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Posts posted by FortWorthCookes

  1. We just found out we're expecting twins. We have a 5 year old, a 3 year old and a 12 month old. The twins will be due in November. We're in the middle of our 5 year old's K year and my husband said that he think that public school is going to have to be an option just to keep our heads above water with this incredibly chaotic year ahead of us.


    I agree that it's going to be chaotic and that public school would be nice, but I can't let go of my feeling that I am her best and most invested teacher, and that there will be so much to undo on a daily basis. I am heartbroken at the thought, but really don't know how I'd manage it all.


    Any advice? I was homeschooled through 12th grade and homeschooling is what I envision for our family. Letting go of that, even for a couple of years, is a devastating thought for me.

  2. I do agree that a nice guy is a nice guy, and a truly respectful guy will act like a gentleman in any situation. I do not, however, agree that the "I'll dress however I want and what you do with it is your problem" approach is fair to men. (OR women, for that matter) Many, many men are truly uncomfortable with the visual onslaught of "sexy" that's out there. Many teenage boys just don't know what to do with it at all. Men are visual creatures and I think that as women we should respect the fact that giving visual cues and then expecting men to act like they don't see it is unfair, to say the least. I can't possibly expect to be respected by the whole of society when I don't present myself as being respectable. Young women deserve so much more than that. I would hope that my three girls grow up knowing that a woman's appearance is the first impression she gives the world, and a modest young woman has so much more room to be taken seriously and gain respect and admiration.

  3. DH and I got married at 22/21. What's worked for us?


    • Getting our education out of the way EARLY. DH pushed through his MBA with two tiny kids in the house because we knew it would never get done otherwise.
    • Living FAR away from our parents. You can't be rescued if there's no one there to rescue you! We solve our own problems and we cling to one another.
    • Practice NFP - the divorce rate of NFP couples is about 2-4%. It requires a level of communication and trust that I haven't found anywhere else.
    • Practicing a single faith together. Interfaith marriages can work for many people, but for us, sharing our faith alleviates so much stress.
    • Getting married young. When you don't yet know who you are, it's nice to grow into that person with someone else at your side.
    • We don't have a "deal-breaker" list. There are no "deal-breakers." We're in it together and we're in it for life. Unless he becomes a serial killer. At that point I may consider some alternative.
    • We try to make every word we speak thoughtful, kind and forgiving. It's not hard to live with someone once you realize you couldn't liive without them.

    At 28, I'm still young and probably naive, but I was raised with the tools to manage and manage well. Teaching children to manage money and a household long before you think they'll need the skills will prepare them far ahead of the curve.

  4. I am considering not doing well-baby visits at this point. C is my third and is fat, healthy and doing fine. She had a WBV two weeks ago and is still fighting the cold she came home with. My only concern is that she does need shots - I feel like every time we turn around she needs shots. At her 4m visit she had FIVE, and that was after I turned down Hep B altogether. I generally wait until they're 4m to start doing shots just because I feel like I can't in good conscience put that much into a child I don't know yet. I am still feeling like her last visit was just too much. At this point she has her 6m WBV at the end of Nov and they'll be doing boosters of all the ones she just had. As I'm pretty conservative on doctors, vaccines and the like, I'm not sure what to do for her 6m, as I know they'll pull the "Well if we don't do all of them, she'll be totally off her schedule and we might have to do them over again later" and blah blah blah.


    Now I've rambled. My question is, what to do you do when they're so tiny and they're scheduled for this and that their whole first year?

  5. Gosh, I've never even thought of having a list somewhere or keeping our really sentimental stuff in one place. We live on a golf course with big, dry trees surrounding our house. The thought of losing our house in a fire makes me sick. I think I'll start creating a list and at least put our sentimental items in one place. We've only had two summers here, but the threat of fires is bad every year, it feels.

    Thanks for this post! Something to think about!

  6. Get to the earliest Mass you can find. We usually do 7:30 Mass and the kids are ten times better - I have no idea why!

    I would also hit a Catholic bookstore and see about getting some of the St Joseph picture books and coloring books. They're super cheap and incredibly informative and entertaining. They're also nice and light, so you can put a big stack of them into the Church bag.

    I also agree with those who said going to daily Mass can help. It's usually about 30-40 minutes and helps them practice.


    We also bribe with donuts. Every. Single. Week.

  7. I was looking at the "homeschooling before compulsory school age" post and noticed that many people said that they aren't really for preschooling - what are the reasons for that? We're not sending our almost 4yo just because I really don't see much value added, but I was wondering what some other reasons were for not supporting the idea of preschool. Just interesting to me with the ages of my kids!


    Also, my 4yo is my oldest and we haven't really begun our homeschooling "journey" yet. We also have a 2 year old and one due in about 2 weeks. I'd like to create an atmosphere of learning around here, just to set the tone and start moving myself into a move motivated mood. Can anyone recommend some ways to get our family moving in that general direction so that we can set aside a few learning days each week when fall gets here? I'm a homeschool graduate and know I'm committed to what we're about to do, but I'm really not sure how to make that first step toward actual education. Even the slightest "can I show you..." is met with resistance from DD1 and I'm so confused about how to get her interested in learning from ME. Is this normal at this age? :001_smile:

  8. At this point I would be sticking with a 7-night 8:30 bedtime. I would tell him that once he can prove that he's ready to stay up with the adults, he can do so on special occasions, but tantrums and making a scene at bedtime are proving just the opposite right now. Some kids just can't handle a flexible bedtime schedule like that - I'd keep it incredibly rigid and predictable until he's really doing bedtime like a champ.

  9. Once those words were out of her mouth...the plates would have been off the car. I am very serious. If I pay the insurance, I own the plates.


    NO WAY would I allow a kid who thinks they are an adiult to speak to me that way. THAT is the issue...not the insurance or bills or anything else...and if she disowned me...her problem...not mine.


    Sorry, but the priority is respect...and some kids need to learn hard lessons. I would not get into an argument...i would just get my screw driver...pop off the plates...and tell her she wants to be free....so free she is....





    :iagree: 100%. Any kid who talks to me like that can walk to wherever she needs to go.


    I am so sorry you're dealing with this. I will keep her in my prayers!

  10. My 4-year-old is begging me to "teach her to read." She can recognize her letters on paper and knows their sounds, but as far as where to go from here, I'm a little lost.


    I'm considering combining Sound Beginnings with AlphaPhonics as my mom has done for many of us, but am wondering if there's anything else out there that might help.


    I saw that the "100 Easy Lessons" software is free through the end of the month, but the massive amount of space it needs on the computer concerned me a little - is it worth the space on my drive and the long download time?

  11. Hi All!


    I have a 3.5 yo, a 2 yo and another due in May. Our plan is to HS, as I was HS and believe in the lifestyle and process.

    Our 3.5 yo DD is very into the thought of "going to school." I know it's the age and the influence of toddler tv shows and the like, but I think it's starting to let some doubt creep into our conviction. My husband mentioned preschool the other day, and I've started looking at schools in the area, "Just to be sure." We're in North TX, so the schools are "good," but I think that I'm still mostly sure the HS is what will benefit our on-the-go, cohesive, education-centered family.

    What can I do to create an atmosphere that says, "We're a homeschooling family" when my daughters and husband aren't quite sure what a homeschooling family is? I'd like the keep the mindset we started out in, but I'm not sure what to do with these in-between years. She's really anxious to be sitting at a desk in a traditional school, but I really don't know how to convey that a traditional school isn't where we're headed!

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