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Posts posted by LinzluvsGJ

  1. On ones that are just writing, I have them do it over on regular paper. If it requires coloring or math problems, etc, I use a transparency sheet. Of course when I sent the MUS text w/ a friend from church who was thinking about helping w/ some math issues my oldest has, it really freaked her out that none of the pages in the book were worked LOL. I had to explain that we do them with transparency so they can be worked repeatedly as needed. We use either the crayola dry erase crayons (awesome invention) or fine tip dry erase markers for doing the work.

  2. It's something we're working on with our occupational therapy. My daughter will turn 8 this month and still writes thisclosetothenextword and randomly inserts capitals into words or writes random words all caps. It does make things hard to read! It's a fine motor skill and while her drawing is fantastic, her handwriting is horrible because it is part of her perfectionist streak she hates making things the same every time and since she can't get it, she just doesn't try.

  3. Diet change also was life-changing for us.. We discovered gluten, casein, and soy intolerance.. Removing those foods helped tremendously. The #1 sign of gluten intolerance in children is moodiness, aggression, anger, etc. Other signs would be headaches, hyperactivity, maybe underweight, attention issues, maybe some bowel issues (encopresis, etc.).. There are many other signs.. those are just a few.


    I've never heard of anger and aggression being linked to gluten intolerance. Do you know of a good resource that explains all that? Is it something that a doctor can do a test for or is it something you just have to try cutting out on your own to see if it helps. :bigear: I've never really known where to look for good information about that in relation to behaviors, just physical symptoms like skin color and bowel movements.

  4. Lindsey.. Just curious.. I saw your signature.. Is your 7yr old daughter with Asperger's obsessed with dinosaurs? If so, I have her best friend living in my house :lol:


    Yes to put it lightly :lol: Her best "friendships" are with 3 others in our homeschooling group on base who are also on the spectrum and likewise obsessed with dinos and drawing (Grace loves drawing dinos nonstop).

  5. I find Father's Day difficult, too. I looked for a card for my dad and they all were gushy and saying "Oh you were such a great dad and always there for me", but mine wasn't (alcoholic abusive situation). I am on civil terms, but certainly not close terms with my dad at this point, and still rather resentful of the situation he has continued to put my family like my mom and brother in with his recklessness. I didn't end up calling him yesterday, and I feel bad about that, but at the same time, I can't hold a conversation with him because it generates so many bad feelings in me and resent.

  6. The HSLDA site has a page that shows what each state offers to homeschool students under IDEA. Unfortunately, the way IDEA is written it allows states to spend money on services on homeschoolers and private school students, but doesn't REQUIRE it. It was then up to each state to legislate how they would distribute the funds. Some states (like New Mexico where we are) don't allow any of the funds to be spent on private or homeschooled students. It's unfortunate because with that type of legislation, it then makes it that even if we wanted to enroll our oldest in a private school that had a smaller classroom size which would be easier to handle her needs, then they don't have to offer services and don't have to do an IEP to be sure her needs are being met. *sigh* In most states, if you homeschool you give up your right to FAPE.

  7. Here are a few of mine:

    open classrooms



    OMG I hate open classrooms in schools! I did classroom assistance/observation in college in a class that had an open classroom setting. For third graders. 3 different classes and a resource center with computers set up in the middle, it was a nightmare. The kids in the back of the class couldn't hear because the class behind them was doing a different topic, the teacher couldn't correct it by talking louder because then the kids in the other class couldn't hear their teacher, when their class would get up to go do something, the other classes would be disturbed by it. It was just an overall bad setup!

  8. I have used most types of cloth diapers (wool being the only thing I didn't try because I wanted my husband to not have to separate things so it wouldn't end up ruined). After a lot of trial and error and using whatever I could get cheaply or free for a while when really necessary, I finally settled on mostly pocket diapers (using fitteds for the tiny newborn stage), primarily Fuzzi Bunz with a microfiber insert or chinese prefold. It washes easily, dries quickly, and I assembled them out of the dryer so they are quick to grab. I like the snaps so my child isn't removing the diaper on her own while crawling around (and so it holds better for active toddlers). I've used them on 4 kids now! I'd say their one-size version is the equivalent of the small and mediums, after that IMO either petite toddler or larges would need bought depending on the shape of the child, but it's a good deal overall!

  9. I know I watched a kid take 10 minutes to do a problem using "everyday math" methods at the library yesterday that would take another kid 2 minutes max using standard algorithms.


    My husband is an engineer and watched a video about the EM methods and said he uses those things in his head to estimate numbers, but never if he needed an exact answer for something, and certainly not on paper longhand.

  10. I have found that writing takes less time and is more readable for lengthier writing assignments with correct writing format. My daughter still wants to "draw" her letters at times, and I have to correct it because after a few words it starts to get sloppy.

  11. I have been using a public school online math curriculum set of books for the past year, but recently discovered Math U See and am going to be giving it a try for my oldest. I bought the primer set for my younger kids from another mom in my local homeschool group and I think that it will work REALLY well for her since she is such a concrete learner and manipulative work makes the most sense to her when I'm able to use them. The lessons are fairly short with lots of practice work available which will work for the spurts of attention she has I think.

  12. If you're looking for funny and romantic, I definitely second/third the Shopaholic Series by Sophie Kinsella. Most of my chick lit books I pass back along when I'm done reading them, but I kept those and have reread them a number of times. They're simply hilarious and a very light fast read. :) "Twenties Girl" is her newest book and I found it very entertaining as well, though definitely different from her other stories she's written.


    The Apothacary's Daughter by Julie Klassen is good.


    Lori Wick's books are decent, Christian historical romances. Lawana Blackwell is also a good author and writes historical Christian romance. And Lori Copeland.

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