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Posts posted by Catiejoy

  1. I believe a buyer once told me that the consensus was that Rosetta Stone did not develop a true understanding of the language, but was good for developing vocabulary, and pronounciation. (and hence she decided against buying my new unopened RS.:glare: ) I am still looking for the ultimate program, but am very interested in the responses to this post, we have enjoyed the Easy Spanish and The Easy French programs as well as the First Start French (I think the latter because we were familiar with the layout of Latina Christiana series)

  2. my son is a Senior , we have only homeschooled the last four years. I probably made some mistakes in allowing him to work independently on his work, especially on SAT prep, but I suffer from terrible test anxiety and did not want to deflect my feelings. It seems that being public schooled myself I had many more options than my son.

  3. My son took the SAT's, scored as expected for Reasoning and Writing, but much lower in Math, I think due to anxiety What do we do now, can't afford to send him now because of lack of scholarship and he was planning on majoring in Math and Physics. Side note, I did not realize so few schools even ask for writing score. Will it hurt him too much in the future if he attends community collrge, proves himself, and transfers? Any one have experience with this route.

  4. I started teaching the Shurley Method in a private school and loved it except, the kids did not be able to isolate words and tell what part of speech they were or tell what the adverb questions, were etc . . . Also I grew to prefer IEW for writing Fast forward, we now homeschool and my older two had had 5-6 years of the method so I did not finish them. Now I realize how much my youngest missed and we are doing the homeschool version. Granted it has only been a week and I see some nice improvements that I believe address my concerns; however I think I would prefer the school ed. In your opinion, does each homeschool year assume it is their first year?

  5. I echo debt free means no debt, therefore we are not debt-free. Our house is paid, not sure what it is worth- is that is important? unless you have a qualified buyer, just a thought. Our cars are paid for also, but we have unsecured debt from a now defunct business. On the other hand, of the four cards, we have paid all but one. (Liquidated

    a savings account to do so, but the stress reduction it brought was worth it)

  6. It has been awhile since I had a garage sale and I went into it this time with more of an attitude, let's just get rid of the clutter- I didn't even recover my ad's cost! I really did not overprice things and I donated most of it to Goodwill after the sale, but I wanted to know how others' garage sales are going? Oh, by the way we had a constant stream of people, just $17 worth of sales

  7. I was encouraged? (misery loves company?) I have had chickenpox personally three times! - I think it is worse as an adult- but maybe kids just forget better, Does that presuppose me to Shingles- I didn't think so; but maybe I am wrong- we just had our middle child get the booster- the oldest and the youngest had chickenpox at 5 months and three months respectively- are they recommending the vaccine for all children?

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