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Posts posted by NewHomeSchoolMarm

  1. I've tried Sonlight, Winterpromise--both very similar curriculums and MFW is the least expensive, most organized, and most inclusive of them all. It looks expensive...but compared to a high school or middle school education... it's no cost at all.



  2. Have you tried a non-parent driven curriculum? This year we decided to use Abeka DVD Academy for my dd age 9. I honestly had to set aside all my love for literature approach and flowery curriculum--at the suggestion of a friend. I had to ask myself...What is more important? Curriculum...Daughter being home? Come to find out my dd 9 is extremely motivated with her 4th grade "teacher" and loves the workbook approach. She begged me never to go back to reading books and stuff. :001_huh: I have had two major surgeries the last two school years and now, my daughter's day is not dependent on me starting her and carrying her through the day. Don't worry there is still plenty of work to do together...and reading.





  3. DH and I looked into adoption several years ago and one agency suggested for us to apply to be in their foster parent program. We kindly said no, and went to adopt two daughters through another agency. DH and I were fearful of all that foster care would cost our families hearts and minds, and I respect and hold you in great honor for being an emergency home for such children.


    Blessings & Hugs,



  4. Have you read the Well Educated Mind? If so, what are your thoughts about the book? Have you tried the suggested "education" method for yourself? It looks great and the thought of educating myself further (one reason I love homeschooling my kids!) sounds great! :hurray: I'm always up for a challenge, but I'm personally not interested in furthering my degree or taking Adult Education or Online Classes. I like the idea of doing something on my own and at my own pace. Does it sound like the WEM is what I am looking for?


    TIA Hive Mind,



  5. As much as I try not to define myself as more than a Christian Wife and Mother, it seems that I really do identify myself as a homeschooler. Some how homeschooling is really more than something I do, it has shaped my life and the lives of my family and our lifestyle. I love the challenge, the sacrifice, the Spring catalogs, planning, revamping of schedules, reorganizing the schoolroom, checking work, reading together, contemplating learning styles and approaches, reading and commenting on the HS'ing boards......


    Here's the kicker--due to my health we will be sending our girls to private school next year. The last two years I have battled serious illness and had two major surgeries-mid school year. Life has been beyond difficult (to say the least)! Dh made an executive decision that until my health stabilizes the girls would go to private school. Dh has taken on so much of my role the last two years: homemaking, nursing me, and homeschooling the girls and it has really impacted his work (his God given responsiblility). I agree with him, that with all my Dr. appointments, procedures, surgeries ( I just had surgery three weeks ago), rehab appointments 3x a week-- schooling has been rough. My girls are growing beautifully through this... but honestly, taking on their education is more than we can do WELL at this point. Unfortunately, I'm not even able to run my household (chores, dinner, cleaning, wife duties....) :willy_nilly:


    I really feel sad about the whole situation, something I really love to do and defines my life will no longer be apart of my life. DH has encouraged me to Get Well, Focus on Rehab, and Get our Home in Order. Not a bad plan, the last few years of trial have taught me about the need to be flexible and sacrificial. Lord Willing, I am on the road to recovery and I can restore my home to order and bless my wonderful DH and daughters.


    I honestly feel my girls will not want to be homeschooled once they go to school (which they are really looking forward to BTW), so I feel like this is the end for us. I'm being dramatic right? I probably need to get a new hobby right? Should I get a life? OR was I wrong for making homeschooling (something for my girls) my passion?


    WTM'ers I really need your insight and advice, you all are a treasure chest of wisdom.



  6. Hi Fellow WTMers,


    I was wondering what you all do with your family pictures. I was considering creating a blog with family photos for long distance relatives to be updated and included in our family stuff--but I don't like the idea because blogs are public. So many of my relatives are far away...including my parents and everyone (for the most part) is computer savy, so I'm sure someone out there has a cool suggestion. Now, I do send photos in the mail on the holidays and school pics when they arrive...but the fun stuff and updates stay with me or inside my digital camera.




  7. Hi WTM'ers,


    I was thinking:glare: really hard about what I can do with my two dd's 9 & 5 tomorrow. Doing school as usual seemed a waste of an amazing event, that really only happens once every 4 years in our country. But, I am fresh out of ideas-- I usually am when it comes to the creativity department! I definitely wanted to watch the Inaugural Parade, Swearing In Ceremony, and the Inaugural Speech together. I have several newspapers from the campaign to the actual election....Maybe we can make a history collage. Anyone care to share their ideas/plans?



  8. HI Ladies,


    This calendar year has been a humbling one for me battling illness, surgery,and now a long & painfully slow recovery. Thanks to friends (cyber and church) a suggestion was made for me to use Abeka DVD Academy so that my dd 9 could still homeschool while I did Abeka K workbooks with dd5. This worked for everyone and my husband was thankful not to have to substitute teach for the year. :lol: So what's the problem?! Well, up until now I have always used a Literature Approach with my girls: WTM, FIAR, MFW, Sonlight, Winterpromise and I loved it!!!! Apparently the kids didn't:glare:. My dd9 loves her Abeka Academy Teacher, Workbooks and Classmates ( I don't have the heart to tell her they are older now and that this is pre-recorded) and now my younger wants to do this for first grade next year. See, I really believed that the Literature Approach was a better one, but I see my girls love workbooks. I guess that's fine, right?:glare: Has anyone contemplated this before?



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