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Posts posted by EgoElfWife

  1. We will start either August 1st or August 8th.


    We'll be doing MFW K and ECC so whatever pace ECC is will be how we go. The K'er is going to be doing 2 or 3 days at a time since she is almost 6 and was "held back" for no reason other than that I listened to some bad advice. (The lady thought she was telling me the right thing but I didn't listen to my gut)


    Anyways. We have swimming lessons from July 25th through August 3rd so that's why I'm not sure exactly when we are starting.

  2. Remember the old binder system? Alot of pp used to do that I wonder if filing and then popping that weeks work into a binder with tabs for the days of the week or subjects in them so that work for the week goes into a working binder and then is filed at the end of the week.


    now my wheels are turning.


    That's my plan for the year.


    I was talking to my SIL and talking about binders and she was thinking about binders and I was thinking about folders. And then I suddenly said, I'm going to 3 hold punch everything but put it in the folder and then when they are finished it will go into the binder.

  3. But in order for HOD to work here, especially with 4 guides (if you're counting the very 1st one) I would just take HOD's lesson plans and write them in my own lesson book divided out by independent work and "with mom" work. Of course, I reserve the right to leave something out and add something in (Latin, for sure) ...doing R&S at our own pace, substituting Saxon math. Is this the amount of tweaking that makes HOD lose it's beauty?


    Are you kidding me?


    I mean I know that obviously FOUR guides work for you.


    But yeah, most mothers do not have time to write everything out in their own book especially when it should be open and go.


    I'm doing two MFW this year and I'm only going to be able to do it by photocopying (allowed by the copyright for my own use. I need it for records) and then adding in each childs math and l.A. otherwise I would be crazy.

  4. We just finished up VBS at our church. It was "Pandamania"


    Anyways, it was free. Started Sunday, Friday was a parent night and fun for the children.


    Four of my children went. I bought the shirts and CD and that was about it. I bought 6 shirts and 1 CD for 67.00


    They do donations each day of actual products for various ministries, battered women, kids without food from Friday lunch to Monday breakfast, teenage orphans, etc....


    They also do money donations that I believe goes into the Children's Ministry but I'm not sure. It probably goes to cover the cost and even then it probably didn't. But they make it fun. The girls lost this year and the leader of the children's ministry ate a live goldfish :puke: but the kids thought it was awesome. In the past they have done slime, pie, etc...

  5. While Sonlight has its appeal, I've never bit that bullet.


    We will be doing MFWK rapidly this year with an almost 6 year old and then she will go into first.


    If I think that I can add in the MFWK and do MFW1 and MFWECC then I'll start my 4.5 year old as well this year. But for now We will be doing only three of the children.


    Anyway my vote is for MFW with the literacy collection.

  6. I would just adjust your schedule as his schedule adjusts


    do light days on days he is home.


    Tues and Weds my husband works from home so I know he can help twice for ten minutes and for the lunch hour but otherwise he is off limits so we work around that and if he doesn't have a meeting he will put a veggie tales on for the baby and she will sit in his lap while he works.

  7. My SIL with teaching 5 children, it takes between 3-5 hours including a break for lunch. But she is also always doing either a K or 1st as well so that cuts into the time as well.


    This is for MFW.


    Lets see, she is teaching 2 4th graders, 2 2nd graders and a Ker.


    From what she has told me, it is a five day program but Friday or whatever day you need it to be is VERY light. And if you wanted to you could do some of the Friday stuff on a different day to make it so one day is completely free.

  8. I'm doing MFW and while I'm not keen on their science I'm going to go with it and in the summer do Apologia because that is what I prefer.


    It sounds weird but we are doing the curricula as is during the school year with the exception of MUS instead of singapore and then in the summer doing an Apologia science and singapore math. If we have a chance during the school year we will do 1-2 days of singapore but we will see how it goes.

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