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Posts posted by Kristen

  1. I am just getting started with homeschooling my 5-year-old, and on the recommendation of TWTM, I planned to order the Zaner-Bloser handwriting curriculum. But now I'm a little confused. If I go to the Zaner-Bloser site, what I get looks like it is packaged for school use, and I'm not sure what I need (or not) for homeschooling. On the other hand, Amazon.com has something called "Zaner-Bloser Handwriting 1: With Continuous Stroke Alphabet" by Clinton S. Hackney. I'm guessing that this is an older edition of Zaner-Bloser. The Zaner-Bloser site also mentions nothing about "continuous stroke," which was supposed to be its primary advantage according to TWTM. So has Zaner-Bloser changed its method, and I should try to get one of these older ones, or are they all the same, and I should just get what's cheapest? :)


    Also, if I do order directly from the Zaner-Bloser site, do I need the Teacher's Manual, or will the student book suffice?


    I'm also open to other curricula which incorporate the Zaner-Bloser method and printing, if anyone has any suggestions.



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