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Posts posted by Sorbie

  1. Put That in Writing Level 1. Most of the reviews I have seen for it have been negative. The program is not perfect, but my 7th graders' writing has really matured as we have gone through the book. It is whole to parts which has helped them gain ownership over the writing process. They can actually sit down and complete their writing assignments now without me having to walk them through all the steps.

    • Like 3
  2. Did they remove the compare contrast essay at the end of the year? The old book is 36 weeks.


    That is a good question! I just received my copies last week and have only skimmed through them. The TOC lists the following:


    Essay One: From issue to ANI

    Essay Two: The Five Common Topics

    Essay Three: Comparison I -Similarities

    Essay Four: Comparison II - Degree & Kind

    Essay Five: Definition

    Essay Six: Circumstance

    Essay Seven: Relation

    Essay Eight Testimony

    Essay Nine: Review


    Looking at the sample essays for units three and four it seems that comparison is used only for invention purposes. The sample essays are not compare/contrast essays. I wonder what else has been removed.

  3. I am currently using R&S 7 with my 7th grade boys. I have found that spreading some of the more difficult lessons over two days has really helped with their comprehension and retention of the material. We do the lesson and class practice on the first day and if there is a worksheet I have them do that. On day 2 we skim the lesson again and I have them do the written exercises. They went from c's to a's on their chapter tests doing it this way. As for your original question, I am wondering how much grammar is enough, too!

  4. Sorbie, I am a bit confused about how the two workbooks fit with the text. From what I can tell, both workbooks cover the same progym exercises. Does the student cycle through the text twice? Do you think it is written such that a student could just do the second workbook?


    And the samples say something to the effect that now your teacher will give you an assignment. Where are the teacher notes?


    I emailed the authors for a copy of the answer key and for the essay assignments.  You only need the student text and one of the workbooks.  I am not sure if it is designed to be cycled through twice or not, but after looking at the level II samples I think you could just use the second workbook. I remember reading somewhere that the model selections for Level II were more difficult, but it seems like the assignments are the same.


    I know how you feel about writing programs! I am sorry to have added another one to your list! :-)

    • Like 3
  5. Are there samples of this anywhere?  Is it secular or Christian?  There isn't a lot of info on the site, unless I'm missing something. 


    You can view samples on Amazon.com. I had a few questions about using the program, so I contacted the authors throught their website .  They were very helpful.


    As to secular or Christian, some of the models are from the Bible and some of the writing assignments are concerned with Christian themes. The encomium section discusses praising God. We haven't worked through the complete text yet, so there could be more Christian elements than I have mentioned here. 


    It is a really well done program. It is similar to Composition in the Classical Tradition, but for a younger audience. I also like how it treats the progym as a specific set of exercises to work through in order to get to somewhere else rather than as it's own destination.


    Hope that helps!



    • Like 2
  6. I have been looking at this, as well.  I thought it covered the essay and the research paper, as well as literature.  So do you think that it should be used with Writing with Skill then since it does not cover composition? 

    Those are covered in Season 3 which I have not seen. BBR season 1 does not teach anything about the writing process.  It teaches literary terms, summarizing, and newspaper writing.  I think BBR might be overkill if you are doing WWS since WWS covers literary analysis. 

  7. I just received my copy today, so I don't have any actual experience with the program.  It does not teach composition.  It is more of an introduction to literature.  Basic literary terms are covered.  The first assignment is a paraphrase and a two page summary of a book of your choice.  The second assignment is a pamphlet explaining the conflict, characters, plot, and other elements of a book of your choice.  Instruction is geared toward the student. I haven't yet viewed the material for the third assignment. Do you have any specific questions? 

  8. Our speech therapist has my ds starting Earobics, which is software to work on auditory discrimination and processing (sequencing, syllabication, initial and final consonants, rhyming, etc.).


    :iagree: We used this with my oldest who was implanted 14 years ago. We have also used StarFall.com and good old McGuffey Primer and Readers. This is a resource we just found out about which I think she might find helpful http://www.hearingjourney.com/index.cfm



  9. What I didn't like about the pre-Algebra was it seemed to just dump new info without any real explanation as to the whys. Things would be easy for awhile and then "wham" there was something new and not well explained.


    :iagree: The problem sets in Horizons pre-algebra make huge leaps in difficulty without any explanation. I would not have a problem with this if the program actually explained the whys behind the concepts in the lessons, but it does not. It is very mechanical in its approach. We are committed to finishing the book, but I won't use it with my younger children.

  10. I have the red plaid version with blue letters. I don't know the exact year mine was published, but this recipe was on page 376.




    3/4 pound ground beef

    1 cup chopped onion

    1/2 cup chopped green pepper

    2 cloves garlic, minced

    1 16 oz can tomatoes, cut up

    1 16 oz can dark red kidney beans, drained

    1 8 oz can tomato sauce

    2 to 3 tsp chili powder

    1/2 tsp dried basil crushed

    1/4 tsp salt

    1/4 tsp pepper



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