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Posts posted by mryann

  1. Another vote for MrD. My dd just finished prealgebra and we are set for algebra in the fall. She took the live class - zoom classroom. She enjoyed the teacher (Mr Henderson) who was funny and taught well. The live class was one hour and recorded in case you had to miss a session. There are worksheets that she printed for the week and are self graded. Each week there are online quizzes for each chapter. There are online quarterly exams. Extra help is available M-R - these are live sessions as well (my dd did not find them necessary as the main course explained the material well.)  This was such a great course for my kiddo. She became more independent and much more excited about math. Good luck finding something that fits your needs! 

  2. I love mine for green smoothies as well.

    grapefruit, banana, some frozen pineapple, 2 carrots, 2 celery, 1/2 c yogurt, and a huge handful of spinach.


    in the afternoon, I make fruit smoothies with frozen fruit and vanilla yogurt.

  3. :iagree:I second this recommendation. My ds uses the T-Gel twice a week and Head & Shoulders the rest of the time. You can purchase generic T-Gel at various places, so that helps a little with the cost. It does smell awful, though. I don't think there's any getting around that.



    We tried everything mentioned so far on this thread and the T-Gel was the only thing that worked.

  4. I wouldn't do the City Museum sans kids because it's no more my thing than the casinos. I did take my kids there over the summer and they loved it. I needed a chiropractor afterwards.


    I'd go to the arch if you've never been. http://explorestlouis.com/visit-explore/see-do/see-do-member/?mid=67


    I love Forest Park. http://explorestlouis.com/visit-explore/see-do/see-do-member/?mid=229&gclid=CIjYp4LozLICFYNxOgodzFMANg


    Shaw's Garden is my favorite place in St Louis, even in the winter. http://www.missouribotanicalgarden.org/


    You could tour the Brewery http://explorestlouis.com/visit-explore/see-do/see-do-member/?mid=86


    ted drewes frozen custard stand http://www.teddrewes.com/home/default.aspx


    I also love Soulard's Farmer's Market http://stlouis.about.com/gi/o.htm?zi=1/XJ&zTi=1&sdn=stlouis&cdn=citiestowns&tm=13&f=20&su=p284.13.342.ip_p554.23.342.ip_&tt=3&bt=0&bts=0&zu=http%3A//www.soulardmarket.com/


    Have fun!

  5. My parents are weird like this. They sent 20 bucks to my 12 yr old just last week for his birthday and nothing to my other 3 kids during the year. One year, they sent $5 to my dh for his birthday. If they send any money, we split it with all the kids and tell them it's from their grandparents, even if it's a check addressed to just one kid. This idea makes us all feel like a family with a nutty relative instead of feeling like we got slighted.

  6. I don't get it. You are against kids playing with kids/families who you haven't known for a year but you sent your child over to invite a child who you've only known for a month. So now you are unhappy because the babysitter said "yes"?


    I do think that once you sent the child home that the babysitter was wrong to send both children over. But you should have met her at the door with a "Oh, I'm sorry. We're not able to entertain the children now."


    I don't see anything to complain to the father about.



    this. you invited her over. how is the babysitter to know that you are strange neighbors and not bosom friends?

  7. I went with the vitamix. I agree they are pretty similar. I bought a refurbished vitamix for 320. The woman I spoke to said they refurbished were generally the machines used in photo shoots and the container is always brand new. I love mine and use it every day for smoothies. It heats to make soup. The recipe book is excellent.

  8. matroyshka, he needs more explanation before jumping into problems. He absolutely loved Lial's BCM and so I thought the Alg book would work well. For the last few weeks, he has been dreading the book and trying to put it off. Today he shadowed with a private school and loved the Alg class. He said that it was fun and interesting so I know that I need to find another text.


    Thanks for the link to Jacob's! Any recommendations on edition?

  9. My oldest is likely to enter a Catholic high school next year. Here's what I have done to make sure he is ready:


    1. 7th grade BCM review, 8th grade Lial's Alg 1 (which will be retaken 9th grade anyway so he'll have a an easy adjustment.)


    2. 7th grade: Bravewriter online course for confidence; 8th grade he began a blog for family members and posts weekly. This has been an incredibly good decision for us. The kids post about their birthdays, sports seasons, favorite foods, hobbies, Halloween, vacation, etc.


    3. we are finishing a 2 year tour of ancient history. If I didn't have any history planned, I spend the year studying various countries/cultures.


    4. For science, he watches TGC The Joy of Science 4 days a week. I planned to have him take notes but he gets distracted and prefers to just watch.


    5. Take a thorough standardized test 7th grade (CAT5) to go with the transcript.


    6. SLANT (Smile, Sit up, Listen, Ask questions, Nod when spoken to, Track with your eyes.)


    7. Finished AAS


    8. used Sheppard Software free online games to learn all the countries and their capitals.


    The only other thing that I wished I'd done was to have enrolled him in 1 or 2 classes so that he'd have a grade from someone else. I did use the Bravewriter Course and piano for external grades.


    IMO, the hardest "prep" has been adjusting to the idea of not having my kid around all day. :crying:

  10. What are they offering that you feel you can't compete with? It's amazing what you can do academically. For extra curricular activities' date=' it may involve some cost, but certainly less than the cost of a private school tuition. No matter whether he homeschools or attends private school, he will feel differently at some point during the year - probably at multiple times. It's human nature to think the grass is greener elsewhere, especially when it takes a lot of effort to get your own grass to grow. What is it with metaphors lately! :lol:[/quote']



    It's not so much the academics that worry me, although I find hsing 4 kids to be challenging. It's the extra stuff - clubs and teams that I know my kids wants/needs. We live in a neighborhood with no kids. My kids all play sports which keep us pretty busy but really doesn't net long-lasting friendships. My kids are well liked on teams but when the season ends, so do the friends. I've recently had a long standing hsing group fall apart because of parenting differences and I'm weary of hsing moms who are judgmental and controlling.


    You sure do make a terrific point - what could I do with 10K a year as a hsing budget?!

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