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Posts posted by Sweetbeebie

  1. We had this same thing going on in various degrees about a month ago. I hate to say it last for a good month peaking to a can't move the last wk. Granted we very well may have had 2 different viruses back to back. The final week ended with my 2 youngest with 104/105 fever. The pediatrician said the flu...mine didn't go past feeling really icky for SO long..Hope yours doesn't last as long:)

  2. Going into our second yr my husband expressed the same concern. That and the over achiever/don't want to fail my kids part of me needed that reassurance also:). I ended up doing the A+ Learning assessment through the homeschool buyers co-op. For $49.95 you get a pre and post test in reading and math. You can set what standards to compare your child's scores against,making it a more accurate. We've only done the pre test so far but it's really helped us feel better about our choices. I now have Lexile and Quantile score's,grade level per subsection, and where they can start learning in all the areas of Math & reading...it was lk 20 pages long. Since that report (Sept2011) my hubby hasn't said a word:party: This is a man that asked about learning etc on a weekly basis before this.

  3. In the next couple of months our family (just turned 11,8,5) will be completing our second year of homeschooling. The first yr I did a TON of the planning and piecing the curriculum together on my own. They learned a lot but it left me exhausted and behind on all my other duties. This yr I've tried using curriculum that's already laid out,but still feel spread too thin. I need your help:confused:!!!

    I need something,possibly all in one,that won't keep me running back and forth between the 6th grader and 3rd grader next yr. I currently have little to no time for the little one in K or the much needed house duties.

    Currently looking at MFW Exploring Countries and Cultures. Thought I could possibly group the 2 older ones together. Maybe add the 7th - 8th grade supplement to keep my older easily bored child interested?? Or Sonlight?? It doesn't need to have a Christian theme...just to be challenging/not fluff.


    What we liked: SOTW volume 2,Saxon Math 7/6, writing with ease 3,Pimsleur's German,Wordly Wise 6.


    What didn't work: Lifepac science grade 2 & 6, Saxon Phonics second grade, Saxon Math 3,Right start Math, Singapore Math 2a


    Any suggestions???

  4. I went on Professor B's main site profb.com, which briefly flashes an under construction page followed by the main page.Then whenever I try to order anything I get a page that states the security certificate has expired and this site may have been hacked... I've emailed them twice, the first over a week ago with no response. The only other site that I've found to carry the cd's are in Canada(joy center for learning). I hate to have to order it from that far away...has anyone received anything from them in the last month or two?

  5. Mid to south Florida depending on how warm your wanting. I'm in Southwest Fla (Naples) which only fits the cheaper if your willing to drive 20-30 minutes to get to town. But the next county over,Lee/Fort Myers would fit everything you listed. We're 1.5/2 hrs from Miami and 3.5 from Orlando and all it's fun:)

  6. My oldest daughter whose about to turn 10, learned shoes in 2nd and still has trouble with her zippers! Yet like your son has an extraordinary ability to read or spell just about anything. Last yr I had her evaluated for everything & IQ tested. Come to find out all her quirks are due to being gifted. The doctor said gifted children excel academically and struggle with physical/coordination and socially. It's almost like they had to "trade" some "gifts" physically to be able to do all that mentally. Nothing in this life is free....I guess:) Just sounds like you have a gifted child on your hands.

  7. I've had a 2 story for about 4 years. It is nice having the bedrooms upstairs(quiet) and a smaller footprint but for me that's about it. You really need a laundry room upstairs and the stairs do get old. When my girls where smaller I was always worried about them falling down them...heck just the other day my 9 yr old stepped wrong and fell down about 4 steps to the landing getting some nice rug burns. Plus I have lower back problems and the stairs are just murder some days. If you or your hubby have any knee,leg,back,foot etc problems don't go for the stairs.. Our next house will be all on one floor:) Good luck and enjoy the process!

  8. My youngest whose 6 (first grade) is a lot like your daughter. Breaks are our biggest enemy! I have opted for shorter days with normal Sat/Sun off and not too much of anything else. I needed to take a week off for Christmas just to get settled and had to deal with the usual tears/bullheadedness for 2 days. Try to find her interest and push ahead as much as possible. I start with her favorite subject each day to help break the negative mindset. Online learning games have also helped a bunch...my daughters biggest thing is not the lack ability but the fear of getting things wrong. I've started letting the error just reappear as new work for the next day (that I go over) and laying on the "great jobs". Our school days have been wonderful since I've started all this...Good luck :)

  9. This happened to me prior to Thanksgiving. What helped me was to look at what the public school had planned for the whole yr. Not sure about where you live but here in Fla the main focus is state testing...which I believe determines how much funding they will receive?? My oldest who was in public school last yr(3rd) they spent up until dec getting everyone up to the basic reading level...then after the fcat's they did a lot of art projects:( No joke!! She reviewed basic reading,math and the same study of basic matter that she has since k. The only thing that was added was multiplication... sooo with that said....cut yourself some slack! Anything gotta be better than that:)

    Take the time off.....it will make all the difference. I did a basic wk of one or 2 worksheets on core skills in math/reading and then took a week off for Thanksgiving. That little gift of free time has reset the yr for me and the girls:)

  10. Funny how kids can see the wonder in everything:) Aside from that your a wonderful wife for actually doing all the light removal AND going with the 2 less boxes of lights! I would have had to wait for my dear hubby to get home and help when the mention of removing the lights came up. Thanks for the smile...I can so relate to the can we hang the ornaments for the 50th time as you stress out:)

  11. My oldest is gifted and has a terrible time with this also...understands the concept but makes the "stupid" mistakes. What has helped her remember to recheck her work for those mistakes has been allowing her to do a lot less work if she gets all the initial practice problems right. Just knowing if she checks and catches those mistakes her math work is cut in half:) has made a world of difference. Suddenly those silly mistakes almost NEVER happen.

  12. I was thinking of purchasing the membership with cd for the Tampa Reads/reading key program. Before doing so I'd like to hear if anyone has found it useful or worth the $100 investment?? It appears that with the full membership you receive a cd with all materials making it possible not to need the membership for next yr?? Correct me if I'm wrong on this one:) thanks!!!!

  13. It helped my daughter a lot to put the times sign by divisor so she would remember the number on top the "house" is the missing # in a multiplication problem. I even wrote it out that way on the side a couple of times to help visualize it. As for bringing down the zero's.... I told her that if the question didn't specify rounded to the nearest place value that you place the decimal to show the whole # and add zero's until you get zero or the same # to infinity:) Hope that makes since....

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