct to do Latin first! I HIGHLY recommend doing Latin! But I personally wouldn't do Rosetta Stone for Latin. Good luck!

  7. We are in our 4th year of doing SL. We LOVE Sonlight!!! I was thinking of taking a year off and doing a combined year later and my son had a fit! He wants to keep on going and do EACH year!

    Now regarding LA.... LOVED the older version, dictation, lots of grammar, sentence analyzing, writing assignments and so on. HATE the new SL LA!! We sent it back and got a refund after about 16 weeks. I mised the grammar and didn't like the new writing! It didn't seem so hot like they said it would be. We liked the old activity sheets. I looked at Shurley Grammar and decided against it. (Btw, my dad is a retired English teacher and he had a cow over SHurley Grammar! Thought it was terrible! I was very surprised becuase it looked good to me.) Anyway, I (being the queen of used curriculum and where to shop) purchased all the SL LA older versions I needed so I wouldn't have to use the new. We are now happily moving along with our older version and will be for the next 2 more years. :) Now, I might also add I also couldn't stand Grammar Ace. Busy work imo. Maybe it is ok if you aren't strong in grammar, but if you've been doing SL LA in the past then one would be strong in grammar and not need this! lol! Soooo, I am highly opinionated on the SL LA subject! Oh, and finally I would say that I have also strayed from SL regarding the writing. Several friends told me to check out IEW, I ignored them until I couldn't stand it any longer and then took a peek at it. Holy canolie batman! It is FANTASTIC! Now we LOVE IEW!!!!!! It has SAVED us! I thought SL was good but hey, IEW is GREAT!!!!!! Soooo, I still LOVE SL but we are expanding our horizons a bit! Rochelle

  8. I have used SL Language Arts 1, 2, 3, 4. We LOVE it. BUT, I didn't like the newer version this year. So I returned it for a refund and purchased LA 4, 5, and 6 of the older versions. I personally like the extra grammar from the older versions. The newer versions supposedly focused more on writing. I didn't find it to be so great. In fact while I am am using the SL Language Arts, I switched our writing to IEW. I wished I'd done it sooner! We love the dictation in SL, and the grammar, but now with the IEW writing we are in great shape. SL writing was very good, but we definitely prefer IEW. Writing is no longer painful, but fun!

    But overall I am a die hard Sonlighter! Hope that helps! Rochelle

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