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Posts posted by kelmommy

  1. Anyone used Biblioplan for an independent learner? Just wondering if it would be easy to modify that way....give student the schedule and let them go through it independently. I really like the looks of it, but am not interested in doing history as a family...I have a couple of independent learners that could just read through it and do activities/work on their own as long as I supply the schedule, books and materials. TIA!

  2. I'm burned out and I need something different this year. I'm looking for a mostly literature based, mostly classical, christian history curriculum that can mostly be done independently and mostly all scheduled out for me.....does such a thing exist? I will have an advanced 3rd grader and a fifth grader next year who are already used to doing alot of their school work independently. Up till now I've been in charge of history and science and we all did it together. Well, I have 3 little ones and another on the way and I am stretched too far. Does such a thing that I am looking exist? I do not think I have enough time to make something up on my own before the baby comes in 3 weeks! I've used Sonlight, MOH, Truthquest, SOTW. I've even looked at History Oddyssey, but do not like that it is secular and only used secular sources. I really like Veritas Press book choices, but do not know how it would work independently unless I put alot of time into making a whole years schedule. I'm looking at Bibioplan and like the looks of it except it is intended to do all together and parent led. Is there anything else out that fits what I'm looking for that I do not know about? Thanks so much if you have ideas!

  3. Thank you so much for all the answers, but I'm afraid I still do not know which would be better! Maybe I will just try to find both used and try both. I have 4 boys so I'm sure they will not learn the same way and that I will get use out of both. Thanks again!

  4. Okay, I'm new to Classical educating. I'm using Sonlight this year even for LA. But next year I want to at least change LA and follow more of the guidlines in TWTM. I can't decide between FLL and R&S grammar. Anybody out there have experience with both and can give me the pros and cons of both. Maybe someone uses both? I have thought about that since they are so inexpensive. I like the looks of R&S because I've read it is a very solid program and it is Christian based. But I like the looks (from the samples) of how FLL is scripted and that is has fun songs and poems included (in the CD). By the way I would be using it for a 2nd/3rd grader boy..my oldest. TIA

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