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Posts posted by serabi

  1. I have two elementary kids in public, one homeschooled right now. My 4th grader is in public school is doing a lot of writing this year, a lot of strengthening various math topics that were introduced in 3rd like multiplication and division - at least in our area, the stuff under 4th grade math in Khan Academy lines up pretty closely with what they're doing. History in our area has been early explorers so far but I know that can also vary. You can usually see your state's standards online, if you're in the USA, to get an idea of where they might be. I've also never had a teacher complain if I ask what they're doing/what they've already covered - they're usually quite excited to show me ;) so if you can have a quick meeting with his new teacher, that might help you get an idea of what he'll be covering, too. 


    It may take them a couple days to get him into the right reading groups, etc and he may be really tired that first week. :) Definitely give it a few weeks before deciding if it's working or not. 

  2. That is definitely not the norm here (or anywhere else I've lived)


    Heck, when I had my 3rd, the billing was so separated, I actually had to pay for part of the hospital services as out of network because the audiologist who did his hearing test was out of network. Even though he was working at the in network hospital where I had my in network c-section with my in network OB. :glare:

  3. LOL. Nevermind the 2-3 weeks of Christmas Trees, stars, presents, Santa stories, letters to Santa, Christmas spelling lists, gifts exchanges, etc talked about, drawn, colored, made, done before the "winter break?" Christmas parties the morning before is a tip off that it still is a celebration of one holiday.




    and if you live where I live, you can't celebrate Halloween in school, but the December field trip is to a CHRISTMAS tree farm. :001_huh:

  4. We're moving to Hart county in a couple of weeks...anyone know of any hs groups anywhere over that way? Or around Athens?


    DD is 5...we're going to be starting kindergarten with her in December and see how she does. We originally were holding her back and not going to start until next fall but plans change and all that :tongue_smilie:

  5. Also we have to realize that some of these cases that appear innocent are 'regulars' to the local store personel. They are known thieves.


    This. if you're a store manager or security guard, you know who regularly shoplifts from that store and who doesn't. And plenty of shoplifters have children or babies. A common way for some people to shoplift is to tuck small things into the basket of their stroller, for instance. :glare:

  6. I work part time (30 hours a week) but my husband works full time. His salary is calculated at $xx.xx for the first 40 hours and then time and a half for the next 12 hours that he's supposed to work every week, bringing him up to 52 hours a week that he's actually paid for. Realistically it will be more than that very soon (he's about to open a new store - he's a retail manager.) And any hours after 52 will be unpaid since he's salaried.


    With that said, at 60+ hours a week we start really feeling it. 52 is manageable though.

  7. I haven't read through all the pages- but I do want to share my opinion on negativity about FS. I am all for FS being applied to pretty much anything in a grocery store- I don't care if it's a custom made cake or rotisserie chicken or any other prepared food. Don't care. Their food budget is whatever it is- if the FS recipient runs out of stamps because of inappropriate purchases (outside of budget for example) it's not like they get more FS's next month from what I understand. Equally, I have X number of dollars for our grocery budget. If I go over- it has to come from somewhere else. I just don't see the difference.


    That said... I do have a big chip on my shoulder when I see the mom wearing juicy couture, pulling her Louis Vuitton wallet out of her matching purse for her FS card- and then watching her get into her BMW suv. That irks the hell out of me. (is it obvious that I just saw these specific details last week at publix?). My first job was cashiering- and I would say 60% FS customers looked totally average, another 20% looked very down on their luck, but another strong 20% appeared at the store wearing a shirt that I am sure may be worth twice their food budget. I really wish more folks would concentrate on fraud, than the actual purchase.

    (disclaimer: yes I do realize that some of whom I am complaining about could be in the middle of a divorce, etc- and just wearing or driving what they had in the marriage... But surely that has to be the exception in the group- not the norm)



    or they could be a foster parent and be using their foster child's food stamps. which is totally legit, as long as you're buying food for the child.

  8. Ditto.

    In the lower grades, my son was bored and he started poking the other kids to relieve his boredom and the school's entire answer for everything was "Spank him!" (scowl)


    the last place we lived had a classical school and i looked into it. their discipline policy involved corporal punishment and you weren't allowed to opt your child out. that instantly ruled them out for us.


    where we're about to move, I doubt most people have even heard of classical education, tbh. :tongue_smilie:

  9. Why can't they buy the mix, and make it themselves? Why should my tax dollars go to pay for a fancy cake for someone, when I can't afford the same thing for my child?


    I'm sorry you can't afford a bakery cake...I really am. It's not in our budget either. I still don't see how that makes the people who qualify for food stamps and budget their food stamps so that they can afford a bakery cake entitled.


    And re: the rest - what elegantlion said. :)

  10. Neither is working for a living, being just above the poverty line, and not being able to afford to buy your kid a cake mix, much less a $38 prepared cake.


    ETA: I know a lot of people are on food stamps, because they are out of work through no fault of their own. I don't begrudge people FS. I just see a lot of abuse of the system, and there have been plenty of times where we couldn't afford the basics, much less the luxuries. It just really bothers me that some people feel entitled to the expensive stuff when we work so hard and just scrape by.


    but why is buying a bakery cake automatically mean someone feels they are entitled to that cake? we wouldn't say that about someone not on food stamps, why are we saying it about someone on food stamps?

  11. I think they are a terrible value, but not the worst thing to blow food stamps on. You figure you can get a chicken for 99 cents a pound on sale in my local supermarket. The rotisserie chickens cost $6.99 for a chicken that is around 2 pounds.


    Ahh yea...here I can get a 3lb chicken for $4.99. and you don't have to cook it, which right there means you don't have to own a pan or a working oven. $7 for a 2lb chicken though? that's not as good of a deal.

  12. Ugh. I wonder how that happens. Maybe it's categorized along with store-baked bread, which is generally a reasonable purchase.


    There are people who do not receive food stamps who are lucky to have a home-baked cake for their kids' birthdays. So now I have another thing to be irked about.


    poverty isn't exactly fun. why begrudge someone who gets enough food stamps to squeak out a fun cake for their kid the cake?

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