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Cheri Warren

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Posts posted by Cheri Warren

  1. This is an example of why I want my children to be driven by adults. Maturity comes with age and experience. I drove at 16 but it's a wonder nothing happened. (and I was careful)


    So sorry for the families and the teens involved.... what a horrible tragedy. :(

    I totally agree. My teenagers are not allowed to be driven with other teenagers. ONly me, their father or grown adults.


    What about seatbelts? Were they wearing any??

  2. My question will be is the lifepacs for all of language arts (reading, spelling, grammar, vocabulary...) or just one of them such as grammar. If it is just grammar or just reading, then I would suggest using them both.

    We use LLATL, but also use GUM grammar. They compliment each other.

    Maybe Lifepacs and LLATL could compliment each other in your case? For us, we do LLATL daily and GUM grammar on M,W, and F.

    The LifePacs are for everything. I do add in extra writing 3 days a week and Wordly Wise 3 days a week. LLATL just seems too weak IMO. I know it builds upon itself, but my dd has had most of what is in the Tan in 3rd grade public school She needs to be challenged. So I think i'll stick with LifePacs this year and maybe move on to BJU next year for 8th.

  3. Okay, I have both of these curriculums for my 7th grader.


    I cannot afford anything else, I am finding both have pros and cons. LLATL seems WAY too easy, in fact it's all review and I have looked thru the whole book. Not sure I like the format either.


    LifePacs seem like a lot of busy work but I think I can make them work this year. Wish it had more writing instruction but I have not looked thru each lifepac yet.


    So, which would you choose? Will I ruin my child if I use LifePacs? I have read so many negative comments about them. I would like to stick with them thru highschool if we like them, just so hard to decide

  4. SO many over the years---it's really quite embarrassing! :tongue_smilie:


    The worst are the ones I buy, try--don't like, sell. And then REBUY because I read someone else's review that makes it sound great!!!


    This is really hard to admit----but I simply CANNOT STAND IEW!!! And I bought it all over again thinking I could make it work---committed to just one program to finally get my kids writing. What a dummy----I just do NOT like the methodology. At all. Uninspiring doesn't even cover it. This is my LAST expensive purchasing mistake---last.


    Other flops: BJU LA, Abeka LA, Abeka math, Abeka science, BJU History, Lightning Lit, Rosetta Stone (HUGE $$$$ flop!), Noeo science, Rainbow science, Angelicum Academy anything, Sequential Spelling, Catholic Heritage Curricula anything.......there's more but I can't remember all of it. At the time, I was a curriculum junkie with a large budget, and fortunately the buyers benefitted from my inability to find the right fit!

    I cannot stand IEW either! Have you found anything you like as far as LA and writing??

  5. I spent a lot of time at the WS website last night. I listened to Dave Marks lecture and am so intriqued by these products.


    Have any of you used Writing AND Reading Strands together successfully?


    Is the Reading Strands book basically a book list?


    Please tell me about using these together

  6. I am using it now for 11th grade. We will do both volumes. The beginning of Volume One is pretty easy..... but dd of course likes that.... One chapter for one or two explorers, one chapter for each colony.... so it has started out pretty slow. There are questions at the end of each chapter in the activity guide that make it high school level. We do one or two of them (so far since it is only explorers and colonies). We may end up doing more later on (I still need to look at it more). Dd just can't do textbooks, they are too summarized and she is bad at filling in the gaps. She is enjoying the reading and having good retention with it. I am planning on adding whole books to it, we'll see if that materializes!

    Do you feel it's doable to do 2 vol. in 11th grade without feeling rushed?

  7. You're thinking very in-the-box here. SELL the Lifepacs and buy the thing you really want!! That LLATL would sell in a heartbeat. And with the money from those two, you could afford to buy just about anything you wanted. I'm using Shurley 7 (got it used off the amazon marketplace, uber cheap), but R&S wouldn't be expensive either. And no, I don't think LA has to be drudgery. Have you seen KISS grammar? It's a series of free downloads, and you could do that very profitably together, totally free. Then get something fun like Caught Ya Grammar with a Giggle, which comes in lots of levels and themes. If you sell off the things you have, could afford to get some things you'd like.

    Problem is...I don't know what I really want! LOL

    I cannot find anything we like, so at this point I will just use what I have,combine them both and research again for next year.

  8. Have you looked at which books LLATL is including in 7th? If you are happy with them, (grade level, selection) then I think the program would be great with some added grammar.

    Also - you could go lifepacs, and then look on the internet for free study guides on the web for books you would like to have read this year. There are a lot out there. I know I found Huck Finn, Animal Farm, Red Badge of Courage, 1984, etc....


    I was considering using LLATL alone, adding in more books and using Easy Grammar. That was one of my options. I just have both curriculums which I don't want to "waste" LOL

    Honestly, LifePacs looks very boring. I think we'd both get burned out quickly. I "could" just go thru them however and use the grammar portions.

    I have a lot to do over the weekend, tweeking both curriculums!


    I just wish I LOVED and was satisfied with one or the other!

  9. I agree with a blend of the two.


    Also, TWTM has an excellent section on how to discuss literature with logic stage students, and how to assign literary writing to them. I can't recommend it highly enough.


    7th grade is a good age to start a small literary discussion group if you can. 4-8 children is a good number. If you have them read and discuss one work per month, it's a good addition to your regular literature course of study and can add some variety of viewpoint that is helpful in developing and honing ideas and precise thinking. But this is not a 'must'--it's just icing on an already pretty good cake.

    Thanks. I do have the newest WTM book, so the section on how to dicuss lit in there,in that book?

    Any suggestions on how to blend to two? Just look at both thoroughly and choose what I feel are most important? That seems daunting!

    What do you feel is most important in LLATL to not leave out?


    UGH! I wish there was an easier way!

  10. So what do you want to cover for 'English'?


    Grammar, spelling, punctuation, mechanics, literary analysis, literature exposure, vocabulary?


    Start with that and then we can help sort out your question.

    Yes! All of the above, which Lifepacs and LLATL seem to cover, however one seems so much easier than the other. And the "other" seems rather boring.


    But I guess school sometimes has to be boring right? At least ONE subject.


    Lifepacs seems more challenging and better overall, but I just cannot make up my mind

  11. This year I started with the green LLATL and Wordsmith. Both are usable but not strong curriculums. I have dropped both after 10 weeks of trying them and my son has had no complaints with this direction.


    The writing in both left my son feeling frustrated. In LLATL they give examples but do not tell how to do it. The example is annoying because it shows a perfectly written piece that the child is now suppose to come up with his own version after reading this. I was surprised wordsmith did not work out because we enjoyed Wordsmith Apprentice. It just got very annoying after a while and my son made several comments about hating this book. He was tired of working on the same 2 papers after 10 weeks, revising each time he learned a new technique.


    I will say that my older son went through the Gold book of LLATL and Wordsmith (not at the same time) and had no problems with either. Every child is different.


    May I ask what you are now using?

  12. Ooh, Cheri, you're using the one I'm thinking about. Can you tell me anything more? Do you find it to be HS level in what is covered and the questions asked? Is it thought provoking? (I've looked over all the samples, but they're just too short to get a good picture.)



    Yes, it is thought provoking! It is not like ACE where you can go back and copy the answers. You really have to go back and maybe read it over again and come to your own conclusions, however the information is there! I had to help my dd the first few days because I told her she was going to have to work a bit to find the answers. However she now has it where she is getting the hang of it, and it's not taking as long. And is it definately HIGHSCHOOL level!


    I really REALLY like this style of homeschooling. Years of Sonlight left us dreading history. I felt we were doing history for 5 hours a day. Now we are done in 30 minutes or so. The teacher's manual also gives ideas and extra assignments if you like.


    This is why I am so tempted to just go and buy the Language Arts now. Currently we are using LLATL Tan, but it's so simple. It's like what my dd did in second or third grade. I know you are supposed to stick with LLATL to see results, but I really think it's not her learning style. She loves workbooks/textbooks however I felt BJU and Abeka were over the top and WAAAAAY too much info to process! AO is straight-forward get it done and know they are learning what they need to learn!

  13. Cathy Duffy gives the highschool level Language arts program a very good review so does Rainbow Resource, that is why I was interested in it.


    My dd is also using the 10th grade world history program and "I" really like it so far. The information is great and I think it's a great program.


    We use ACE for Science which is working well, will most likely stick with it, but wasn't sure of their upper level histories either...Hard to decide which one

  14. We are doing Civics and World Geography. Dd likes it quite a bit. She is 3/4 through book 2. So far it is covering US history and government. Topics have included pilgrims, revolutionary war, articles of confederation, changes in society, declaration of independence, structure of government, etc.


    Dd likes it because the layout is very straight forward with reading and Q/A. I like it because it asks the student to think, draw conclusions, and support their answers. Writing assignments are also included. We have covered some of the history already (pilgrims and such), but the review is good - not too much, not too little. It takes what we have covered, expands on it, and asks the students to think about it differently than we have before. The new information is explained very well, simply and straight forward. It is not difficult or confusing.


    I think this is a "sleeper" program. I had not heard much about it before choosing to use it. It is certainly not a classical program in that literature is not used (although occasionally recommended) nor is history taught chronologically. (I think this is the primary reason I had not heard about it.) It is not choppy like many of the other lifepacs courses. We found American Lit, for example, to be extremely choppy and chose not use it. The questions are usually fill in the blank type. For example: "What is the purpose of the legislative branch?" Each lifepac has self tests and 1 overall test. It is not as dry as BJU or Abeka (IMHO) but others might disagree with that opinion.


    Does that answer what you needed?

    Is this under the ninth grade level, or are you using the civics elective course?

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