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Carin' For Seven

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Posts posted by Carin' For Seven

  1. Could someone please help me explain how to solve this problem to my kids. Thanks.


    Sandy typed a six-digit integer, but the two 9s she typed didn't show. If 2010 appeared, how many different positive six-digit integers could she have typed? One such integer to include is 920910.


    Answer: 15

  2. I was wondering what everyone would recommend for High School for a child that is behind. She was adopted two years ago from Ukraine and is still struggling with reading comprehension and can't spell at all. We have started with Math-U-See this year and plan on moving as quickly through the books. She is almost done with Gamma and should be able to finish Delta and at least start Epsilon this year. I was mostly looking for language arts suggestions and a vote of confidence that keeping her home for High School is the right choice. I would love to provide enough to help her catch up and possibly attend a community college but I am feeling like we just don't have enough years left.

  3. There is a family on my son's little league team that we know from when we used to do karate. Their son is very nice and came over last week for a play date. (8 yrs. old) Now the mother wants to have my kids over to play. The problem is she is a little rough around the edges to put it nicely. I don't know what to do because my kids want to go and I don't want to come across like I'm better than her but.... I really don't want my kids there. So what would you all do????

  4. I saw it mentioned on Melissa Wiley's blog the other day (because one of her books is in it), and I immediately thought about pre-ordering it. I will next week.


    For those interested in learning knitting, I would suggest a beginning knitting video instead of a book. The illustrations in a book are often very confusing, but a video can be slowed down, repeated, etc. as many times as you need to. That's how I learned a little under a year ago, and then I taught my dd to knit. Check your local library or hobby store. I found a great one there for knitting, and another one for crocheting. I got both, and dd and I have learned to knit and crochet now.


    www.knittinghelp.com also has great knitting videos for free.


    I just checked out your blog. Maybe you could help me with something. I would love to knit this sweater in a size 10 on circular needles. Could you help me??? http://www.lionbrand.com/patterns/khs-hoodsweater.html?noImages=0

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