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Posts posted by Amandamc0017

  1. I had a Chow Australian Shepherd mix. We found her as a stray and raised her since she was a puppy. She was an incredible and sweet dog. I think she had the nature of the Australian Shepherd, but the vet was sure that she was part Chow. I thought that this thread seemed extremely anti chow and I would like for you to be optimistic about your dog. Ours lived to be 14 year old and we felt very blessed to have her. It took a few years for her to grow up and not act like a puppy, but she did and was a great, loyal dog with no problems. Good luck. She also liked our cat.

  2. I just discovered that I'll be teaching a Spanish class for 3-6th graders this year at our homeschool co-op. I am having a difficult time choosing a curriculum mainly due to the cost. We would like to have each family pay as little as possible(less than $5 would be ideal). I have power glide spanish which I've heard poor reviews on. I was wondering if it would work if I added grammar with another workbook(any ideas?). I was also looking at Espanol para chicos y grandes. The price seems reasonable, but would it be necessary for each family to have their own books/cds? I would love any advice. Thanks.

  3. My son is 9 and he just got a compound bow. My husband found it on ebay. It's a Mini-Magnum 20lb bow. It's pretty nice, but 20lbs is a little much for him. We were planning on buying a new one, but discovered that we could get a much better one for less money. I think he paid under $40 with shipping. Good luck.

  4. I discovered with my children, especially my oldest, that I needed a spelling program. She learned phonics easily and is an amazing reader, reading constantly. However she is not a natural speller. I didn't try dictation and I may this year. But I made the mistake of thinking that if she read well she would also be able to spell. Now we're struggling to catch up with spelling. This is probably my biggest homeschooling regret so far.

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