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Posts posted by emcap

  1. Trader Joes has ginger mints that helped a lot.


    Also, just read a blog post (The Fike Life) where she swore by something called the Pink Stork? https://pinkstork.com/shop/starter-bundle/

    I used pink stork with this pregnancy (just had my baby a week ago!) and it helped tremendously. Don't get me wrong, it was still horrible, but I was able to get off the sofa for a bit each day. I found it was important to incorporate all parts of the program. It's expensive but was worth it for me.


    Im sick throughout pregnancy and pink stork gave me back the will to live 😉

  2. love my ikea kitchen.  We've only had it for about seven months, but so far its great.  We have all drawers in the base cabinets and its the best thing ever.  the quality seems really good so far, love the storage options, and workers (electrician, etc) that we've brought in have been impressed and commented that they'd like to use them in their own homes.

    • Like 1
  3. I sympathize! Almost the same situation here. Little girl cut her hair, we got it evened out, hair grows forward and is constantly in her face. Complains when I gently comb it and pulls out elastics if she thinks about it. Strongly opposes bangs.


    Will your child let you blow dry her hair? I know it can't be done every day, but every couple days when we wash her hair I blow it dry with some mousse or gel while holding it parted on the side and that seems to keep it out of her face for a while. Maybe use some good hair product/spray to brush and keep it to the side and out of her face on other days?


    I'm not judgy about other kids, but I can't stand my kids to have hair hanging in their faces. I can't just "leave her be" because it drives me nuts. Like chewing sounds type nuts.


    My girl's hair is too thick for soft barrettes and too slippy for hair bands. We usually just try to keep it out of her face and pull just the crown into a side ponytail on top/back of her head for when we need to go out. And she pulls it out when we get home.

  4. My current island is factory painted wood and it chips easily--I wonder if it's the type of wood. Perhaps it's too soft for the wear and tear and island gets? I will say that I think we are not hard on things. We've been in this house more than 10 years and people who don't know think it's much newer than it is.

    Ours are the white coated from IKEA, I think any painted cabs would chip, that's what drew me to that type after having painted ones. Our old cabinets were oak, and that's a pretty hard wood. I think it's just the nature of paint. I also like how smooth the coating is. I wasn't sure what it was called though to specify.

  5. In our last house, I painted the cabinets white. It looked great, but It was a little harder to keep clean and chipped about 20x easier, in our current house we put in factory white cabinets. They are so easy to clean, the surface is super smooth and they wipe up like a dream. I simply added wiping cabinets to my seven year olds weekly chore list (takes him maybe 10mins) and they never get gross at all. Always looks fresh and clean.


    One thing to consider is if your family is rough on things. We got soft close cabs/drawers and I tell me boys not to crash into things! I think getting chipped is a huge factor in them looking grungy.


    Good luck!

    • Like 1
  6. Just wanted to add our story.


    My son was diagnosed with Lyme meningitis last summer, we are not sure how long he had it, according to the ophthalmologist he had been sick a long time. We/docs just couldn't figure out his symptoms. He was put on doxy and it was so horrible for him. He would scream in pain, his elbows and shoulders hurt so much. We tried different doses and types of doxy with no improvement. Finally he had a picc line inserted and we gave ceftriaxone twice daily. He was absolutely a different kid. The joint aches were not from the Lyme, it is a possible side effect of doxy. He is completely recovered now, we saw his neurologist for the final time last week and she was very pleased. He no longer needs his infectious disease doc and one more ophtho appt and we should be done.


    My point is that complete recovery is absolutely within reach, also maybe there is a treatment option that would be better for her. I'm don't know what she is getting right now, but my kids absolutely will never have doxy again. It also threw off his bicarb level and we had to supplement that. I feel guilty for the two weeks he was on it and I didn't throw enough of a fit at the docs to get him something else. They didn't believe it could cause so much pain. Sorry for rambling, it was a rough six months, but I have my boy back now

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  7. We are hoping to take a trip this spring somewhere beautiful and warm, taking six kids ages 1-13.  we were thinking US Virgin Islands to avoid passports for everyone.  My dh and I plus one child would need to renew and everyone else need a new one, that adds a lot to the expense, but if its worth it we would be willing to consider it. especially if other islands are a lot cheaper.


    random info - No specific requirements that I can think of.  I would like (of course) to make it as economical as possible.  Love to explore a bit and see some sites, maybe some hiking, etc. but plenty of time on the beach also.  beautiful easy-ish access snorkeling! any awesome side trip ideas would be so welcome 



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  8. I use grommet top window curtains. Two are needed to cover an average shower width. The grommets slide beautifully, they come in so many prints and colors, and since they are longer they add lovely height. Multiple people thought my bathroom had high ceilings


    I'm trying to include a pic, I've never done it before. It isn't clear, but you can kind of see the shower curtain reflected in the mirror. Sorry, it's the only pic I have


    Whoops file was too big. Sorry, I'm not help

  9. No I don't really think that Magformers and Magnatiles are compatible. The Magformers are a lot smaller. I mean the magnets in each will stick together but the sizes are different so you can't really form a stable structure with both. I tried making a simple house with both and it didn't work. I will probably try and sell my Magformers or give them to a friend.


    ooh! are you interested in getting rid of your magformers?!  my kids cant get enough! If you decide to sell, will you let me know how much you want for them? I can't afford much, but I'd definitely be interested!


    Sorry for the odd derail, but I've been searching for used magformers for a while now.  On Ebay they seem to go for almost new prices :(

  10. I had a similar sort of relative lose a baby in similar circumstances. She actually would have like that - I'm 99% sure. But I couldn't bring myself to send something like that. I felt like I had to walk a strange line between my own beliefs about grief and my perception of what she likely wanted and needed. Comforting someone is odd like that sometimes... I think we have to be ourselves and share our own genuine sense of love and care, but we also have to respect the needs and beliefs of the person we're trying to comfort, as well as any sense of best practices for the situation.

    This is so true. I'm definitely sticking with a card. They are extremely well off with several well off siblings, both sides of very well off parents around, so I don't plan to send a grocery or restaurant card. She has a wonderful support system all around her. I personally dislike birthstone jewelry etc, and while she may like it I don't want to send it without knowing for sure.


    Thanks again for the replies. I'm so glad I asked. This is why I'm always so unsure about things. Something I would treasure would offend others, what I would resent as clutter that I need to store is treasured by others. I want to support her, but the reality is that she doesn't need me and we don't know each other well (she is my husbands much older brother's child. We're only about 4 years apart and we have met maybe four times). I'll let her know she's loved but leave the rest to those who know her better and live closer.


    I'm so sorry for all of you who have experienced loss, thanks for sharing your insights with me.

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  11. Wow, I'm so glad I asked! I have to say, the poem is the same cheesy type nonsense typically included in sympathy cards that I skim and generally feel is completely worthless. I truly had no idea people take those things to heart. I guess that answers my question of why companies still bother printing them. Since o had a miscarriage and not a lot of people even knew, it is my remembrance of my little one, I can definitely see how that is different. I am absolutely certain she shares my beliefs, but I definitely don't want to risk offending her in any way.

    Thanks for the replies, I'll just get a card

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  12. My niece lost her 24 week old preemie yesterday, he was one week old. We are not close, mainly just because we've always lived far away. I want her to feel loved and cared for and remembered but I'm not good at this social stuff. Would it be appropriate to send her this? https://www.amazon.com/Calls-Little-Children-Angel-Figurine/dp/B000MY0P7M

    I do not want to add to her sorrow right now, but I imagine there's no escaping it anyway. I received this after a miscarriage and it is very beautiful.

    We cannot make the services due to living far away. Would just a card be better?

    Thanks for your help

  13. Thank you so much! the idea of supplementing with a different approach is great, I'll look into life of Fred. He actually does his work in a notebook, I'll make sure I check it over more often to make sure he's working them correctly.


    Life has been crazy in a bad way this year and the thought that my ma choice wasn't a good one was slightly devastating.


    Thank you again!

    • Like 2
  14. My son has been doing Aleks for pre algebra and since I haven't seen much about it here I did some searching and it seems not many people use it as a stand alone curriculum. It has been so great for him and for me to have him do his work independently. We both love it. Is it not enough? I want to give him a solid foundation and I need him to be mostly independent. I occasionally need to help him understand a topic, but he mostly does it completely by himself. I'm worried it's not enough and that my beautiful bubble is going to be burst :(


    I looked into Derek Owens, but at $60/month it's pretty expensive for us.

  15. Update:

    So Friday we went to the optometrist, she looked into his eyes and sent us immediately to the ophthamologist and he sent us straight to the ER. Much inter cranial pressure so they did a spinal tap and drained a bunch of fluid. That was Friday, looks like we'll be in the hospital till at least Tuesday awaiting test results. Most likely Lyme meningitis. Ugh. We've lived here 6 weeks, welcome to New England.


    Thanks again for the comments and support. It was so helpful to get thoughts and opinions while waiting for the doctors appts

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  16. Thanks everyone. Your kind words brought tears to my eyes.


    He took a lovely nap yesterday afternoon and has slept wonderfully all night and is still sleeping. I checked on him this morning and he said he feels much better. Of course, we will still be seeking medical help and trying to figure this out but I'm so happy for him to get some relief.

    • Like 7
  17. I'll look for a developmental eye doctor, thanks for the heads up


    As far as the ct scan not being enough to rule out a brain tumor......nooooooo!!!! That's exactly NOT what I wanted to hear! I was so comforted by that stupid scan....


    Again though, thanks for the input. I really appreciate it

  18. I have been concerned about migraines so we'll check into that, and he does need his eyes checked.

    He took a long nap and woke up happier, I hope he improves soon!

    And yes, not my fave way to get introduced to the medical care in the area!

    Thanks again for the replies

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  19. We are brand new to the area and didn't have a ped. He has an appointment but it's not for a few more days, since he'll be a new patient they didn't have openings immediately. Vomitting was worse plus the double vision prompted the ER visit.


    He is 7


    We didn't get him an appointment immediately since he would seem to feel better for several days in a row every couple days. It's gotten worse in just the past few days.


    Thanks for the advice everyone.

  20. Thanks for the replies. I was really worried about Lyme but there were some symptoms he didn't have. I'll def ask though


    I'll look a bit into the neurological angle as well and ask about it


    As the mom of six healthy kids who've never had more than a short cold, I'm so unfamiliar with this!

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