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Posts posted by LisaCA

  1. I have ordered History Odyssey Modern Level 2. I am in a charter so I will not get the material for over a month and a week before start time. I want to plan now.

    It has 99 lessons so I figured we would cover the first 49 in semester 1.

    How many lessons should we do in a week? Does the time to cover each lesson vary?

  2. You could check into History Odyssey by Pandia Press. This will be our first year using this material (8th grade). They use different spines and it looks like it will be good for us. We always used STOW and Kingfisher and everything else we had time for.

    At second grade I would choose based on its overall treatment of an era / topic and its appeal to my child. A love of learning is what I would foster. As they get older, always get as many "primary sources" that you can to read and discuss yourselves. I love history and one thing you'll learn is that there are going to be inaccuracies and misinterpretations especially when reading reviews in places like amazon. When found in a text or other places, I like to take those instances as an opportunity to have a discussion with my child and we investigate and draw our own conclusions. Like I said, your second grader is going to get a taste of history and just start to make connections, most likely they are not going to memorize details.

  3. My DD needs an elective for senior year and I thought she could do this as a refresher (she completed Biology and Chemistry but can not conceive taking the advanced courses along with her current work load). An added benefit to us all is that she can study with younger sister.

    I would like to make it more challenging by accessing the book extras from 2nd edition.

    I did not realize when I bought the 1st edition that they were not included. Would someone mind sharing the code?

    Or, if you have suggestions for "extra" reading/study to make this a HS course, I'd appreciate your input.

  4. This site has movies and lesson plans specific to countries or eras etc. and India is included.


    India -- Lesson Plans from Films Relating to India




    • Force More Powerful -- Short Subject World/India, Poland, Denmark, Chile, South Africa; 1800s - the Present; U.S./1945 - the Present; Civil Rights Movement, Tennessee [12+; Six sections, each between 20 and 30 minutes in length]


      [*]Gandhi Biography; World/India, South Africa, England & 1800s - Cold War Era; U.S./Diversity; Religions [10+]

      [*]A Passage To India World/India & England; Literature/England [12+]

      [*]Water World/India; Religions/Hinduism; Literature/Literary Devices [12+; Literary devices analyzed: character, symbols, subplot, foils and irony]



  5. Pulling out the main topic is a great start. Have him then put 1-3 words from each of the following sentences as sub points. That's great that he can pull out the main idea, now he just needs to pull out the details/supporting ideas. Hope this helps.


    I. Title or Main topic

    A. First paragraph main idea (topic sentence)

    1. Detail 1

    2. Detail 2

    a. more info. detail 2

    3. Detail 3

    B. Paragraph 2

  6. If they are using MLA format for their paper; by the time they set their margins, heading, 12 font, double spaced, a basic 5 paragraph essay should not be too difficult. Remember, for college entrance exams they will have only the allotted time to read the topic, brainstorm, do a quick outline, and write. It might be a good time to practice this and say that the paper does not have to be perfect but is like a pop quiz or impromptu essay.

  7. STOW and with older begin teaching outlining using Kingfisher, also lots of library books or barrow books from friends; just put them all out their and let them discover the useful info.

    You can also find many supplements free of the internet, it just takes lots of time to narrow it down and organize. Figure out which year you are doing and ask the board about free materials available online.


    Good luck and many blessings.

  8. My first choice would be once a month plus seeing their kids play sports, dance, act etc. so I chose once a week. I don't "expect" this of course but it would be nice. I have one that no longer lives at home and once a week has been nice and if she has plans I just catch her the next week. I will love it if every 2-3 months we all (girls husbands + children) got together.

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