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Posts posted by Lisaroe

  1. Perhaps in your state/area they are trained to spot it. If you called the school here you would get nowhere. Even the interventionists are virtually ignorant about dyslexia (they admitted that to me).


    I would report the school- IDEA and NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND stipulates Federally that teachers /professionals must be adequately trained to work with children with special needs or the school and even the state can loose funding. Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Audio Processing Disorders testing is mostly done by Speech Pathologists-but as a Special EducationTeacher-I had to take several classes on how to spot and work with students with those issues.


    Really- I used to believe that Nebraska was not that Special Ed friendly or Homeschool Education Friendly for that matter but after listening to some of you talk --Wow-" I must have it good."



  2. Just my 2 cents worth. I would get a diagnosis first. Until you know what you are dealing with, you can't make a good plan to help. As the other moms have said, many problems present in very similar ways. For us, it was well worth the hassle and cost to get a thorough picture of what dd was dealing with.


    I agree with KatieJo- you really need to see a professional first. Try your doctor or your local school- The schools are obligated through IDEA to test for free and you don't have to enroll your child in school to have them tested but it maybe worth the information you can gain and where I am from the schools even provide services to homeschoolers - which could help you choose the right curriculum.

    Good Luck.


  3. I have been searching for places in our area that do testing for dyslexia. I called our ped's office to ask if they knew of anywhere, and he wants to make an appt to see her. Is this normal? What can he do for us in an office visit? :confused:


    I would suggest calling the school- they are trained to spot it and by Federal Law they have to test.


    I agree he may feel he needs to make a referal and needs to rule out illnesses, eye problems, ect.

    Good Luck


  4. I hate having to explain my child to every one. Today I had to switch her out of her level of swimming lessons to a lower level because she was too dangerous with 5 children and the other class only had 1 so it would be safer. Now we have to look at doing make ups and I feel like I have to explain to the person in charge (who has never met my child) that I need a class with the fewest number of children at or below the level my child is in so that the teacher doesn't get freaked out and kick her out.


    Sadly this is not the first time, any time we are doing something were someone else outside of the family is involved I feel like I have to warn them about my daughter. Its kind of frustrating. Sometimes I wish that everything was typical just so I wouldn't have to explain her to everyone I meet.


    How do you deal with all the explaining?



    Grace and lots of prayer- As the child gets older if you are like me you and your child will meet some wonderful people who will explain for you and parents of other children in those classes who will boost you up and as the group goes along even the other kids will explain.

    That is what happened in my daughter's dance class- There was a core of 4 girls that started dance with Elizabeth (though she was 4 years older than them) Each year the parents asked to be in my daughters class and since we stayed in the same program by the time my daughter got to the upper classes the owner would have the teachers modify the dances so she could stay with that class. Now the girls compete Nationally- while we have chosen not to even try competive dance for obvious reasons- my daughter goes to the local competitions to cheer her friends on and it is wonderful to see the interaction.

    I wish I could say all activities my daughter has tried through out the years have worked out like dance- they have not- but dance has given me the grace to let go of the terrible times and the fear I have of my daughter failing or having to explain and the teacher not understanding.

    Try TOPS programs if your community has them- they pair and adult/ high school student/ or college student with the child with special needs to succeed at sports.

    In our community, TOPS has a soccer , baseball, swimming, and bowling. programs. Also, the local ARC has programs for all children with disabilities not just children with developmental delays.

    Good Luck. Lisa:)

  5. I have quite a list from teaching and from what we used for my daughter-


    Tonka makes some really nice soft trucks- you pull the string and they viberate and move- the bottoms are bumpy so it is soft and silky on top/ and soft and bumpy on bottom. ( my dd would play with them for hours)


    Sorting large buttons into a container. ( Playskool makes some with lace strings big enough that if put in the mouth the child won't choke)


    Bumble Ball- this ball viberates and bounces- much like tickle me elmo-


    Leapster or my first leap pad.


    First Years (Walmart baby toys) vibrating bugs


    Exhillartions/ Lakeshore/ Creative Teacher catalogs have a whole sections of toys for special needs children- I would look at them then try to find cheaper versions locally.


    Magnetic puzzles- These are usually 4/6 peice puzzles that when the child places the peice in correctly it makes the sound of the object- eg sheep says baa


    See and Says

    Touch and Feel books from Eyewitness or Discover books


    Soft books that talk- or the quiet books for church- my dd would flip through the pages and just feel.

    I don't know if this is what you wanted but these are things I found worked.

    Good Luck


  6. I am new to homeschooling and I am ready to give it up. DS is 11 with something going on... not sure what (possibly ADD). He can focus on anything except for school work. This is driving me crazy!! I mean crazy!! We have been trying to get one page done for 2 hours. I unfortunately lost my temper and sent him to his room. Does this stuff every get better?. We were on focalin xr for 3 days and he had dizziness and nausea for the entire time. I have put a call in to the Dr. I just want to send him back to school and forget this. I really do know that is probably not a good option, but it sure does feel good to think about it. How he managed to fly under the radar with this throughout the entire school year I will never know. I am just tired and very frustrated with life right now.


    Another person asked about curriculum. That is very important. The nice thing about homeschooling is you can adapt what you are teaching to fit your child.. My son with ADHD did a lot of games and projects instead of worksheets... We did applied math instead of worksheets...Real life math is wonderful like Number Power 1 and 2 for basic facts then we built a bird house...Writing a story (IEW) and acting it out... If you need more hands on curriculum try KONOS or shorter assignments for English try Learning Language Arts Through Literature.


    Homeschooling is frustrating (It is the hardest most important job you will have... Very humbling...but the best time you will have...)


    Hang in There...My son is now 17 and is holding 2 part time jobs and doing online school work independently.

  7. Hi- I have a teen that was put on various meds over the years- Conerta and Adderal XR time release being the ones that worked the best.


    At 12/13 he refused to take them anymore meds- he told the doctor he was tired of being a zombie- Because we decided to homeschool him at 11/12- I said lets try it... while he is still very impulsive- we worked with an OT and a counselor and it has gone fairly well. He is now 17 and is sucessfully holding down 2 part time jobs and is still doing his online school...The biggest thing I noticed was he would actually sleep at night not get up at 1-2 and wander or eat once the adderal was out of his system (a side note- there are a lot of generics out there that are cheaper- we found that the generics did not work as well to control the behaviors nor help him focus and we were constantly have to increase his meds at least 1x every 6 months to a year or adding another med to help with the side effects) I know you made reference to stratera yes it is an anti-depresent however it is less harmful on the body's system than adderal over time and both you have to obtain a blood level for... the other thing about the Ridalin based drugs is the sleep deprivation over the long run which gets worse over time... so then your child starts taking sleep meds too...Depakote is usually prescribed and it is an anti-seizure med...

    For us the loss of weight and lack of growth along with the sleep issues were enough to look at vitamins and a vigerous behavior plan...I know not everyone has the luxary of working with a cooperative school like we had in elementary that had built in social skills classes which were great-but you also have to think of down the road-is this something we want to start and have him take for the rest of his life-will he be able to maintain it as an adult.....will insurance cover it as he gets older or on his own...

    The more vigerous and structured behavior program you can get them into when they are young the better off you will be when they are teens and young adults...

    I hope this helps - good luck - I really wish there was an "easy cure" - Lisa:)

  8. I teach mine to stick up for each other and for others. They should never stand silent while someone is being hurt. There's different ways of doing this- I'm not talking getting into fights- but to stay silent as if they agree should never be an option.


    My situation is backwards. My older two children have special needs and my youngest is "normal".

    I have never had to really instruct my oldest on defending his younger siblings because by nature he is a defender. ( He would say something if someone was being picked on whether he knew the person or not) That said both my boys know that they have to be responsible for their sister since she is mentally retarded. As sad as this is to say- both know that if something happened to me they would have to take care of her.


    Now my youngest - my husband, my parents, and myself have had many discussions on how he needs to stick up for others especially his brother. Recently, this came about when we discussed whether "normal" kids should be forced to go to school with special needs kids from preschool on- and he brought up a good point about me forceing my views on him. He said he doesn't really have a problem always being paired with the kids with behaviors or "odd" (his words) kids and he doesn't think its ok to put them down or shun them if they really don't get it or are trying to be good- but forcing him to defend or befriend someone makes him want to run for the hills- ( Again his words not mine)

    So I know he struggles with defending his brother with adhd-

    Now his sister is another story- I have seen him (a Very quiet kid) get in a girls face and tell her point blank that if she is not nice to his sister that he will make her life miserable after the girl bullied his sister. The girl has been nice since-

    My daughter is a loving creature (a nurse by nature) She even will tell both my boys to be nice when they are teasing each other.

    So long story short- I firmly believe children should be shown that all individuals need to be treated kindly but it can't be forced or your kids just recent you and the child you wanted them to defend.

  9. Side note: Schools and States have been penalized for not serving individuals with needs in the past. I know of a school in recent years that literally lost over $10,000 in funding for the next year because they did not service a child that qualified. (This may not seem like much- but in today's economy ever bit hurts and helps.)

    But it takes strong parents that are willing to challenge the schools to get the changes needed. Please be a strong parents not only for your child but also for those other families who aren't strong enough and future families.

    I am now reaping the benefits of such parents and am eternally grateful to them for their hard work and continued dedication.


    Remember: There is power in numbers and it just takes 1 to make a change for good.


    Good Luck!!!!


  10. The HSLDA site has a page that shows what each state offers to homeschool students under IDEA. Unfortunately, the way IDEA is written it allows states to spend money on services on homeschoolers and private school students, but doesn't REQUIRE it. It was then up to each state to legislate how they would distribute the funds. Some states (like New Mexico where we are) don't allow any of the funds to be spent on private or homeschooled students. It's unfortunate because with that type of legislation, it then makes it that even if we wanted to enroll our oldest in a private school that had a smaller classroom size which would be easier to handle her needs, then they don't have to offer services and don't have to do an IEP to be sure her needs are being met. *sigh* In most states, if you homeschool you give up your right to FAPE.


    It is to my understanding that if you read the 504 FAPE law it says regardless of where the child schools (It was written open ended because many children at that time it was orginally passed were being insitutionalized or stayed home and didn't go to school-).

    I maybe wrong again-but I would encourage all to look into the laws-IDEA maybe the big one but there are other laws governing special education services-You can get a copy for your state's regulations from the Department of Education in that State.

    Remember: Regulations do not change unless someone challenges them or lobbys their state representatives define them better -

    I really encourage anyone who is having trouble to contact the Wrightslaw group they are very nice and want to help. While the HSLD knows homeschool law- this group specializes in all laws pertaining to Special Education.

    Again- I am very blessed to be in a state that is Special Ed friendly and becoming more Homeschool friendly.

    Good Luck:)


  11. I purchased the 2010 Miller & Levine Biology book, but it's just not for us. Since my ds has attention problems anyways, I find that messy textbooks with stuff all over the pages is way too distracting. I need something clean, neat, organized, and perhaps with a higher level of vocabulary (but not TOO difficult to read). Maybe Campbell's? Are there others? Any suggestions?


    Hi- Have you tried Apologia- My ADHD son seemed to do well with it.. It has an mp3 option that reads the text to them- we used that along with the text and full course on cd-rom (basically the text on computer) It does have some interactive clips through out the text. Plus, my son likes to do the hands on stuff-but we did do the virtual dissection instead of the real stuff.


    I know other's have said it is easy but it moved at his pace which was nice.

    The older editions have less pictures in them.

    Good Luck- Lisa

  12. My son is currently 15 & finishing the 10th grade. He just finished advanced algebra with a 92 average. That being said, he has to work very, very hard at it & occasionally something will come up that shows he lacks full understanding. In some areas, he shows a lot of motivation but, in others, not so much. His academic schedule is fairly light at this point but I'm not sure if it's ability or motivation. My husband & i have considered a 5 year high school or rather that he just finished his freshmen year instead of his sophomore year. He will be 16 in August so he would be 18 & 10 months when he graduated high school & just 19 starting college.


    Any downsides to doing this. We wouldn't count last year at all on the transcript but, rather, would start with the year we're just finishing. So, it would look like he took Adv. Alg; American History; Fantasy Literature; Chemistry, & Spanish 1 in his freshman year.


    I too am in Nebraska- We are also on a 5 year plan because I made the mistake of letting my oldest try public high school. We basically lost most of his Freshman year.

    I talked to some advisors at UNK- when we started Homeschooling him again - they suggested a list of classes he would need- that is how I am doing the schedule. The classes he doesn't need for college/life we just put away, maybe pick it up if we have time somewhere else. (such as Latin, Art, ect.)


    Have you tried the local CC -They have some really good courses that count for college credit so he won't have to take them again in college. Also, UNL has a really good Homeschool High School program on line that some of the other homeschoolers in the area really like.


    Now we are messing with the I don't want to do school anymore just want to get a job syndrome since he can drive.


    I know his boss is really trying to encourage him to stay up on his classes and even pushing the value of College for Will (Esp. since he knows he can just get his GED in a year.)


    The other thing I can add to the motivation part is really encourage him to talk to someone in the field that he wants to go into. If he wants to be a pilot- talk to a local pilot and see what it takes- UNK has a pilot's program, if military talk to the recruiter -we did this and now Will knows what direction he wants to go in at least- so when he screws around I just say what is your game plan (For him I made a poster and put it up- I know overkill but now I just point at it- it seems to stop the arguements with out nagging.)

    Good Luck.


  13. My teenage daughter wants a phone for her birthday coming up- but I don't know if she can handle it. I don't think the minutes would be an issue. I just don't know if she will be able to understand how to use it.

    She can use a regular phone but she only knows how to dial our number and 911 on a regular phone. She talks to her friends on my cell but I dial for her. She just hits the send button and the end button when she is done. Some of her Dev Delayed friends have phones.

    She is becoming more independent lately, and wants to go to events with friends with out me. But usually there is an adult with her and the group.


    Also, if I do get her a phone -what type of phone- Is there a phone that is just a simple phone that can be preprogrammed for her-



  14. HI- ALL

    I am unsure about what is legal in differing states- I am lucky to be in a state that is Special Ed friendly thanks to a strong group of parents in the 70's and 80's- and their families now. But if you have questions call your state Legal Advicacy board-

    My state says that they have to serve students. I was told it is the way they get funding from the Fed with no child left behind and IDEA.

    You may want to give your state board of education a call to find out too.


    NOTE: CALL YOUR REPRESENTATIVES IDEA is up again this YEAR!!!!! with all of the Ecomony issues- THERE will be cuts made- and one of the first things to go will be services for homeschool students. There is a group called the WRIGHTSLAW Group that are very activeand can it comes to special ediucation and they can also tell you what is legal and what is not. wrightslaw.com


    Good Luck

  15. Ds's tics have been a lot worse lately and his meds haven't been controlling them. I'm only concerned because he needs to go to the dentist - he definitely has a cavity in there. His tic is vocal, like clearing your throat, but it involves his body, almost like a little jump. You can see his chest move out, and his head moves with this. I don't see how this could NOT interfere with dental work. I'm wondering if the gas would suppress the tics enough to get the work done? :confused:I haven't been able to find a pediatric dentist that has dealt with special needs yet, so I may go to our old one. Might be worth the hour drive for... Anyone have any experiences to share??:confused:


    While my daughter does not have tics- she is developmentally delayed with seizures- we go to a Pediatric Orthadontist- My Daughter goes twice a year for a check up- and if something needs to be done like x-rays, cavaties, ect- We do out patient surgery- This is about once a year. It is fun trying to get the Insurance company to pay for it. But it is worth it-- She is not tramuamatized and they get everything done at once. It is definetly worth the 2 hour drive we make.

    Good Luck.

  16. It's kind of irritating that we would have to buy delivery confirmation or some such thing when we already pay for the shipping! I used to work for the USPS as a temporary postmaster (worked when post master had to be gone or on vacation and on Saturdays).


    I just sent a lot of packages (praying everyone gets them!) and it does make me nervous.


    I really think that when you buy priority shipping and pay those rates it should automatically come with delivery confirmation at the very least.


    I know that doesn't solve your dilemma but the rant felt good for me!


    Since you've had some questionable circumstances (questionable on your post office's end; not yours) I would definitely add delivery confirmation and insurance to anything you ship.


    It's odd that first class mail has gone missing as well. Is it possible for you to use another post office for a while and see if things change. Perhaps the postal employees at your usual post office have some sticky fingers.




    Rant all you want........:iagree: It is very frustrating....The thing is I know my Postmaster and his PMR - both are too honest to do something like that ( he has been there 21 years....she has been there over a year and they have no need to take what I mailed... ) I wonder if it is happening at the Distribution center ...

    I want to complain but I don't know who or how to do it....I am afraid the Postal Service will just ignore it.... But the Letter thing bugs me the most.

    Sorry now I am ranting again.... Please Pray for me as I try to deal with this.... I really need a lot of grace so my temper will stay in check....



  17. Hi- all-

    Today, I found out a package I had sent did not make its destination- I am really upset about this because it is the 2nd package since the middle of April that has gone missing. Both packages were addressed right to 2 different people. I have had 3 First Class letters go missing too. I was told by my Postmaster there is nothing he can do because I had no insurance on them. But what makes me most upset is the letters-Thank-the- Lord they were not bills. :confused:


    Now here is my dilemma- I am starting to finally sell my Homeschool stuff we are no longer using- What should I do- USPS is the cheapest way to go most of the time- Should I just include the cost of insurance into the price and explain why- do I need to explain why I am putting insurance on it- has anyone used other ways to ship.... HELP!!!!

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