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Posts posted by momofsbandeg

  1. Bless your heart. Hugs!!!!


    If you feel that it's not a good match for him and your family right now take the pressure off and give yourself permission to regroup. I used TOG several years ago and I completely understand. There is no way in our season of life right now that I could make it work for our family and my 10th grader (we moved last year, my best friend passed away this summer from a battle with cancer). When life changes happen...taking care of a baby is definitely one of those changes, cut yourself some slack. There is no shame!!!! I wouldn't try to make it work.


    You might consider using a textbook this year (Notgrass, Bob Jones, etc). Easier lesson plans fewer books and then if you want to still add in a biography or other books to read you can. Notgrass has suggested books to read with their history books but not a bunch.


    Give your son some options for curriculum (that you have determined to be ones you think will work) and see what he thinks he'd rather do.


    You do what is best for your family. Don't load yourself with guilt and what ifs. It will work out fine and make it more enjoyable for both of you.

  2. I have had several kidney stones.  I do agree that with each of mine it followed a period of dehydration:  stomach bug, or busy with moving not drinking as much, or working outside. It seems to always coincide with not drinking enough water and the stone starts moving. 


    I am interested in what other people have to say.


    I have used the lemon juice and olive oil and had it work one time and then it didn't the next.

    Drinking about 100 oz of water a day helps to flush one if your trying to get it out.


    If the stones are still in the kidney lithotripsy is the way to go. They can blast all the stones that are in the kidneys (that are big enough) and then you have 1 horrible week passing the pieces and it's over. Then doing the 24 hour urine analysis is the next step. I had one dr. tell me that no matter what I do diet wise I'm a "stone-maker" and will have more (joy).  The other dr. encouraged me to drink at least 96 oz of water a day (I'm 5'1") to keep my kidneys flushed so that the sediments couldn't "stick together" (for lack of better wording) to make bigger stones. Also encourages me to come in once a year and have a scan to see if there are stones developing so we can litho them before they travel.


    I hope others have some light to shed on the subject because they are HORRIBLE. Last year I dealt with 3 stones. :crying: 


  3. It has been 105 not including the heat index for most of the summer.


    A cool front has come in this week and the highs have been in the 90s.

    This week looks even better which means I can start walking/jogging outside again!!!!:D Don't get me wrong, I do not care for exercise, but I do love how much better I feel when I do it regularly.


    So bring on the cooler weather!!!!:D

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