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Posts posted by Jilly6

  1. I just don't tell people I have epilepsy, PCOS, and OCD unless they really, really need to know. With the epilepsy especially, because more than once I have been told that having epilepsy means I am actually possessed by demons. I wish I was kidding. :glare:


    Yep, I have nocturnal epilepsy which basically means I have seizures while I sleep. You can't see the condition so people think I am faking it! My mom is the worst offender stating " you just need to reduce the stress in your life,"


    Really? stress causes my seizures?? I have a hard time going to functions because I never know how I will feel. My extended family is always giving me a hard time about it.


    I have gotten the "your faith needs to be stronger" or "you must not be a true Christian to have seizures". it is maddening to me that people in the church think this is an okay statement to make...


    I just wish people would stop and think before offering unsolicited advice about a medical issue they have no clue about!

    Lol, rant over now.

  2. Reminds me a bit of my mother. Years ago when we lived 1,000 miles away from my parent's home, dh and I drove straight through (part of the way in a snow/ice storm) to get to his grandfather's funeral. We arrived at my parents house exhausted late evening. In the span of 1 hour, my mother had commented about my weight not being to her liking, hair style, and make up (lack there of). She spent the rest of the evening and breakfast the next morning sighing and lamenting repeatedly about not being able to get me a hair appt before we had to leave that day and drive another 250 miles to attend the funeral. By the way, I had just gotten a hair cut the previous week.


    Ok, this reminds me of my mother! She once gave me 20 dollars for a b-day present with a note inside the card saying "Get your hair cut, it has looked like sh*t for over a year."

  3. No set system. My hubby moved my laundry room upstairs into the bathroom since I have a hard time on stairs. Now, We do laundry as needed and whenever there is a full load.

    Everything gets hung up on the rod and gets put away in respective rooms. I have an old home with limited room size so hanging works best as there is little need for dressers in each room.

  4. I really like the Bates family much better than the Duggars. Jim Bob gives me some weird creepy vibe. The Bates seem to be actively involved in their children lives and know each one of them well. They promote higher education and pursing dreams even for the girls.


    I can't help it, they just seem like a nice family. It is not a lifestyle that would work for me but it is gratifying to see a mega-family actively involved and knowing their children.

  5. I have three boys, all of who were circumcised. I have mixed feelings about the procedure.

    First, I was very young(20) when my first son was born. I had it done because I thought I had too. I didn't know I had an option. He had no problems with it.

    Second son was born, 6 years later and again we did it. No problems with his either.

    Third son was born and again we circumcised. He had "spraying issues' when he began potty training. The issues persisted and when he was six we were referred to a pediatric urologist. We were in the Doc's office and he asked him 'Does it hurt when you pee?" My baby answered him, " Yes but isn't it supposed too?"

    I started bawling like a big baby. My poor little boy had pain every time he peed for his entire life due to an improper circumcision. He had surgery to correct the issue which was painful and not fun at all. He is okay now.


    I wonder though if I had been older or known better if I would have made the same decisions regarding my boys. I do think it is a personal decision for everyone but I think every new parent should be given detailed information on the pros and cons for BOTH sides before making a decision.

  6. I can;t believe it either. My dh wants me to always buy extras of things, which I have always been hesitant to do since as my board names states, we are transients (courtesy of the US Air Force). HOwever, since he will be retiring here, it makes sense to buy things when they are cheaper. So right now I have probably 50 or so PowerAide bottles in the house because my older dd is supposed to drink 2 a day and these were on very good sale during the Olympics (I originally had more but she has been drinking them). Anyway, all together they cost me probably over 50 dollars. I would be livid if someone stole them who was a guest. I would be less incensed if they took some of the extra pasta noodles I bought but still?????


    If someone, like my son, needs extra food, I will give them food or give them a gift card for a grocery near them. HOwever, if you are low on funds, why do you suddenly need 96 Krug cups??? If you are low on funds, do you have a Keurig versus the 15 dollar coffee maker I have? (I break them often and like drip better so why buy more expensive, I do immediately transfer my coffee to a thermos so no continued burning). As I think might be the case, the theft may not have been for their use but rather for resale. Which would make me even more angrier.


    I think what the OP is doing is absolutely fine. She isn't hiding the cups and taking them out for herself while making the inlaws drink the regular coffee. She is having everyone drink regular coffee for the time the inlaws are home. Perfectly fine etiquette. I mean if one day I feed a guest filet mignon, can't I feed them a chicken dish another time?



  7. We love The Potter's School's live online classes! Being part of the class is a completely different experience than watching a DVD of a class that's already happened. Classes start after Labor Day, so there's still time, if you're interested. If he had to miss a few classes at the beginning because of school requirements, he could watch recordings for those.


    Maybe he could use sick days at the end of his time, or even the last week, to get back to homeschooling a little sooner without officially withdrawing from school.


    I looked into it but it is just way over my budget. I appreciate the information though.

  8. Actually, there is a wonderful ballet school in Bellevue:




    I went to dance school there when Mrs. Entenmen was still alive! I have lived in Bellevue almost my entire life. There are good and bad things about the area.


    Cost of living is cheap. Crime rate is low. it is easy to homeschool in the state. People love the military around here. People are generally friendly. there are a lot of churches and homeschool groups, both secular and Christian based.



    Allergies can be horrible. Snow sucks. I know some people like it but if i never see snow again, it will be too soon!


    If i was moving here, I would not live in Bellevue. Choose La vista, Papillion or West Omaha. The majority of things to do are in those areas. The interstate goes everywhere and you can be anywhere in town in about 15 minutes. If you will be living on base or in housing that is one thing but I would choose to live in another area if our house wasn't paid for.

    If you would lke any more info, please PM me. I have lived here since i was 6 so I have a wealth of knowledge of the area. :)

  9. Jilly6, :grouphug:.





    BTW, a few random panic attacks, even when things are going smoothly, might be expected. Let DS know that our bodies can't figure out as fast as our brains when the "danger" is over (sabre tooth tiger, high school, mean people, whatever). The technique of assigning numerical values to your level of panic, while doing slow and deep breathing, is a simple self-therapy anybody can do. (It's harder to freak out when following an analytical script and counting in your head.) If you ever feel like posting, I'd be curious to know what the ER doc suggested. Panic attacks can truly feel like you're dying . . . sigh . . . but it's part of nature's survival plan, blah, blah, blah.


    I'll enthusiastically second the recommendation on Teaching Company (TC) lectures, but I'm a bit of an addict (in fact, I'm about to sell what the earlier poster mentioned -- the 3-DVD high school "Early American History" by Linwood Thomson -- 'cause we never got to it before we simply plunged into AP US History with another excellent TC course). If you haven't seen any, just know that TC lectures are NOT highly produced entertainment. Most are . . . well, imagine a highly-competent-in-his-or-her-field lecturer standing behind a podium. Insert some graphics and charts. Maybe two cameras if it's more recent. Great stuff, but no CGI budget.


    You can also cobble together an AV-oriented course for science, history and some other subjects by using a standard high school book as a spine, and filling in with NOVA and other quality documentaries that follow the list of topics. Netflix to the rescue. Oak Meadow sells some curricula (basically paperback pacing guides and parent answer keys) that are nicely matched with easily-obtainable high school texts.





    The TC DVD's sound and look great but pricey at the last minute. I appreciate the words of encouragement. You sound like you have been through this yourself. The ER doc suggested XANAX. We took him to our lifelong doctor yesterday afternoon and he prefers behavioral and cognitive therapy without drugs if possible to help him learn to deal with the things that cause the anxiety. We are pulling him out of school an hour early today because there is a pep rally with the entire student body and the thought of it just freaks him out.

    Our Doc is a huge supporter of us homeschooling him so that helps. We just need to find a way to get him through the next few weeks.

    Someone on another thread suggested Jannette Perkins math classes and I signed him up for that.

    I really appreciate the pm's and support from everyone today. It makes me feel like we are not alone in this and that he will be OK. He is my baby and I worry about him. :)

  10. Hi,


    My ds15 tried going to the local high school last year as well and made it through 2 weeks. He, too, hated it and wanted to come home...which he did. It made for an interesting weekend with me scrambling to figure out what he would do. Luckily, I hadn't sold all our curriculum from the two oldest yet so I had some things to start with.:001_smile:



    My son is a visual/auditory learner as well and I have implemented a few video/dvd courses this year. One of them is Teaching Co.'s World History lectures by Linwood Thompson and I will also have him read Notgrass' Exploring World History. Just a thought for your son. Then again, I came very close to ordering BJU's History and English dvd courses. Cost was the deciding factor for me since I got the TC dvd's and Notgrass book used and cheap.:D


    Thank you so much! I have been checking everything out and i am finding some good things. :)

  11. Thank you. i will check it out. We sent the forms to the state on Monday. They say they have 30 days to process and return the ok to home school. it usually takes about three weeks. If we pull him out early, we can get in trouble for attendance and end up in court. Nebraska is a very easy state to homeschool in but you have to have the paperwork to begin.

  12. I need some help. My son who is in 9th grade has been home schooled for the last four years. We decided to try high school because he wanted the extended language and computer classes they offer. He has been going for two weeks and it is a disaster.

    He ended up in the ER yesterday morning due to an acute panic attack. Apparently he is so flipped out about the 1500 students at the school that he can't physically handle it.

    We live in Nebraska which requires a 30 day period to get the OK back from the state to start homeschooling. He will have to go for at least 3 more weeks. In the meantime, I need to find good high school curriculum for him.


    He is a very visual learner. Very interactive online classes or DVD type courses would work best for him. Does anyone have any suggestions? We are considering BJU DVD program. Is there something that may be better. The more challenged he is, the better but I have a hard time with the more challenging subjects. :(

    Thanks for any tips and for letting me babble. :)

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