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Posts posted by lovemytea

  1. I hope he's feeling better now. My mom always put us in a tepid bath. Generally within a few minutes it was coming down. Keep in mind that sometimes a fever is a good thing. It is the reaction of fighting off an infection. If it continues, I'm sure you'll take him to the doctor to find the source.



    My ds has a fever, and he's pretty miserable with the aches and chills, but he can't take any pain relievers/fever reducers. What else could I do to help him feel more comfortable?
  2. Amen to that! Satan is most definitely real. I applaud you for standing up for what you believe. So often when we do that, we are called "holier than thou" or "judgmental". I worship God and only God. There is only one God. All others are figments of one's imagination.






    The other gods are fallen angels, Satan's host. And, of course, some are just figments of men's imaginations. Many are very real though.


    This is an interesting thread. I just came in on it today and don't intend to run my mouth too much.


    Listen, ya'll, I've said this before on this board and I don't care about my reputation. Not one bit. So, let me say again, not that I expect anyone to hear, just gotta say... I have seen Lucifer. I saw him face to face, up close and personal on several occasions. When my sons were six and three, they saw him also. He manifested himself to me as an angel. What you would typically think of as an angel. Very beautiful. So beautiful that I thought he was God. My youngest son saw him as a dragon type beast and my oldest son saw him in the forms of smoky white circles that floated through our home.


    Now, I'm only sharing that to say that the Devil is real. He is not myth, he is not an archtype of man's fears or whatever else you want to say. He is a person. He is real.


    Now, I'm not saying that all pagans are devil worshipers. I don't believe that at all. I respect the right of anyone to worship anyone or anything or no one or no thing - of their own choice. But, as I've gone through the posts here, I keep reading that the devil isn't real. Well, he is real. I know he's real because I have both seen and conversed directly with him over a period of time. He is a great deceiver and his ultimate goal is to cause others to worship him as a god. As long as you go along, he is quite nice. When the Lord God opened my eyes to what was happening... well, let's just say he didn't stay nice.


    That's all I wanted to say. Best wishes and good will to all.

    Bless ya'll.

  3. Thanks. I'll check them out.


    We buy our K-cups by the case from Coffee Giant. There are usually 4 boxes per case with 25 K-cups per box. If you live in the US, you can usually get free shipping over $45. We are in Canada and, even with the shipping, it is the cheapest place for us to buy them.



  4. Were they married at the time of her death? If they were, I'd let him decide what to do. If I were the child, I'd want all of my mom's things. You can always put them in plastic bins in the attic and let the dc have them when they move out.


    So far as a picture of the two of them, I would keep the pictures in the kids' rooms. I'm divorced from my son's father and my husband and I had no problem with him keeping a picture of me and his father in his room. In fact, we supported that because he is still his father.

  5. My understanding about not having any other gods before our heavenly Father, is this: anything that takes you away from worshipping God is having a god before him. In other words, alcohol can be a god. If you are drunk all the time and not in worship, that is your god. If you work all the time and not taking time to worship, that is your god. Having pictures of your children on your mantle, is not a god. If you don't worship God but worship your children, then they are your god. A god can be anything that you put before our Father in heaven.


    Does that include pictures of your children? I am really confused by this:


    any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.


    What about dolls? Or stuffed animals? Or your children drawing pictures of animals?



  6. I'm simple minded when it comes to Christianity. Many theologians and scholars will try and make Christianity very complicated, but it really isn't. I'm not going to read the Bible and tear it to shreds trying to make it say something that I want to believe. I do think there are many, many people who will do that so they can feel they will be in heaven one day with our heavenly Father and still continue as they please. That's not how it is. God said that no one goes to the Father except through Jesus Christ, our Lord. I believe that with all my heart. I don't believe I can go into the forest (and I'm not picking or poking fun) and absorb the nature around me and chant little songs about the god of trees or dirt or rivers and worship the things of the earth, and God will accept me into His kingdom, because I would be worshipping the wrong thing. I worship only our Lord and Savior. Not the things He made. I thank him for the things he made; for the beauty of the earth. I thank him for sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for my sins so that I will have eternal life with him. John 3:16 said it simply enough that a child can understand. "For God so love the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believe in Him will have ever lasting life." You can't worship the earth and all that is in it, and worship God. It doesn't work that way. "You shall have no other gods before me."



  7. I have to agree that the "uneducated" family could use a few lessons in proper grammar, but at least they were nice. The jerk from England (or as the visiting wife said, "British") was the most unkind person I have ever heard. I wonder what shape his front lawn is in today?


    One of the couples is highly educated, well-traveled, very cultured. And the dad is quite possibly the rudest person I have ever seen. He reminds me of what the Bible says about knowledge without love being like a ...what is it...clanging bell? He just keeps putting this woman down, and doing it with a half-smile on his face!
  8. And, once again, I'm saying you can only know the things of which you were introduced. I did read his work and it was incredibly depressing. I have "introduced" my dds to him because I feel it's necessary. But, my point is, not all have been. I was simply pointing out that one isn't educated because of knowing, and one isn't uneducated because of not knowing, EAP.



    I just want to point out that there's been a leap from "not culturally literate" to "stupid and uneducated." I'd also note that the last two labels have no necessary connection with each other, nor do "stupid" and "not culturally literate." At the same time, "graduated from school" and "educated" are by no means synonymous either.


    Also, once again, we are not talking about reading or enjoying Poe, but about recognizing his name. Nor are we talking about the inherent worth of any individual, their earning power, their manners, their contribution to society, their personal holiness, or anything other than their level of "general knowledge" and how that relates to the (apparently controversial) concept of being "well-educated."

  9. I agree. I went through 12 years of pubic education. I didn't go to kindergarten because it wasn't as widely available as it is now. I graduated from high school without failing any grades. I was an average student. I did everything I was asked to do by my teachers and I read everything I was asked to read. If I wasn't introduced to a particular author, that doesn't make me uneducated or illiterate. It simply means that I, as with all students, couldn't possibly read all the material available.


    Obviously I never read Of Mice and Men. I have read The Grapes of Wrath though, just so you don't think I am totally illiterate. Will someone be starting a thread about my gap now? :D
  10. Thank you for taking the time to post this. I really appreciate it. :)


    People who worship the Christian or Islamic devil (and I don't know of any other religions that have a devil) are called Satanists. People who practice pre-Christian, poly- or duo-theistic, usually nature-centric religions are called pagans. Wiccans and Witches are types of pagans. (You capitalize it because it's a proper name, just like Idahoans or Russians.)


    Sometimes we differentiate between types of pagans by using the prefixes paleo-, meso- and neo-, so you'll see Neopagan in print a lot if you Google this. Paleo- means the paganism of people who hadn't come into contact with a Big Three Monotheist religion (Islam, Christianity, Judaism). Meso- means paganism that was kind of muddled up with those three, in a not very scholarly attempt to reclaim paleo-paganism. A good example of Meso-paganism would be the romantic Druid orders of the 1800s. Neopagans are a religion growing organically and uniquely according to a nature-centric sometimes-pantheism that is inspired by what modern science knows about nature (ie, the Big Bang told poetically as creation myth) and by mostly scholarly research into the belief systems and practices of the Paleo- and Meso-pagans.


    Here's a brief rundown on what many Neopagans believe completely stolen and hacked up from documents that run up and down the religious community by Isaac Bonewits (whose books are very fascinating and totally worth asking your library to get for you):



    Neopagans believe that divinity is both immanent (internal) and transcendent (external), with immanence being far more important for people to pay attention to right now.


    Neopagans believe that children are born holy, since they have no barriers of consciousness between them and their indwelling deities.


    Neopagans believe that divinity is as likely to manifest in a female form as it is in a male form, and that the word “Goddess†makes just as much sense as “God.â€


    Neopagans believe in a multiplicity of gods and goddesses, as well as “lesser†beings, many of Whom are worthy of respect, love and worship. Within that overall polytheism, much of Neopaganism is “duotheistic†(with female deities seen as aspects of a single Goddess, and male deities as aspects of a single God).


    Neopagans do not believe in, respect, or worship any divine or semidivine figure of ultimate Evil, leaving such concepts to the dualistic monotheists. “The Devil†is a character in Christian and Islamic mythology, a blasphemous parody of ancient Paleopagan deities, and an entity we have not the least bit of interest in.



    Most Neopagans believe it is necessary to respect and love Nature as divine in Her own right, and to accept ourselves as part of Nature and not Her “rulers.â€


    Most Neopagans believe in accepting the positive aspects of Western science and technology — most of us love our computers! — but also in maintaining an attitude of wariness towards the supposed ethical neutrality of that science and technology.


    Most Neopagans believe in some variant or another of the principles of “karma,†and many Neopagans will affirm that the results of their actions will always return to them, sooner or later. This belief that “what goes around, comes around,†whether thought of as karmic retribution or as an ecological principle, has a major influence on the ethical choices made by most Neopagans.


    Neopagans believe that human beings were meant to lead lives filled with joy, love, pleasure, beauty and humor.


    Many Neopagans consider sexual ecstacy as both a divine blessing and a major source of spiritual growth and enlightenment, though we vary widely in how, with whom, and under what circumstances we seek such ecstacy.



    Neopagans believe that with proper training, art, discipline and intent, human minds and hearts are fully capable of performing most of the magic and miracles they are ever likely to need. Magical and/or miraculous acts are done through the use of what most of us perceive as natural (some say “divinely grantedâ€) psychic talents, or occasional divine intervention.



    Neopagans believe in the importance of celebrating the solar, lunar and other cycles of our lives.



    Most Neopagans believe in some sort of afterlife, usually involving rest and recovery in an Otherworld before reincarnating.


    Religious Duty

    Most Neopagans believe that people have the ability to solve their current problems, both personal and public, and to create a better world, even though we might not all think of ourselves as “utopians.â€


    Neopagans believe that people can progress far towards achieving personal growth, evolution and balance through the carefully planned alteration of our “normal†(culturally defined and limited) states of consciousness.


    Most Neopagans believe that human interdependence implies community service.


    Neopagans believe that if we are to achieve any of our goals, we must practice what we preach.


    Most Neopagans believe that healthy religions should have a minimum amount of rigidity and a maximum amount of flexibility.


    Most Neopagans believe that it’s difficult for ordinary humans to commit offenses “against the Gods and Goddesses,†short of major crimes such as ecocide or genocide.


    Most Neopagans believe in cooperation and ecumenical activities with those members of other faiths who share all or most of these beliefs.

  11. You're so right. Things like this can be turned into something ugly and I don't want that. I respect your feelings. I've just heard so much through the years and I want to be educated. It's like someone was saying earlier about Muslims and how the woman had a misconstrued idea of what they are like. I don't know about Muslims, either. It's my job as a Christian to introduce God to those who aren't Christians. It's not my job to judge or condemn. Please know that's not what I'm doing. But, I can't witness to people of a different religion if I don't know anything about theirs. So, am I trying to convert you, or anyone? No, I'm not. You have made a decision and I respect that. But, I want to be sensitive to those who are different in their religion than I. Thank you for taking the time to explain. I'll look at the sites you gave us.




    Sorry, I'm sure you're just trying to wrap your brain around an unfamiliar idea, but this is the kind of post that can so easily be turned around.


    Why do you choose to be a Christian instead of a pagan?

    Don't you believe in the [insert deity of your choice here]?

    Have you ever considered that you could be wrong if you choose not to worship as I do?


    People follow their own hearts and minds when it comes to faith. If you're seriously interested in learning rather than converting, I hope someone comes up with some good resources for you.


    Maybe this would give you a good start: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pagan


    Or try here: http://www.paganed.net/

  12. Hey Kelli,


    Again, I'm very curious so please bare with me. It sounds to me, and I'm trying to paraphrase, that witches want pretty much the same things we as Christians do, only they worship gods and goddesses, not our Heavenly Father. So, why then, would one choose to be a witch instead of a Christian? Do you not believe in Jesus? I guess not. So, when you say you worship gods and goddesses, what are they? God of good health, goddess of plants, etc? I'm so very curious? Have you ever thought that God could exist and you choose not to worship Him? Or that Jesus really exists?


    Thank you.


    Most people (except for immediate family) do not know I am a witch... and I think they would be shocked to find out! Many witches stay "in the broom closet" so to speak, for obvious reasons-- there is so much misinformation and prejudice out there. It's very possible you know pagans and witches; they just don't advertise the fact.
  13. I didn't know this. I'm still sure they make a bunch off of TLC, but the fact that they did all they did is very impressive. Maybe I'll have to start looking at them a little differently.



    Have you read his book?

    They started humbly, and through some wise investments got to where they are today.

    Maybe his personality doesn't appeal to you, but he really can't be described as dumb.

  14. It wasn't I who said he was dumb or whatever; I simply said I don't believe he didn't have any help from TLC. You said the book said they did it all alone. That's really cool! I admire that.


    Although I rarely post anymore, I just had to reply.


    I just finished reading thier book, and yes they did it all by themselves.

    Jim Bob may come off as whatever you said, but he is a smart buisness man and made a lot of wise investments. He bought his first house at age 19 to prove he could provide for Michelle. They spent a lot of years living in really small houses and running several buisnesses at once. They only had one mortgage, their first.


    TLC did help with the finishing of the house, but that was a gift and I think that they didn't want to wait for them to finish the house. Production crews are expensive to keep on hold indefinately to finish a show.


    You may not like JIm Bob, but I don't think that dumb would be an accuate description.

  15. Kelli,


    Thank you for answering my question. What makes you a "witch"? Can you tell me what your life is like?



    Most people (except for immediate family) do not know I am a witch... and I think they would be shocked to find out! Many witches stay "in the broom closet" so to speak, for obvious reasons-- there is so much misinformation and prejudice out there. It's very possible you know pagans and witches; they just don't advertise the fact.
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