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Posts posted by Karri

  1. I have a 17yo son who has been doing Driver Ed in a Box ...for almost two years. Part of the reason that it's taking so long is that, for a while, it was hard to find the time to get out there and practice driving on a regular basis. We also took several months off when he just wasn't progressing very well and I decided that maybe he just wasn't ready.


    We've been steadily at it for six months and we still have not progressed past light traffic. Some days he does just fine; other days he nearly gets us in an accident because he'll turn in front of someone, almost run a traffic light, suddenly change lanes without looking, etc. Often this is because he has his mind on something else and is not paying attention to his driving.


    This kid is extremely bright and has excelled in everything he has ever attempted- except drivers ed. He will be a senior next year, and I really would like for him to be driving on his own by then. Anyone else been there, done that? Any advice? Am I doomed to chauffeur forever?




  2. We've used TOG for the past 4 years, finishing up with Year 4 last month. I counted TOG Yr 4 as 20th century U.S. Hist. because that was its main focus. DS starts 10th grade in the fall and needs a World History credit. I don't want to purchase another history curriculum as we really liked TOG and I don't want to spend the $ if I don't have to. He's only going to have time to spend one year on World History. How would you TOG users create a one year World History credit using all four years of TOG? Just pick a year and do the Rhetroic level? Pick and choose lessons from each level? Suggestions welcome!



  3. Help!!!! I never took Physics in high school or college, but my son loves the subject. I bought Conceptual Physics 9th edition, but cannot find the teacher's manual anywhere.


    If you've used this text, could you please tell me how you graded the material? Did you make up your own tests? Use something from the publisher (if so, could you give me the ISBN?)? Can I use the teacher's manual from the 10th edition or have the exercise problems changed from the 9th edition?


    Any help would be much appreciated!!!




  4. DS-15 used SOS High School Spanish 1 this year. He did great all year until the last section when his grades took a major nosedive. I'm wondering if this is a sign of things to come.


    Is there a steep learning curve once you get to SOS Spanish 2?


    Is that last section of SOS Spanish 1 indicative of how a student will fair in SOS Spanish 2?


    I'm wondering whether to continue with SOS Spanish or put him in a class where he can get some live feedback from the instructor.




  5. How many hours of PE does it take to make one credit? Ds has been sporadic with exercise this year. One week he may get in 8 to 10 hours, the next couple of weeks only one or two hours. Is there any rule of thumb that says it has to be consistent? Do colleges even look at this stuff? We're in a state that doesn't require any reporting, this is just for transcript purposes.




  6. Spanish I and Spanish II are purchased separately. Each is a one year program. There is a little bit of writing, as in typing in the answers to questions - usually just a sentence. The computer program will grade these answers.


    The student also answers questions verbally via a microphone (purchased separately) that is hooked up to the computer. You have to grade the spoken answers yourself. This is easy because as you are grading you can listen to the native speaker say the the answer, then compare it to your student's answer.

  7. My 13yo ds has horrible penmanship. He finished the last book of the italic handwriting series about 1-1/2 years ago and I haven't done any formal penmanship with him since. I hadn't been really worried about his handwriting because my own handwriting was really bad when I was his age. My penmanship improved when I was about 15 or so and I developed my own style of writing. However, I'm now concerned that ds may not outgrow this messy stage without some intervention. I make him re-do anything that is illegible, but his overall handwriting is still sloppy.


    Anyone else had this problem? What helped your kids improve their penmanship?




  8. Ds has been using Lial's for the past three years. He's been through Introductory Algebra, Essentials of College Geometry, and is almost done with Intermediate Algebra. He has really done well with the Lial's series. Pre-Calculus comes next. I'd like to continue with Lial's, if Lial's Pre-Calc is as good/better than the earlier levels.


    Can someone please give me some reviews of the various PreCalc texts ... Lial's, Foerster's, others? What did you like/not like?




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