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Becki in IN

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Posts posted by Becki in IN

  1. I used Singapore Math with my oldest daughter who just graduated from high school and loved the computer games that went with it. I noticed that Singapore has Matholia for a subscription. Has anyone used this? Is it as good as the old computer games were? Thanks!

  2. We're using Pre-Algebra and we're not thrilled with the teacher. Sometimes she is confusing and always seems to be stumbling over words. I'm not sure what we're going to do next year. Math is NOT my thing. I'm going to talk to the my Homeworks consultant and see if she has a few lessons of the person that does Algebra before I blindly buy it. Frankly I'm surprised that they don't have someone a little better. Her other DVD teachers are outstanding.

  3. Well, my dd learned the sound of the week as a preschooler and had a pretty good phonics base, but after several years and several very good OG type programs, we followed the neuropsych's suggestion and did a whole word program. We used the Amish program sold by Pathway Publishers and flashcards of the words in the stories. I was told by our resident expert at that time on this board that she would never read above a second grade level because we were using a whole word approach. She is 11 and reads 6th grade level books now, but what is more important is that she reads all the time.


    Since she's older now, she really does better with learning whole words in spelling and not focusing on the letters. We do lots of flashcards.

  4. I miss her too Becki. I have some books I swapped with her - we that quite often as our children were around the same ages - that I can't bear to part with because they remind me of her


    Aren't you on SL? There's a girl there - I think it's Theresa - who used to live in the same town as Devin.


    Devin had such a huge, passionate, humble heart. She loved helping everybody else learn about art.


    I didn't realize that. I will see if I can figure out who she is. We were doing her Am. Art lessons when she died.

  5. Well, I think it's important to be evaluated by a pediatric neuropsychologist or a deveopmental pediatrician. Our neuropsych made some excellent suggestions on how to teach Britt to read, how she needs to do most of her writing on the keyboard, and how she needs to read directions out loud. I wouldn't have known those things about her.

  6. I have twice done our year of art curriculum using the Evan-Moor book paired with Discovering Great Artists, topped off with library books and looking at pictures on the internet.




    Yes, we did this for two years. I love the Evan-Moor book. It's still on my shelf even though we are done with it. We also have a copy of Sister Wendy's Story of Painting that we used for samples.


    This year, we're using Artistic Pursuits.

  7. When you are saying you are using WWE, does that mean the first level? I've ordered one but not received it yet and I'm not quite up with what is available. I've got a 4th grader who's been doing writing programs for the last couple of years - Writing Strands and now Wordsmith Apprentice, and I just don't feel like she's learned the basics yet. They seem to expect you to jump in at a certain level of expertise that she doesn't have. So I was planning on starting with 1st level WWE with her. She's very bright and does some excellent work with WA but I more concerned with being really strong on the fundamentals than rushing through her books. Is there another level I should be starting on with WWE or should I just start at the beginning?




    My copy came yesterday. I only spent about 15 minutes scanning it, but I have a feeling we will be starting with Level 1 not Level 3. Remember this contains all the writing for Level 1 through 4. When you get your copy, you will be able to figure it out.


    BTW, Appendix 2: Troubleshooting is worth the price of the book.

  8. I suppose you've got a few options:


    • Beat a dead horse and keep making her physically miserable by writing everything.
    • Get a diagnosis and OT. By doing this you can get accomodations on the SAT and ACT.
    • Let her type her compositions and narrations and she can write out copywork and dictation.

    My dd does the last two.

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