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Posts posted by UKLondon-Dad

  1. My 9 year old, were he in school, would have just started year 5. He is currently doing year 4 MEP. He is "behind" due to outside issues, not his ability. I have just given him the year 4 end of year test to do, and he has passed it 100%, in about 20 minutes.


    My question is: would you get him to stat year 5 MEP, or continue with year 4? He is about half way through year 4.



  2. Thank you all for your replies. I wasn't convinced with TJEd, so just wanted some input. I have a friend who is really into it, and it does seem to be working for her family, but I must admit, it just didn't sit right with me. I have a copy of the book, so will read it, for fairness sake, and indeed if there is anything that can be used, then great. I suspect though that we will continue with the classical education we have be using for the last 5 years.


    Again, thank you all for your replies.

  3. Firstly, we love the well trained mind! We intend to use the approach to educating our children through all three stages. That said, I've be chatting at length recently with a friend who uses TJED with her kids, and I would like to hear what people think of it, and if  it can be merged into WTM?



  4. Here in England, you go to school in the September of the academic year you turn 5 - ie, anyone who is 5yo between Sept. 2010 and Aug. 2011 starts school next month.


    This is not correct. Our son turns 5 in April 2011, and IF he was going to school, he would be starting Reception (Kindergarten) this September, (which is not compulsory), but not Year 1 (Grade 1) until September 2011.

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