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Posts posted by Angjune

  1. Hello


    I just received a Kindle Fire as a gift and I know I get a month free of Prime but I'm confused....What do I receive with the free month? If I download a movie, do I still pay for the movie? What is the difference between prime and non prime. Am I still responsible for charges?


    Any help would be appreciated!



  2. To those of you that have milk allergies or are lactose intolerant -

    what do you use to create a creamy sauce? For example, I used to like to make chicken a la king but now that I know my DD is lactose intolerant, I'm not sure what to use to make the sauce creamy. Rice milk seems like it wouldn't be thick enough and I don't know if soy would change the overall flavor making it less tasty for the other members of the family that don't like the taste of soy. Also, what about a creamy alfredo? I have looked on some websites for ideas but thus far haven't found anything appealing.


    Thanks for any ideas!

  3. My son tested positive for it this year. He hardly ever goes to the doctor but was so fatigued I forced him to go in. He tested positive for EBV and had very low vitamin D. Basically the pediatrician said that since its a virus it will just have to run its course. I hope he doesn't have problems in the future but there are times he gets run down. (he's 17). I didn't think about a correlation with mono but he did have that when he was 5 or 6.

  4. My dd started public high school this year - similar size as your daughter's school. She had previously gone to private school and been homeschooled. I agree with the others who mentioned shadowing. I made my daughter shadow for a day just so she could see what a typical day is like and not be overwhelmed on the first day of school.


    You are right that many of the kids already know each other and this has been difficult for my child because they already have established friendships. She still has close friends from her former school and she sees them after school but it can be lonely not having close friends during the day. Also, I know a lot think ps is easy but she really has a great deal of homework (more than her friends at private school). Your daughter does not need to enter as a "sophmore" but can probably take harder classes or classes that are more suitable to her level. I would probably advise her to try and join some sort of club or sport to try and make friends.

  5. Recently my daughter has been using some antibiotic cream for acne that her doctor prescribed. I wasn't sure how long she was supposed to use the antibiotic cream and frankly it wasn't clearing her pimples very well so suggested she go back to a name brand over the counter cream I used to buy her.


    After applying the OTC cream before bed, she woke up to itchy skin and red blotches on her face! She had to get to school so I suggested putting some makeup over it but I think I just made it worse. On a positive note the cream cleared the pimples up. So, I don't know if she had an allergic reaction to the cream. She used to get itchy skin a lot and sometimes redness on her face and now I realize (not sure why I didn't before) that it must have been from that cream when she used to use it regularly.


    SO, any suggestions? Does anyone have experiences with their kids on creams that worked well? She already doesn't drink milk as we learned that she is lactose intolerant.

  6. Yes, he was taking it once a week. Incidentally, my daughter also had low vitamin D but not nearly as low as my son's. The doctor she was going to recommended a similar dose but twice a week for about three months. My dd was younger, very petite, and I thought the dose might be too high for her. I asked her pediatrician about it since I was concerned and he said that she didn't need that high of a dose since her levels weren't that low.

  7. Ok, I don't know if I would call it a shudder attack but my daughter has had something similar for years. When she was excited as a baby, she would stiffen up - including her arms. (Its hard to describe). As she grew older, it wasn't as obvious, but when she was excited about something, we would watch her arms sort of stretch out and stiffen up and then she was fine. I figured this was something reserved for toddlers but it lasted until she was 10 or 11. Of course, it was usually only observable by her family since we were used to it. And, it wasn't something that happened regularly, just on occasion when overly excited or stimulated.

  8. I, too, had problems with migraines and bc pills. In fact, because of my migraine history, its not an option with me. I find that I have to take something the moment I (think) I feel a migraine coming on. I now take Excedrin for migraines. If she has enough migraines, she will know if one is coming on and then she should take something for it. Also, if it comes around her period, things that don't normally bother her, may. Have her reduce chocolate intake, cheese, etc a week before the period.

  9. I don't think the OP was judging anyone, I think she just wanted to vent which is something that most of us need to do at one time or another. I, too, have wondered how friends could afford smart phones, and the latest electronic gadgets for their children. Yes, I know its none of my business but I'm human and I do have these fleeting thoughts.


    My son has mentioned that most of his friends have data plans on their phones which run about $60/mo. He didn't say he wanted one and I explained we really don't want/can't afford to spend any extra money on these things. We do choose to take a nice vacation every year which is something his friends don't do. Its all about your family priorities. And, I understand where your husband is coming from too. My husband earns a very good salary (and I work part time) yet I still can't see how we can afford to buy all the latest things. I am content, yet I too wonder. It's ok.

  10. I'm going to take him to the doc today but since Sunday he really hasn't eaten except for toast. Wed he took a lunch to school but it was just a turkey sandwich. There are some days (unrelated to this) that he will wake up in the morning very nauseous but that doesn't usually involve vomiting. Those episodes haven't happened in awhile but I'm going to find a gastroenterologist to look into that.


    I will ask doc today to look into strep though. Thanks.

  11. My son, (teenager), started vomiting early Sunday morning. The retching lasted awhile but gradually subsided and he took it easy the rest of the day. Monday he didn't get sick but wasn't 100% and stayed home from school. Tuesday morning he woke up feeling that his stomach was turning and this lasted a bit but still no vomiting but he stayed home from school. Wed he felt good and went to school since he had a presentation. However this morning around 4 he started vomiting again just like on Sunday. Since Sunday he hasn't eaten anything substantial, mostly toast but has been drinking water and gatorade. Why would the vomiting start up again? Is this a long lasting stomach virus?

  12. I had heard that Benadryl can also help with headaches, so if I have a migraine and don't want to take excedrin for migraines due to the caffeine (which would keep me up), I have taken Benadryl. It worked for the headache and the sleeping. However, I have taken just 1 or 2 tsp of the Children's liquid Benadryl. It helped me to sleep but didn't leave me groggy. So, try the children's liquid for rest but will keep you clear headed the next day.

  13. Oh boy, this poll is getting depressing.


    I was close to both my brothers growing up - of course we fought like kids do but we were there for each other. We also were good friends through highschool and college. However, when my one brother married a controlling wife he severed (or maybe she made him) the relationship with the rest of the family. I don't talk to this brother now but am still close to my other brother. I wish things could be different but the one brother doesn't even call our parents or check in on them. Its very sad. I would love for us all to be close again but I don't have high hopes on that happening.

  14. My husband has been diagnosed with this. I remember when he first had it, it was a stabbing pain in his chest. It was so bad that I worried it was a heart attack and sent him to the er. It was also a very stressful time for him and the doctor thought stress brought it on. It also was on and off for awhile. He hasn't really experienced it in awhile but now I'm concerned that when he gets pain again like this he will just assume its the costochondritis.

  15. I vote for B though you may have more choices by now. I agree with the others to see what your dentist suggests. When my son was young, I thought for sure that he would need braces as his front teeth seemed very prominent. However, the dentist never recommended seeing the orthodontist. Well, as he matured he sort of "grew into" his teeth and has never had treatment. On the other hand, from the age of 3 or 4, I had dentists tell me my daughter would need to see the orthodontist due to crossbite, etc. She was under the watchful eye of the orthodontist for years and didn't get her braces until 14.

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