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Posts posted by snipsnsnailsx5

  1. I'm basically new to homeschooling for all intents and purposes. However, I'm not totally a novice. I did extensive research and reading when homeschooling my kids a couple years ago (I homeschooled for about 2.5 years then put them back into public school, but that's a whole 'nother post!). 

    Anyway, we'll be deciding to pull my 12 yr old out of PS to homeschool for 8th-12 grade. We really feel its best for him due to a variety of reasons. He also has ADHD which causes difficult in a busy classroom. He does better one-on-one, etc etc

    So a couple quick questions to get me started...while we do plan on finishing out this current school year, I'd like to use the time to really plan and prepare. 
    Sources on what typical minimum standards are per grade level that they should learn/know? 
    And how long do you typically spend with schoolwork for one child in these upper levels?
    Any other sources to get me started on reading and planning?


  2. Sorry if I'm duplicating any posts, however I can't seem to figure out how to search on this new set-up (last I was here was two years ago!). 

    I homeschooled for a couple years until I had to go into the hospital with preterm labor with my sixth child, and we made the decision to put the school kids back in public school. They have been doing pretty well, until recently. 

    My almost 15 yr old (9th grade) is doing well academically, but not so much socially. High school is just too full of bad influences and we'd like to protect him a little longer, or not have to expose him to those type of things just yet (I know he has to deal with the real world eventually!).  Anyway, we've decided that online schooling would be best for him. He needs structure and a rigorous curriculum. He loves to learn and loves to read (he's even taught himself some basic Japanese just because he was bored lol!). Public school hasn't really allowed him to challenge himself, and so he just lazily gets through the work and still gets all A's. :/

    What I want from K12 is the structure, the planned lessons (so that I don't have to do much or any lesson planning), and ability to challenge himself with harder work. 

    I guess I'm curious what others have thought of/experienced with the K12 high school curriculum. Also, how much of a difference is it from the standard, to comprehensive, to honors classes? Do they allow you to test to see which one you can do or do you just pick? I've read some about it and it seems many people say it can be a lot of work, but I wonder how high school courses compare and so on. 


  3. I don't know if anyone remembers me (there are a LOT of people here on these forums!!) But I LIVED on these boards last year and the year before. I was new to homeschooling and was in my second year of homeschooling my three oldest children when I had my little girl earlier then expected. Due to a month long hospital stay and the unknown of a preemie - my family (aka my parents, husband, and friends) decided for me that putting the kids back in public school would be best. I went along with it, although I wasn't ready for homeschooling to be done. :(


    So update time - my oldest (7th grade now) is doing very well in school. He had a bit of an adjustment because apparently he "didn't learn anything" from me in math when we home schooled. So essentially he started mid-way 6th grade a whole year behind in math. Thankfully he's a very bright kid though, and he caught up very quickly. He does better learning from others besides me I have come to learn. ;)


    My other school aged son, now in 3rd grade, has done very well also. He only went to public school for kindergarten and then was homeschooled first and half of second grade. He adjusted very well and is doing super awesome also. I'm very happy. :)


    Then my fourth oldest started kindergarten this year, public school, and at first I wasn't sure he'd do well but he's adjusted and is happy and learning a lot.


    However its my second oldest I am still concerned about. He is the one that brought me to homeschooling first. While he's starting to do better, he just doesn't do well in such a busy, overcrowded, and energized atmosphere. His behavior has improved, however being in 5th grade now more is expected of him. He needs more one-on-one teaching, but in middle school it tends to be a lot more "sink or swim" attitude. I can't even help him with his work since they don't have books!!!! I have never heard of math class not using books. I guess they just teach and then use worksheets. That makes it impossible for me to help him study or practice concepts, however. 99% of the work they do in class. He is two grade levels behind on reading as well. At home I have noticed he does wonderful on reading if its quiet and its just me and him reading together.

    Also...he really misses home schooling. I think its mostly the homeschool co-op that we were involved in. However, he is demanding to go back to homeschooling next year.


    I would love to but I would want to make sure we can be successful. I feel like a failure that my kids basically lost a year of education while homeschooling last year. We were doing work! However, I was still learning how to do things and jumping head first into homeschooling with three children and two toddlers underfoot maybe was a tough way to start. I am sure it would have eventually worked out. :/

    Yet that leaves me feeling very nervous and unsure that I could ever succeed and actually homeschool my second oldest son through high school. Both my husband and I do NOT want this bouncing back and forth thing for him. We haven't moved houses ever, yet he's been in two different schools in addition to home schooled. He needs consistency. So I would want to be sure that I had things figured out to cultivate a more successful learning environment.


    Whew...long winded update, sorry. ;)


    Thoughts? Suggestions? Has anyone else went from homeschool to public school and then back? What did you do to make it work better. What methods/tips do you have for successful homeschooling?


    I will ask the curriculum questions in the other forum. ;)



  4. Thanks! I actually was assigned to read "Boys Adrift..." this week for a discussion on boys/young men and how video games affect them.


    That's what spurred my interest in boys in the school system. I'm a mother to five and have witnessed first hand how the schools have failed two of my boys so far...


    I really enjoyed that book and its totally changed the way I've been thinking and addressing my son's possible ADHD and medication...

  5. JoAnn -I see you are in Washington state...have you looked into Basic Health?


    Dh doesn't get medical through his job, he's a personal health care giver for an elderly man with MS. I am a stay at home mom now so I don't have insurance through a job anymore either.


    We applied for Basic Health and its $45/month for each of us with a $15 co-pay for office visits. It seems to cover all the basics. I haven't looked into what it covers as far as serious issues or treatments though.

  6. When DS15 was homeschooling, the only way we got thru schoolwork was to have it be the first activity of the morning. He hated to sit at the table and do it, but it was required. His routine was to get up, dress, eat breakfast, and then do his schoolwork. If I let him "escape" after breakfast, it was virtually impossible to get him back.


    Yes, exactly. If I let the kids "escape" its SO hard to reel them back in. I like the idea of having a designated breakfast time (and not just a feed yourself when you wake up lol) at the table, WHILE starting work.

    And no free time until schoolwork is done.


    It sounds simple, and realistically I KNOW this is how it must be done to actually work. But its SO easy to fall into bad habits and bad routines... I've just got to work on getting them back into a GOOD routine.


    Someone told me last weekend (unrelated to homeschooling though but it fits lol) that it takes something like 30 days to establish a routine, but only 3 days to break it. Consistency is the key!

  7. Thanks all for the advice. I really thought about it, slept on it, and I feel really good about the decision to NOT put them back in.


    Honestly I wasn't making a full effort at homeschooling to begin with. I still took my time in the mornings, as did they, and I'd let them jump on comptuers, video games, etc before doing schoolwork. It wasn't a good working system and they didn't take me seriously.


    So a lot of things are changing Monday morning - in my attitude about it and letting the kids know I'm serious. I know it won't happen overnight but eventually they'll get that I'm serious!


    As for the other questions - honestly my college classes take very little of my time...at least my time during the day. My time during the day are all totally spent on the kids, house, and their homeschooling. I don't do any of my homework until evening, when my husband is home and when the kids are in bed. I did this all last year and got all A's, so it worked. :) So school doesn't interfere with the kids' school...its just hard to not have the evenings to prepare for any homeschooling stuff or take time for myself. However I'm not doing my homework EVERY night of the week, I at least have two nights that are free.

    As for the financial aid, its not supporting us so that we HAVE to have it...but rather its helping us to get caught up on other bills. And finances DO equal stress...so its actually helping alleviate some of that stress of bills hanging over our heads. That's what financial aid IS for...its so the student can go to school and have some extra money to live on while they are taking classes. As for the student loans - its not a lot to start with but also we are in a unique situation to where we don't have any rent or mortgage payments. So the student loan takes the place of that. Its low interest and low payments and makes me going to school easier on the family. Really after all is said and done, it will only total to something like buying a car...its not much (IE we're not talking about hundreds of thousands...lol).


    Also, I wish I had a mentor to help me in real life...but I don't. My sister-in-law has homeschooled her four kids for a few years now, but they are all girls. lol She has helped some, but really our kids are like night and day. hehe And I have NO one else I know that homeschools several kids. Uggh :(


    But I have you guys! :) And I've used you a lot. So thanks!


    I think I can get through this...I just need to get my attitude back on track, and I feel a lot better by staying HS then sending them back to PS. So I know its the right decision.


    Thanks all!

  8. Can you enroll the kids in a virtual public school? I know for many this is not a good option, but it may alleviate some of your stress. You know they will het the full English, science, history, math, etc. You won't have to plan, just help as needed and keep them on task. You may have some time to put together some crafts and fun experiments.


    I am not creative in an arts and crafts kind of way. I get all my Ideas from other people. Janice Vancleave's books have some fun and easy looking experiments. You can get craft books too. Start with a Thanksgiving themed book; make turkeys and pilgrims, table decorations. That is what they would be doing in ps.


    I agree with the pp, take a day off. Take a week off from academics. Have school time, but just read aloud and do some fun activies, go on nature walks, go to the zoo. I don't know where you are, but here - the weather is beautiful for outdoor activities. Go to the park, have a picnic....just have time with your kids and decompress.


    Then, if you can't do a virtual school, get back to work. Instead of going with everything, pick two subjects- math and grammar perhaps. Do those, read aloud, and do a craft, board game, or walk everyday. The next week, if you feel up to it, pick up history or science. Slowly build your schedule.


    Remember, you don't have to do every subject everyday. We do history MWF and science TTh. Spelling is 3 days a week. We only cover math, grammar, and reading daily. Handwriting is a part of any written work.


    Simplify and relax. Encourage lots of free reading, they will grow so much from just.reading. Guide them to fiction and non-fiction, find what interests them. They will surprise you.


    Thanks for the suggestions! :)


    Unfortunately, a virtual public school isn't an option for us. Their homeschool co-op is already an ALE program (funded by the school district) so I don't think they can dual enroll in another ALE program. ?


    The only subjects we "have" to cover each week is math and language arts. I also do Story of the World for a little extra history. The rest of the subjects are covered at their homeschool program.


    You'd think I could handle just math and language arts 3-4 days a week, but getting the boys to sit down and do work is impossible. They are all over the place, not paying attention, the little two non-school aged children are into everything...then I get the older children mad at me when I'm not paying attention to them and answering their questions. Its like a giant tug-o-war. My 12 yr old sees all this going on and goes off and hides downstairs, doing what he wants, because I'm too busy to make him get up here and do his work too.


    I don't know where to start...its only the beginning of our 2nd year. We have a lot to learn still. But I'm already burnt out. I don't know how much more I can handle. I don't have it in me to keep going I feel like. Everytime I get a good idea and a good attitude about it, I wake up in the morning ready to start fresh and try new things...when 30 min later they've already destroyed my mood and ruined the day. lol I can't get them on the same page as me!

  9. Thanks all...I do think I need to go to bed for the night. lol Its hard when my mind keeps going and going. I did my homework for the night, now I should just rest...


    To answer the questions:


    Why are your kids behind? - I really don't know how far behind they are. I don't think they are really that far behind though. On reading I'm always concerned, but my 9 yr old showed me yesterday that even though he hates reading and rarely does any of the daily reading I give him...he read through a grade level book just fine. So I'm pretty sure he's at grade level with reading...which is a huge jump from even last year where he tested a tad behind. With math I feel like he's just rushing through the work (we're doing Teaching Textbooks this year to make it easier on him and me) and not absorbing much. He should know his times tables by 4th grade, but he doesn't. He HATES working on multiplication. :(

    My 2nd grader really struggles with spelling and writing. I worried a lot about his reading, but he also read a grade level book to me yesterday with very little words he didn't know (and those were ones that were names, like Gotham -it was a Batman book lol). So I think he's okay there. With math he's a pretty quick learner and he's doing Horizons grade 2 just fine, so I don't think I should be concerned here?


    Mostly I feel like they are behind because we don't do schoolwork every day. We do the homeschool co-op 1.5 days a week and even on the half day we get home and no one feels like sitting down to do schoolwork in the afternoon...they all want to go off and do their own thing. So we only do school work 3 days a week...at best. Fridays are SO hard to do school work on. Everyone wants to take an early weekend.


    So mostly I guess I would say its related to discipline issues -both mine and theirs...and routine.


    Can you use some less intensive curriculum?

    I did switch to Teaching Textbooks for my older two. That seems to be going very well. I also just got SOS Language Arts for my 9 yr old since he was getting overwhelmed with all the books we were using...FLL, WWE, Spectrum Reading, Spelling Workout...

    But I think that's as least intensive as we can get?


    Do they enjoy the co-op? It looks like it covers most of what they need. - Oh yes, its their favorite part of the week. They love homeschooling only for that reason.



    Do you need school? - I don't really need to take college classes right now, since I'm a stay-at-home mom and intend to stay that way. However, I think it will help me and my children if I brush up on my own education and get at least my 2-year Associates degree. Also, honestly the financial aid helps pay the bills too.


    What is your husband doing for their education? - Not much he can help with at this time. He has a pretty demanding job and when he gets home, its dinner time and he's pretty much wiped out. The kids don't want to do anything in the evenings anyway but just have fun (ie not schoolwork :( )


    How busy do you keep your boys? Mine fight if I don't keep their bodies and minds busy. - I don't know how to keep them busy? lol I have too many of them and not enough of me. I think it would be exhausting trying to keep all of them busy every day. I can give orders all I want, suggestions of what they should do to keep busy, but they don't listen.


    Our biggest problem here is them not wanting to listen to me or take me seriously. But they do well at their co-op and other places outside the home?!

  10. I'm literally on the edge of putting my kids back in. I was actually excited about the thought and encouraged about it yesterday, today...not so much.

    Partially because after talking to the superintendant here, I found out that our state has cut the budget so much that they had to lay off teachers. This in turn created a lot bigger class sizes, even bigger then the state usually allows.

    In fact, our town has five elementary schools and they are ALL full, maxed out, on class space. The only one that had some space left was for 2nd grade, in the school that caused us to pull our kids out in the first place. The Principal is NOT good at his job and was creating a negative environment for our child, as well as a negative relationship with us. It was just so toxic. But even then, if we put our 2nd grader back in that school then our 4th grader would be put into an overload class...over the max allowed limit because they literally have no where else to put him.


    I feel so wishy washy. I just don't know what to do. My husband isnt' much help - he's on the fence too. Basically, he says its up to me. When he found out that our only option is the school we didn't want them to go back to, he said no way. Then our 9 yr old talked him into it by promising to be good and just avoid the Principal. :(


    I just feel so overwhelmed lately and school days are beyond stressful. Now my college classes have started (I'm taking a full load online through our local college). My house can't stay caught up on housework. My boys are fighting all the time. I'm expecting number six in February...


    I don't want to send them back to school this way though. I dont' feel like the younger two (of the school aged kids) are ready yet, they haven't matured enough yet and it will be more of the same drama like when we pulled them out in the first place. And same Principal too.


    As much as I don't like it, as much as it would easy my stress and make me happier....I just don't know how PS will work just yet.

    I hate that our state puts so little importance on education that teachers had to be laid off and now all classes are to max full. How is that a good learning environment?


    But then I keep coming back to all the things they are doing at school that I'm not doing with my boys. Its a struggle just to cover the bare minimals. They aren't getting a full week of math, english, science, etc like other children in PS are getting.


    I'm not a creative parent. I don't have time for that. :( So I cant do all those fun field trips, unit studies, hands on projects, etc that I see other homeschool families do. LIke I said, just the bare minimals here. They get extra stuff like science, art, music, PE at their homeschool program but that is only 1.5 days a week.


    What if we decide to keep them home still but put them back in next year, and by then my boys are even further behind and have to be held back a grade?


    Argggh I just don't know what to do. I will keep praying, but I haven't gotten any answers.


    I see all of my friends who have their kids in PS and they are doing great. They are all happy, parents are happy, kids are learning... If it works for them, why can't it work for us?


    I just need some more insight, some advice...something to maybe help some. :(

  11. I live an hour from there. :)


    Definitely plan to go spend a day in Leavenworth. Its so fun! We live here (about 20 min from Leavenworth) and we still love to visit it a few times a year. :)


    As for Lake Chelan, things are winding down for tourist season. We've never really spent a lot of time in Lake Chelan. My husband works there, but not in town.

    I do know that there is a dinner cruise that will take you around the lake that is supposed to be pretty good. Of course there is always the wine tasting.


    Also, I've never been to Stehekin, but if you take the Lady of the Lake (the boat the goes up and down Lake Chelan) to the head of the lake, you'll get to Stehekin. Its a town that you can only get to via boat...no roads go to it. It has a nice lodge there and cabins you can rent. Good food I've heard too. I've always wanted to go walk around it. :)


    The weather here is getting a lot more cold now, so you probably wont want to do any of the water activities.

  12. For fourth grade....


    Can anyone tell me what is all covered in "Language arts"? Does it cover grammar, writing, reading, and spelling/vocab?


    I'm finding that our current curriculum of using several books for language arts is becoming quite the hassle. Also, homeschooling multiple kids is getting difficult. Since using Teaching Textbooks for math, I've found that using more computer-based independant curriculum has been MUCH easier - more is likely to get done, and the day goes better! lol


    Thank you!

  13. I usually spend a lot on my daughter's shoes. I don't believe in buying cheap shoes. Too many adults have foot problems. I had to have my foot operated on when I was in high school and I don't want her to have foot issues when she gets older. Flip flops are the worst. You can google and find many articles from foot doctors talking about how poorly made shoes' date=' especially flip flops, are causing more and more foot problems. I also heard that it is not good to share shoes. Something about the shoes forming to the foot of the first child that wears them, then the next child's foot can not fit properly.


    I am very happy, though, to find last year's model on clearance! :)[/quote']



    My boys don't wear their cheap shoes long enough to hurt their feet though. lol They wear out too fast. They are very hard on their shoes!

    Mostly they run around without shoes anyway. ;)

  14. I never spend more then $20 on my kids' shoes. Of course I have only boys, maybe that makes a difference? They could care less about brands. Phew.


    They go through shoes SO fast that its pointless to spend a ton of money on them. I once got nicer quality shoes for them, and they wore down to holes in the toes just as fast as the cheaper shoes did. lol


    So I either shop sales, Walmart, Payless (BOGO is great!). Or even second hand stores, yard sales, etc. :)


    I just got new shoes for my oldest four and spent $60. They were at Walmart but my boys LOVE them. :)

  15. I always wanted to be a mom. So much so that I became pregnant at 16 (yeah not one of my smartest moments of life, but I do believe my son, and the path my life took, was meant to be).


    So I think I would be really happy that I was to be a stay-at-home mom of 5, soon to be 6, kids. I never even thought about homeschooling when I was a kid though. I never knew much about it. I thought homeschoolers were just people who were really "churchy" and didn't want their kids to mix with others. lol! So I'd be pretty surprised about that.

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