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Posts posted by jjmw1

  1. I saw someone posted a link to viewing guides you could purchase on TeachersPayTeachers that go along with the World History Crash Course series on YouTube (thank you whoever you are!!!!). 


    I have been searching and searching for something similar to that for American History but mainly the sciences.  My kids really enjoy these videos on topics they have never really had the drive to learn, but I feel like if they just watch them they won't get much out of them as now that they are more focused on answering the questions to go along with the World History courses they are "getting it" more. 


    Does anyone know where I can find something similar for the other Crash Course subjects? 


    Thanks in advance!

  2. DD is in the middle of 9th grade. She has taken geography in elementary and middle school, along with mapping activities but I have realized lately that none of the geopgrahy stuff has stuck. She asked me if New Orleans was in Chicago? And she has no clue what coutries make up Europe, etc.


    So, I am looking for a secular geography recommendation for her please. I looked at PAC and really liked what I saw, but it's a bit pricey for me at the moment.



  3. I too miss the conversation feel of the old For Sale boards.


    I think it would be helpful with the way the Classifieds are set up if we could separate them by Grade Level or Subject. It takes way too long to go through the ads and click on something only to find out it's for elementary when I need high school, or even just to see what's being sold. I feel as if it doesn't show enough in the subject line to know what exactly is being sold.

  4. My ds used it for pre-algebra and he really liked it. But he is pretty mathy. There were a couple of downfalls for me: no instructor manuals and Kinetics aren't really homeschool friendly.


    Were you using the homeschool version and still found it not to be homeschool friendly? What about it did you find not homeschool friendly if you don't mind me asking?




    I really like KB. We're using it for pre-algebra also. I'm mathy, ds is not. I don't mind that there are no teachers manuals. If he really needs help, he can click on the help button which can show him the next step,re watch the explanation, or ask me. The homeschool version is fairly homeschool friendly. There's a pacing guide that breaks down the lessons. The main problem we have is ds entering an answer and getting it wrong only because he didn't enter it the exact way the program wanted. I have to manually keep track of problems he's appealed and gets credit for. There's no way to adjust it as you go. That is not homeschool friendly. Otherwise I love the interactive features of the program. He's able to manipulate things and see an immediate change in the problems. And having his math automatically graded still counts as a plus even though its faulty sometimes. I think they have a sample lesson plan you could try.


    I am mathy as well, and oldest DD is not, so it's been hard to find math that appeals to her and how she learns and retains math concepts.


    How often does the "faulty grading" happen?



    Thank you for the replies so far! :) Very helpful!

  5. I just found out about this math today from someone mentioning it on the boards here but I would love to hear experiences with it.


    My oldest DD is a visual learner who likes to see examples worked out on a whiteboard to explain to her how to do math. Math is also her weakest subject, though she has come quite a long way in the last year or two in math.


    We just started Algebra 1 this week and are using Teaching Textbooks, but she just isn't really digging that the lesson on the disk is just basically a man talking. I know she can see the practice problems worked out if she needs to, which we have used a few times, but it's just pretty bland to her and I'm not sure she is going to do well with it.


    Any goods/bads with Kinetics would be greatly appreciated!

  6. I know about the manage part, but even if I am looking at one of my own, the feature where I am supposed to be able to view my others will not work. It is especially frustrating because I need to buy a couple of things and I don't think many people look at the WTB section.




    Yes, I agree with you there. I have the same result too. :( I much preferred the old Sale/Swap Board over the new Classifieds.

  7. Thank you for all the replies.


    I am looking into the NC version you sent the link to, melisamathews. Thank you! It looks like you have to have insurance for Medco.


    RebeccaS, my daughter was 10 when she was diagnosed, 2 weeks before her 11th birthday. She is 12 now, almost 13. We are coming on up on the 2-year mark of her diagnosis. It's been eye opening to say the least. And DH and I talk all the time about how important insurance is going to be for her, not only health but life insurance. I've tried to get life insurance on her and they want me to jump through all kinds of hoops and get all kinds of extra exams done before they'll insure her. :( And to think she has to deal with this her whole life makes me sad.


    Melissad2, she is on Humalog. It's amazing how expensive this disease is! And that's crazy her insurance won't cover her insulin! So sorry you are having to deal with that! We don't have a doctor yet either as we have only lived in NC 3 weeks. Have to get everything set up still. We still have some supplies for now that will last us until we can get things all squared away.


    Our health insurance in this country is seriously crazy! I remember when everyone had insurance, all employers offered it and paid for their employee's coverage, and it didn't cost an arm and a leg! :(

  8. My daughter LOVES to read. I mean, seriously, I can't stress enough how much she LOVES to read! :)


    I would like to find some good science literature for her to read to supplement her science curriculum (we are in Physical Science now, but looking for all suggestions for her for all of high school) as she "gets it" better when she can read and immerse herself in a story regarding a particular topic.


    Any suggestions? I prefer stories that aren't strongly tilted to Christian science, mostly secular type, and do not oppose evolution stories at all.



  9. Thank you for the replies.


    We were currently in Ohio where she was covered by a state-funded plan. We are now in North Carolina (just moved here) and haven't switched from OH to NC medical just yet because I'm trying to check out all my options. It looks like we make just over the threshold for NC state-funded insurance, but I think I may go ahead and take all the information in and try. Maybe they have one I can pay a small fee for like Michigan.


    It makes me sad that insurance companies can up-charge people with chronic medical conditions that they cannot do anything about (diabetes, cancer, etc). She didn't do anything to cause this condition and she has to live with it for the rest of her life and take insulin for the rest of her life, and then to penalize her by charging her more for healthcare is sad. At least she can no longer be denied coverage. That is a positive!

  10. My almost-13-yo daughter has been diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes for 2 years now. I am self-employed and my husband works for a very small company that does not offer health insurance. Up until this point the kids have been covered by a state plan, but now we have moved to a different state and DH got a raise which puts us just over the income requirement for the state health insurance plan, so we need to get our own health insurance.


    Every insurance company raises our DD's monthly premium by 100% to 200% because of her Type 1 diabetes. We are looking at a monthly premium of $800 a month, and then we still have a $5000 to $10,000 deductible so that means I have to pay $300/month for her insulin, $150 for her test strips, and I don't even know how much for her insulin pump supplies because they have never printed the amount on the slip since the state paid for it previously. That is basically 1 paycheck and we just can't afford that. We only own 1 car and don't even have cable or a credit card, so it isn't like we have tons of bills, but we are basically making ends meet.


    My question is has anyone else had to get health insurance on their own with someone with a pre-existing condition? Are there any other options out there I don't know about? I have heard of the share plans, but they require you to have someone from your church sign the forms, and we do not belong to a church. Are there secular options out there that are similar to that?


    Thanks in advance for any help. It's a little embarrassing posting such personal info, but I am stressing quite a bit about how to make ends meet :(

  11. 1 c. hydrogen peroxide

    1 tsp baking soda

    1 drop of dish detergent (yes, that little)


    Mix in a glass measuring cup with plastic spoon (something about avoiding metal...). You can make as much as you need.


    Pour onto affected area (must detect this with your nose...so sorry about this :lol:). Saturate the area completely.


    Do not dab, rinse...nothing. Let it dry.


    This rescued my brand spankin' new couch 10 years ago after a naughty kitty decided she did not like the new couch. :glare:


    I use it regularly on the floor around the toilet these days.


    :iagree: This is the ONLY thing I have found to take the cat urine smell out of the carpet! It works like a charm!!!! I was amazed!

  12. I have no other suggestions for you (and you've gotten some really good ones!!)... just wanted to let you know I feel your pain.


    I have a cat that for whatever reason a couple times a month just decides she doesn't want to pee in the box and will pee either right outside of it or over by the front door. We have logged when it happens and tried to see if there is something different going on or what may be triggering it, but there's never a pattern as to why or when.


    We have had her at the vet and she is fine. We use large rubbermaid containers as litter boxes. We have 2 cats so we have 3 boxes, all in different areas of the house, 2 boxes have a lid, 1 doesn't. We have tried different litter. I just have no idea! And out of the MANY cats I have had in my life, this is the only one I've ever had that has ever had a peeing outside the box issue. Very frustrating!


    And like you, I am moving in 3 weeks and I am hoping she doesn't do it at the new house. We will be renting and the whole house has hardwood floors! I'm a little nervous about it.... :(

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