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Posts posted by JulieJ

  1. We use ABeka in certain seasons, with a bit of what our family perceives to be fun, added in. We thrive on literature and hands on projects, but what has worked for us in busy seasons of life, is to use ABeka as a spine and then add in fun read alouds, projects, experiments, etc...


    I don't have my children do every chapter, nor each question in an ABeka book. Rather, I go through the book and mark the pages that I want my children to cover. Then I plan in the fun. This way, they get some independent learning experience along with family learning experience.


    Remember, curriculum is a tool. You are the contractor/master foreman. You get to decide how and when the tools are best used.



  2. Don't feel bad, I received this text the other day:


    "U r a loser!"


    From a number I didn't know so at first I thought nothing about it but then I wondered if it was meant for my oldest son as a form of bullying ( he is in ps) so my mommy gaurd went up and I called the number lol. It was some man ( not a boy) that was soooooo sorry cause he had the wrong number!

  3. We had to have one baby tooth pulled because it just would not fall competely out. The dentist did it before I knew what he was doing when I asked him to look at it. ( we were at the dentist for another child). He said "Ok I got it! All better now. Oh and by the way that will be $75.00 please!!


    It was a one time thing, all his other baby teeth came out on their own.

  4. I am so glad to find I am not the only survivor lover here!!


    As for the show last night, EVERYBODY just got schooled on how to keep your numbers up by Parvarti!


    If you think about it ...it was a very good move on her part to keep her tribe numbers up and provide safety for herself until at least the final five, instead of playing the idols to only save herself twice! AS long as her tribe stays true! lol


    I felt bad for Rubert last night because he was trying to tell them...

  5. I have boys that will probably never really want to hang out in the mall, but if they did my answer would be NO. Not because of them or because of other kids their age. It would be for the safety factor that so many bad things could happen to them there without our supervision. Like being kidnapped, raped, murdered. Some might say that I am paranoid but that is okay with me.


    I still will only let my 8 yr old go to the restroom in public if his older brother can take him in. I read a story years back about a little boy that was stabbed to death in a public restroom at a beach, by a guy flipping out on drugs. His whole family was at the beach but they didn't hear a thing. Very sad story. I would rather be safe than sorry.

  6. Wow, I can't imagine my toddler being pushed by an older child. I guess I have never had those problems when I my kids were that little. I really can not remember ever having a "problem" with kids at the park. I guess with your toddler situation, I would just stay close enough to him/her so getting pushed was not possible.


    My youngest is now 8 and when I take him into the play area ( a very large area with all the equipment and wood chips) he is running between all the different climbing things so quickly that I don't think he would have time to have a problem. About 2 years ago, I opted to sit on the bench and watch, since by the time I got to where he was, he was off to the next item. I know if my son had a real problem with someone at the park he would come and let me know.


    I have more problems with adults in our public park with stuff like, littering, not having their dogs on a leash, profanity.

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