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Posts posted by ealedger

  1. Unfortunately I have experienced this too. It probably goes without saying that this is just part of the package. I have been very frustrated and discouraged when there was a program that was ideally suited for DS. I quietly requested that he be allowed to participate. I was informed that I was undermining the authority of the director, and that he would remain with his peers. I was also informed that ALL parents believe their children deserve special treatment, and if accommodations were made for DS, then the door would be open for all the other parents to request changes, etc. I simply had requested he be placed in the appropriate program for his level of development. Silly me. We moved, and now live in an area that recognizes gifted children and now we have a plethora of resources and support available to us. It has been akin to leaving behind a desert and arriving at an oasis! I would have benefitted from an on line support group...for encouragement and ideas. Until we moved here my DS was content, but I was concerned about his developing an attitude of arrogance from his perception of himself, and I have also found that without the appropriate level of challenge and stimulation he has become complacient and lazy, instead of striving for excellence and developing a heart to serve which is what I was striving for.

  2. You will love highschool!! Both of my older DD26 and DS28 completed highschool at home, and both were accepted into very good schools. My son to Westpoint and my daughter to USC, SC. And Westpoint persued my son...so take it and run :) I put together my own curr (because I didn't know any better) and they also took some classes with our homeschool coop. If you ever want to talk or just want encouragement...I'll be happy to remind you what a wonderful gift you are giving your children.

  3. Thank you with all of my heart! I just looked up "Bean Dip"...and wish I had read this earlier in my life :) Just to let you know....ALL moms work (only a few are paid) Your encouragement is appreciated. It has occurred to me the friend sharing the criticism that others have made is not a very good friend after all. Sigh.

  4. I am sorry this happened to you :( But it made me remeber a similiar incident that happened to me years ago.) I too have very limited resources, so when my faithful german shepherd chewed up a box left by UPS on the front doorstep, and incidently the workboots inside, I was pretty upset. I called UPS and realized it would take a LONG TIME to work through their claim process. So I called the company I had ordered the boots from. Not only did they immediately send a replacement...they delt with UPS. So I didn't have to spend all day jumping through hoops to satisfy UPS. I would suggest you try calling the company you ordered the package from. Hope this works for you.

    Blessings :)

  5. Are there any other divorced, working full time, Christian moms who are also successfully home schooling? I have the support of my pastor and his wife who I consider dear friends...but also am criticized for not placing my son in public school by others in my church. Although that is not new...as a married , home schooling mom of four I remember being criticized for everything from what I wore (regular clothing, I thought) to what I ate ( regular food, I thought) So the criticism isn't new, just that I am weary and have no resources ( Well obviously I serve an awesome God!) My concerns are new however, as my son is doing so much of this on his own. No one has come alongside us to encourage and support and that is a disappointment. I struggle to support us and to also provide books and time and encouragement to my DS who I feel is valiant in his studies. At 13 I think it may be too much for him to do on his own, but he is doing a good job. Also, I am not aware of any other alternatives available to us. Suggestions? Encouragement? Genuine correction welcome, but trite, snotty comments, please, no thank you. I feel we are just barely surviving currently, but long to thrive.

  6. I am the mom of a DS who is accelerated, loves to read, studies well and is ahead in most subjects. However he is a typical 13 year old in all other respects. Sweet tempermant, happy to obey but just doen't think things through. As far as chores or responsibility he is NOT accelerated at all. Just a great typical kid. So how do I provide the tools he is ready for, academically, when I feel he does not have the maturity level to handle them? Ie: the natural progression will be high school biology (I use A Beka) but I do not see that he is focused enough for this. He loves learning, and is interested, and his reading level is there, but I do not see his maturity level at the stage which will allow him to assimalate this with meaning. Am I making sense? Are there any good books addressing this dilemma?

  7. If you believe that there are gender differences because God created them male and female, then the answer would be a gender issue and a respect issue. Your answer might then be to your son," We live in a culture that does not recognize the authority of God as creator of all things or the wonder of living in His world. But we are fortunate to have Gods word to direct our lives..." and continue the conversation from there. The idea being that because we are God's creation He has just authority over our behavior and actions. If you do not believe in God as creator of all things, then it is a personal, individual decision and you as a parent will try to decide how these issues are played out in your home. He may see your opinion as coersive though, and come to the conclusion, why should you decide for me how I am to live? Where does your authority come from?

  8. Hello! I am new to this forum. I am hoping you can help me. I have a 13 year ols 7/8th grade son. Homeschooled until grade 2. We have returning to homeschooling and there is such a hole in his education. We were using Shurley Grammar previously. But now he is studying Latin, Algebra 2 and High school bilogy. I am uncertain what to use, as there's been no grammar until our return to homeschool. I am considering Winston, Analytical or returning to Shurley level 7. (as it does not go above 7) He feels the jingles are childish...but I remember how well they worked. He does most all of his work independently now. Any suggestions?

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