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Posts posted by SamuraiMom

  1. I not only get the terrible headaches others have mentioned, but I had horrible hair loss, resulting in a bald patch in front of my head. If I consumed very large amounts, the left side of my face and hand goes numb, my speech becomes slurred and my thought processes become all jumbled. I have nothing to prove it's the aspartame, but tons of research on the web led me to look that direction, and oddly enough when I'm off the stuff my symptoms clear up completely. I am still waiting for my hair to grow back, but it has stopped falling out and I do see some new growth.


    I recommend the Netflix movie Sweet Poison and Sweet Remedy. On those they will mention web links or books to lead you to more information.


    Have your daughter research the whole process to get aspartame approved by the FDA. Lots of big name there involved in the process. It infuriated me to learn about it all. Regardless of what their "official" statements are and their own self promoting websites say, they knew/know the stuff is a poison. It's all about money.


    I drank diet coke, then diet energy drinks for years and didn't have symptoms, or didn't realize I did. Some people are so sensitive one exposure will bring on symptoms, others are okay with certain amounts but larger amounts will bring on symptoms, and for others like me, it seems it has to build up in toxic levels in your system before those symptoms appear.


    My son is the same way, but with MSG. He can eat a small amount of his favorite hot and spicy chips, but large amounts have recently started resulting in swollen tongue and trouble breathing. When we started tracking his food intake in relation to the symptoms we think we've narrowed it down to food items with high MSG content. That seems to be the only common thread in the foods he's reacted to.


    Our food supply is so tainted these days it's frightening. Between these toxic chemicals and now GMO's, little we eat, if it comes from the center aisles of a grocery store is "natural" anymore.


    I am no expert on such things and don't claim to be. I only know what my personal experience has been.


    We now eat as much as possible an all natural, un-processed diet. It isn't always easy, but it sure beats having MS type symptoms and not being able to think clearly.


    Friends of mine that do suffer from diagnosed MS have told me that their symptoms go through the roof when consuming Aspartame and MSG.


    Tara B

  2. I wouldn't recommend the Muscle and Fitness OR the Mens Health. While the Mens Health has some informative articles, BOTH have borderline soft porn type ads and pictures. I am not a prude by any means, and am in the fitness industry so I am use to posing suits, and lots of skin, but the ads and photos in these two caused me to cancel my subscriptions recently!


    The Muscle and Fitness in particular is heavy on the advertising. Nearly every other page, and they are for supplements you probably would rather not have pushed on your child.


    The magazine I DO recommend is ON Fitness The subscription is rather pricey, but it is an excellent magazine in my opinion!


    The articles are very scientific and informative, there are very, very few ads at all and those are usually for a fitness or nutrition school, class, etc..


    The magazine is actually geared towards the fitness professional, but anyone would benefit from the information in there.


    I use to subscribe to several fitness magazines and this is the ONLY one I renewed this year(oh, I did renew my Yoga Journal). I can't sing its praises enough.


    I have no affiliation with this publication at all, I am just one very happy customer!


    Having four sons and a husband in the home, I use to hide my magazines(even though most were meant for men!) because of the pics, I don't have to do that with this one!

    Tara B

  3. My five year old loves this one: Yoga With Phonics


    While not a video or DVD, he also LOVES the Yoga Decks.


    And Yoga Pretzels Deck


    HERE are come cute Yoga mats too. They are a bit smaller than an adult mat, perfect for most children under 12 or so.


    THIS is my top pick, because it is meant to do WITH mom or a partner. I thought it was fun back when I did it with my now 12 year old. I lost it and have yet to replace it though I plan on it soon!

    Tara B

  4. I am trying to plan for next year and I have to admit even though it will be our 15th year homeschooling I am REALLY struggling deciding on curriculum. I have mostly used Sonlight, but this next year I really had my heart set on MFW for the 9th grader. I like that it's all already laid out for me for the next four years. IT looks like a GREAT program. So what's my problem? My 9th grader! He wants to use ACE Paces. We used them once a few years back when my mother was dying and he really liked them. He says that he likes that he can work totally independently. I think that it's that they're rather easy for him and while he is probably the brightest of all my children, he is also the least motivated!


    He already worked his way through all levels of Word Building YEARS ago! He already tested(According to their placement tests) out of all levels but Math. So, it clearly is too easy a program for him. But, he really, really wants to use them.


    I may compromise a bit and get MFW and let him do the Paces for Science(not my first choice, but as a compromise.)


    Anyway, all that to ask, what would YOU do? How much choice do you give your kids in deciding curriculum. It certainly is advantageous to have them LIKE what they're doing and nothing is worse than drudging through a year in a program they hate, BUT...at the same time I know how bright this boy is and I want to see him pushed a bit out of his comfort zone.


    In the end, it's my decision, I am mom, but just curious how you'd all handle such a situation.


    With my oldest son who graduated two years ago, we jumped around so much and each year picked a new program(we stuck with Sonlight for our History, but switched Math, English, Science yearly) and I just really am attracted to MFW that the whole four years are laid out nicely and line up with what I already had in mind content wise...


    For those that may use MFW...how independently can it be used? I do prefer myself that he can be more independent as I have a special needs preschooler I need more time with. Right now I feel like he is neglected 5 or so hours a day while I tend to the other two with school time. So in that sense ACE isn't a bad idea. But again, I am just not sure it is challenging enough for the 9th grader.


    Thanks for any thoughts or words of wisdom you may have!

    Tara B

  5. It seems like when they look at the transcript from the community college, which is all A's and B's with 37 credits at hs graduation time, they wouldn't even question the homeschooling. They all thought he did a great job on the ASVAB with an 85. The public school girl who went with him to take the ASVAB only got a 30.


    I haven't heard from HSLDA yet, but I didn't send my email until probably 5pm their time. Hopefully by tomorrow I will know something more.


    My son is a little on the fence about my getting HSLDA involved. I think he doesn't want to ruffle any feathers, and unfortunately, I think he's believing everything the recruiter says, whether or not it's true.




    From what I understand, with a certain amount of college credits, homeschool, highschool, GED doesn't matter....


    LOL on your son and HSLDA, my son was the SAME way. In our case, my son wouldn't be in without their help. In the end, after several other more cautious steps were taken, it took a letter written by me, to the Department of Defense being hand delivered by HSLDA to get our case resolved, but we had a call of apology and him ready to process within 24 hours of that happening!


    BUT...when he was processing through MEPS some of the men processing him asked if he was ----whatever term they used to classify him, and commented "Man, your parents are persistent aren't' they" My son said he blushed and started to apologize and they guy told him no, he's lucky we were willing to go through so much and he wouldn't have gotten in otherwise..


    Let your son know though, HSLDA will only advise, they wont step in until and unless it is necessary, which in your case it sounds like it wont be needed, you will just need advice on how to word your transcript.


    It REALLY frustrates me when these kids with "real" diploma's are struggling so to pass the ASVAB and we have homeschoolers scoring in the 80's that we are still having these struggles...ugh!! What do they want, and accreditation that obviously means nothing or a well educated recruit???

    Tara B

  6. Have you heard back from HSLDA yet? I don't know how to advise you at all in regards to the credits and transcript issue, but just wanted to reassure you that it should all work out fine in the end. HSLDA will advise you best how to proceed.


    We hit a brick wall trying to get our son in. The recruiter and everyone else in that office had no idea how to enlist a homeschooler. They wanted to give him tier 2 status(Which is what they give GED holders) and in the current economy they aren't enlisting any but tier 1's.


    The odd thing is, while my son was a homeschool graduate, and not "accredited" he ACED the ASVAB with flying colors, no studying at all. Meanwhile we watched several high school graduates from "real" and "accredited" schools struggle and several not even get the minimum to get in.


    It was a VERY frustrating ordeal. It took SEVERAL contacts with HSLDA and several months to get him finally in and processed.


    In the end, he got in, and has been serving for over a year happily.


    Mostly, these sorts of things are just lack of knowledge of homeschooling on the recruiters behalf and even their educational "specialists." HSLDA can help set them straight. As someone else pointed out too, there were a great many who didn't graduate highschool and tried claiming "homeschooling" as a way to enlist, so once the recruiter and educational specialist is set straight, they still want lot's more info to verify that he was indeed truly homeschooled. Hang in there, it will all work out!


    Thank you to your son for his willingness to serve!

    Tara B

  7. So, the One-on-One dvd would work with Insanity? Now, the way I read the posts, it seems to me that most of you are doing several work outs. I am just puzzled at to how many a day are you doing? I do the insanity in the morning and that's about it, except for Mondays when I do a pilates class. I am strongly considering doing some more sculpting arms and abs in the evenings with dh. We can do this after the children are in bed. Do you mind sharing your "schedule"? Thanks. Be well


    I typically workout only once a day, but most days have two dvd's back to back. Even with P90X or Insanity somedays are your main workout followed by an abs workout, which is similar to what I am doing. A typical week is close to this:

    M-P90X Chest and Back & CE Extreme Abs

    T-Insanity Max Cardio & 40 minutes of Yoga

    W-P90X Arms and Shoulders&Insane Abs

    Th- Insanity Max Plyo& 40 minutes Yoga

    F- P90X Legs and Back& CE Extreme Abs

    S- Insanity upper Body workout& 40 minutes Yoga

    S-either off or Yoga

  8. So which ONe on One's do you like? I think there are three groups? I was looking at some of the ones in the 3rd group that he put out.


    I know about the abs. Back in my late 20s, I had 6-pack abs but still had this layer of fat over them. It took some serious cardio to burn that. My body fat got so low by the time I burned off the goo around the middle. Now that I'm in my 40s, I'm sure it will take twice the intensity back then to do the job. We'll see if my old body is up to it! I hurt my ankle falling on the stair the other day and 3x when I came down on it doing PlyoX this AM, I felt pain. I'll be icing it today.

    Yes, there are three volumes of the One on One's. I like certain ones in each, then there are some in each that I am not overly impressed with.


    In volume three, my favorites so far are: AB RipperX 2, and the yoga(the best of ALL of his yoga routines IMHO).


    Volume 2 I like: Patience Humming Bird(did this one this morning!)

    Cardio Intervals

    Butt and Belly


    Volume 1: Fountain of Youth Yoga

    One on One Leg(this is a VERY favorite of mine. Upper body workout all done on one leg, alternating legs! AWESOME!)

    Bun Shaper

    Medicine Ball Core Cardio


    Watch that ankle! I know what you mean, it is taking me working twice as hard at more intensity to get any results compared to my younger days, as far as the fat burning goes, but it seems my muscle size for some reason is coming along quicker than in my younger years...odd..but I LIKE it! I've always wanted biceps and nice shoulders, and I am getting them!

    Tara B

  9. I am doing Insanity and currently am on the 3rd week of the first "round". I am truly enjoying the program, although it is tough. My dh will do one of the cds here and there and cannot believe I get up every day about 4:40 to go get more of it. I am thinking about incorporating some other abs program, as unfortunately I still have flab to loose. I can see that some muscle and some abs starting to take shape, so I am excited with it all. I have about 15 pounds to shed, and am hoping to get toned. Anyone doing a effective ab program?


    I have found the fat burning of Insanity, gave me the best abs I've ever had! I suspect though that I built my abs up a bit with P90X and the One on One ab routines I did, but it wasn't until I did a complete round of Insanity that they actually showed. The secret to great abs is diet and fat burning. You can build a six pack, but it will never show until you burn the fat covering them, and I believe Insanity is the best way to do that! So, you are on the right path, just stick with it.


    It's a tough program, but if you follow it, the results will come, and they are SO worth it!!

    Tara B

  10. What's Asylum? I'm waiting for MC2 ... Tony's new post-P90X workout. It's do out in the Fall.


    I tried the 20min Insanity video but didn't care for it. The transitions were too quick and I just didn't find it motivating or fun. My friend has just started the full Insanity so I hope to get to see the regular videos and hopefully those are more to my liking as I've read so many great reviews of Insanity.

    Asylum is the follow up to Insanity. I too am overly excited about MC2, have you been getting the MC2 One on One discs? I love the Yoga and stretch one, and shoulders and arms, and the ab one is GREAT. Good stuff!


    I am not a huge cardio fan, and didn't think Insanity would be my cup of tea, but what sold me is the results. P90X gave me the muscle I want, but Insanity has given me the definition I want and for the first time in my life ABS!! I suspect P90X and the One on One ab routines gave me the six pack, but Insanity burned the fat layer to make them show. Still not perfect, but it's the closest I've gotten. I am hoping the hybrid will give me the best of both worlds.

    Tara B

  11. Thank you! It's so simple! I like the ones on the video b/c they look so industrial. :lol: I don't know anything about One on One. Can you tell me more about it?


    It's 7AM and I'm getting ready to start day 1 of my 4th week!



    There are three volumes of them, each with 12 or so workouts/discs. The first two volumes are basically you working out one on one with Tony, following along on one of his home workouts.


    The third volume is kind of like a trial run of P90X MC2(the sequel to P90X, available, I think next year) Same set up with just Tony, one camera man and YOU!


    The first two volumes are done, so you can order the whole set all at once(very pricey!) or pick and choose the ones that appeal to you the most and order just those. They run about 19.99 each at Beachbody.


    The third volume you can order one at a time, or sign up for the monthly mailing. They send you the new one each month as it's released. You also will get 50% off the new P90X when it is released if you bought all the shipments in the plan.


    I think volume two over all has been my favorite. I really like the Yoga and Ab Ripper X in the third volume, the arm routine was okay, and I haven't been thrilled with the other two. A little too much for me. Push ups balancing on three balls and such!


    They are a nice change of pace though once you've gone through P90X a couple of times and are wanting variety. They usually(though not always) are shorter, 30-40 minutes each so they are good to have on hand for those days you are short on time.


    Usually people want to buy P90X PLUS after P90X which is what I did, but I wish I would have looked into the one on one's first, I think they are much better!


    So, are you on your recovery week this week or is that next week? I lent my P90X to my brother and I can't remember if the recovery weeks are every 3 or 4 weeks.


    Congratulations for sticking it out this far! Many give up by now, you are on the road to success!

    Tara B

  12. I believe SamuraiMom wrote that she does Yoga every day after each workout. WOW! That's impressive!


    I need to do Xstretch today and I definitely need it. I'm really sore after Kenpo X yesterday.

    Yes, I do Yoga daily. I've been doing yoga for years. I do at least a half an hour daily, often longer. It really helps lessen muscle soreness and the stretching just feels so good!


    I wasn't crazy about the P90X yoga, but liked Tony Hortons One on One Yoga routines, he did one in each of the three volumes of One on One The first two are short(30-40 minutes) and this most recent is just about an hour. The second sequence in this most recent is a little challenging, but it feels SO good when you're done!


    Also, you mentioned liking the Plyo. This months One on One is suppose to be an all new Plyometrics routine! IT looks pretty intense. I get it automatically, but I probably wont be trying it until I am done with Insanity. That and Yoga is about all I can handle right now. Though I try and squeeze one weight day in.


    Okay, I am off to go figure out how to take a pic of the pull up bar!

    TAra B

  13. SamuraiMom - Any chance you can take a photo for me? :001_smile:


    Ok, the YogaX totally kicked my butt! That is definitely an area I need to work on. But my balance has improved so much since starting P90X. I've always trained with weights so that part is easy for me and enjoyable. Right now I"m using the BowFlex for doing lat pull downs instead of chin ups.


    My current plan is to do P90X classic after this round of lean.


    I too would like to increase the cardio but where is the time? I love Kenpo and Plyo! I may try P90X Doubles for my next round.




    Yes, if I can. My camera broke, but I have one on my phone, it's a new phone, so it may take me a bit to figure it out....I'll post it on this thread when I do figure it out!

  14. So glad you are still doing it and enjoying it and others are ready to join in! I am surprised how many homeschoolers there are using these programs. If you are on Team Beachbody.com we have a "Fit homeschool moms" group, you can check out. You can sign up for a free 30 day account for full access and there is also a basic account that is always free. The site overall is a great place for encouragement and to get questions answered quickly.

    Tara B

  15. My husband made me one for our ceiling. We have beams across our ceiling about a foot or so apart. So he just took two pieces of wood attached them hanging down, then cut a hole through each one and placed a bar through it. This would not work on a ceiling without beams. Let me ask him when he gets up if he had any other ideas. It was cheap, easy and effective, but it's far from pretty! IT works though!


    Glad you are enjoying P90X. It is still my favorite. I recently started Insanity for a change as I've been doing P90X for 18 months! When I am done with Insanity, I will probably combine both programs, doing P90X on the weight training days and Insanity on the Yoga, Plyo and Kenpo days for the extra cardio my body seems to need. I do yoga daily after every workout.


    Keep pushing play, sounds like you're doing great!

    Tara B

  16. Our boys were at GL at the same time! My son's PIR was 4/23.


    He is currently on deployment but stationed in San Diego.


    I totally forgot about protein bars. We send them to care packages to him now that he is out in the fleet and unable to just drop by the nex to pick up a few.


    My son graduated a week later!! Cool!


    Mine is doing some training at Pendleton here in San. Diego until next month when he goes to his duty station in Yuma. He's a hospital corpsman assigned to a Marine Air Wing. What does your son do?

  17. Maybe it depends on the RDC. My son's shipmate received a package of food and he got to do a series of 8 counts (think worse possible pushups ever) while the RDC's enjoyed it.


    Shortly afterwards we receive a letter asking us to not send any food for any reason! :rofl:

    Same experience here with my son in basic, and from the Navy Moms message boards, that seems to be par for the course. The packages are used to embarrass the recruits, give them push ups and taken away. I have yet to hear of one that was allowed. In the Marines, they were required to share, but still had the push ups etc...oh, and not have any of it themselves! LOL (have a young friend that just went through Marine boot camp) but he said it was a bad idea still to send them as it was not a pleasant experience! Army or Air Force may be different, I have no knowledge of either.

    Tara B

  18. My son is in the Navy and just finished basic last May. They are allowed NOTHING at boot camp! A phone card, a Bible, that's it. Not even paper a pen. They will be allowed to purchase those in Basic, but not bring them. Any sent with them will be sent back.


    No packages with goodies at basic. They will be embarrassed in front of everyone and made to do push ups. Even your letters should be plain letters. Any musical cards and such will either be taken away, or used to embarrass your recruit, with push ups as well.


    After basic, at A School they can have what ever they can fit in their locker. I know watching all the new sailors at the mall(they all go to the big mall the next town over for their first liberty and spend all that money that's been saved during basic. Almost all get: watches, Oakly sunglasses and new Cell Phones.


    Even the religious medallion wasn't allowed during basic, not until A School.


    So, you really should be thinking along the lines of what he can use during A School. Alot of the guys get XBoxes, my son would advise against it, as it caused him to flunk a test, he was too busy playing rather than studying:). Laptops are really handy for studying, and used to watch DVD's and to Skype family, etc...


    My son loved care packages from home as well as goodies like protein shakes and bars as he didn't always have time to get to the mess hall on time and had A LOT of skipped meals. SO, I am thinking the coupons for goodies from home for A SChool may be a great idea!!


    YOu will find that he will start buying most all his needs and WANTS as he wants or needs them, as the money accumulates quickly during basic and A School as there isn't lots of time to spend it. MAkes shopping for them a bit hard. I am having a hard time deciding what to get for Christmas as my guy already has everything he wants, and if he doesn't he will in a matter of days!


    Tara B

  19. Yay!! Glad you are enjoying it! I too am enjoying my rest day today!

    When I first started it took me till near the end of my first round, near 90 days to be able to keep up and do all the reps in the Ab Ripper. Now it's no problem at all. Just goes to show you how much stronger you end up by the end. I am going to start Insanity soon, just ordered it. After I am done with that I will probably come up with a hybrid using both programs for maintenance.

  20. Here's my question. I have not told DH I'm doing P90X. I want to surprise him. So I can't workout on Sundays. I can do it on Saturdays while he is at soccer practice. But I started day 1 today. Do I just start over on Monday w/ Day 1 and only do Day 1-3 this week? That's probably the easiest for keeping track of everything rather than starting day 4 on Monday. :001_huh:

    OR you can just start over on day one Monday, that way you will always have Sunday off and do days 1-6 in order. That's what I do. Just count this as a "practice" week. But then of course you're doing 93 rather than 90 days, but you may just find you end up doing more than one 90 day round! I got so addicted I did three complete rounds in a row! I now combine various P90X, P90X PLUS and One on One workouts. 18 months now!

    Tara B

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