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Posts posted by livingnlearning

  1. what's so tough about grabbing a few dog logs?? it's not like it's liquid poo on carpet everywhere.


    Your husband should check himself-you are putting the dog in a tough spot and he's being peevish about it. He doesn't want to pick up poo so he puts her life on the line? Grab a paper towel and take turns picking up after her if you forget to let her out or give her her big meal at night. that's your bad, not hers. Feed her earlier, worm her, crate her, walk her for a minute. Set her up to fail and then return her is pretty jerky behavior, IMO.

  2. thanks-I'll read up on the PECE!


    I will try adding some weights in my easy movement range and maybe that will help. I am absolutely unable to move my arms in some positions, it doesn't just hurt incredibly bad, it just doesn't GO there... ouch. I was lifting a lot last year and I wonder if I didn't aggrevate something then.


    I've wondered about accupunture and/or chiro...

  3. I think I have one frozen shoulder and one that was injured this fall. I have very limited mobility on my shoulders, hurts to wash my hair and putting my hair in a pony tail hurts too much to do. cant' reach above my head, can't reach to the front. difficult to get dressed, ect. I've had it looked at by the urgent care doctor and he gave me some exercises to do but could do nothing else. I do the exercises, it's been nearly a year on my frozen shoulder and it's improved some but not tons, maybe 20%. My hurt shoulder has been bad since about October... Frozen shoulder came on gradually, the hurt shoulder was an injury. gads, my luck. Both present like a torn rotator cuff.


    DH switched jobs and we won't have health insurance for a few more months and of course I'm leery of having it as a pre-existing condition...but man I really would like the use of my arms back! We really don't have a lot of money for out of pocket expenses right now; I'm getting by ok but of course it could be better.


    Does anyone have any ideas for me?

  4. We are in the throes of this situation ourselves right now. I'm sitting here exhausted after a long day of painting, repairing and cleaning up.


    Get a GOOD realtor and ask their opinion. Ours said to just make sure everything was clean and give a flooring allowance since our carpets obviously are going to need replaced. I think any more unless carpet is brand new people will want to replace it anyway. We did repairs to the roof, sheetrock, and one faucet. We painted (and are still painting ugh) most of the rooms and scrubbed the walls on the ones we didn't paint. Our kitchen floor was beyond bad and needed replaced years ago so we got those bombproof little cheap (.69/foot) tiles at home depot and redid the floor. Someone may not like those things and plan to negotiate or change them but they don't give the same bad impression that the old floor would have given. it's new and clean in here, it smells new.


    We were told over and over that we wouldn't get our money back out of it but the fact is you need to make an impression. If your way of getting paid is that someone sees your house and it doesn't gross them out and so they buy it-you just got paid. IME buyers don't look past neglect and dirty but they can look past the wrong kind of floor or cabinets.


    Also, empty your place out. We are moving out before we list ours and it makes a WORLD of difference. if you're not moving out yet, at least get the vast majority of your stuff into storage. it will make your house look bigger, cleaner and it will be easier to keep up while it's on the market.

  5. Okay, that is what I was starting to think. It just sounded like many people were worried about hurting the iron and I couldn't fathom how the iron would be damaged. I figured it must be the seasoning that everyone is talking about, not the metal itself. :D


    Don't you worry about the oil going rancid if you put it on the pan after washing but not using it right away?


    That can happen-I wouldn't oil a pan that I wasn't using often. Better to let them stay dry.

  6. I treat my cast iron like I borrowed it and it doesn't care. If something bakes on I will put water in it and soak it on a low heat, or sometimes I will even use an SOS pad on them, just enough to get the food off. I scrub them and use soap on them but I don't run them through the dishwasher. If they will come clean with a Chore Boy type plastic scrubby and hot water that's all I use but I will use the big guns if necessary. If it will come clean with a paper towel that is best. I usually put mine up looking perfectly greasy. :)


    Use a oil with a high smoke point and no salt, is the most recommended. Peanut oil, lard, crisco, and that's about all I'd season with unless you know a comparable oil. Low oven, like 200, for a long time. Put about an inch of oil in the bottom, swipe it around with a paintbrush whenever you think of it and keep it low for a full evening and then overnight. Mine are pretty much running on bacon grease right now I think and they're fine. Olive oils and the lower smoke point oils will just kick off fumes in your kitchen and give a different taste but if you don't mind those they work just as well.


    I use mine for everything except tomato sauces. I think I'm in the minority there but I prefer enamel cast iron for tomato/acid sauces, I don't like the tang the iron gives them. Otherwise I use them for everything from bread to gravy to steamed vegies to pancakes. I have about 15 pieces...


    congrats on your new pan!

  7. My MIL is not someone I mesh with very well. She's loud, blunt, tactless, nearly always grouchy, no edit button, and delivers it all in a hardcore Boston accent. I've been married to DH for 20 years and it's just never been a success story at any point-I used to try very hard to get along but now my edit button is getting a little threadbare too.


    We are in the process of moving, clear across the country from MIL, (yay!) and she's not happy about it. She maintains a good relationship with my DH and I stay out of that-our kids are scared of her so she doesn't see them much. Big family and she's the matriarch and doesn't like when her kids get out of her reach like DH will be now.


    This past weekend she stopped by (argh) and during the visit I thanked her for the gifts she gave us. She always gives everyone these knitted socks that she makes and we truly do appreciate them, they're great socks. So I thanked her and she retorts "well, enjoy them b/c you're not getting any more! I refuse to ship gifts! Shipping costs far too much!"


    alrighty, that took me aback but I didn't respond to it.


    Well today DH tells me that in the process of moving he had given her some items that she could resell at the thrift stores and she talked to him today all excited b/c she had made nearly $50 on the stuff he gave her.


    I'd dearly love to point out to her that $50 should be more than enough to cover the cost of shipping on four pairs of socks!! :D




    Happy to be moving!

  8. I really don't think PW is a polarizing figure in the world! Lots of people here have said they're so so on her and yet the word "hater" is thrown all over. Maybe the defenders are a little overboard and not the observers.


    She's a media figure now, it's ok for people to have an opinion and impression of her and then talk about it. She doesn't seem to care about that nearly as much as some of her faithful followers.

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