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Posts posted by Prose

  1. Has anyone read this series? Or anyone's daughter? Ann Martin is the writer of the babysitter's club I think. What age for reading the series? Do you think the topics she brings up are appropriate? My daughter, who's 7, listened to the first book on Cd from the library, and wants to get more, but I don't know much about the books. What's your opinion of them? good books or not?

  2. I'm really curious about the MP products as well. I just love everything they do.


    I have used the VP guides and they are reading comprehension and hands-on activities. There's nothing wrong with that. I just don't think it's necessary for my goals at this time. I think I'm better off informally discussing and using narration with literature. But I am curious about the MP guides. They seem to be trying to do something different. They are also covering far fewer books in greater depth, so I would consider those.


    I started off using VP as written years ago and burned myself out bad. It's just too much...everything. Now that I am more LCC, I feel the liberty to pick and choose. The VP lit guides could be helpful for directing discussion but I certainly wouldn't feel the need to write answers to every question.



    Sorry:tongue_smilie:what is lcc?

  3. Great discussion! This really has got me thinking. I read the article on line someone suggested, and already put a book on hold at the library. I think that we will check out a fairy tale book and skim through and see how we feel, and maybe I'll try to get a hold of "Orthodoxy". That sounds like an interesting read. Thank you again for all the impute.


    I really value thinking through our decisions as a family and really seeking the Lord as to what is best for US, and not just going with the cultural flow. I think everyone who chimed in is also doing just that! So it's been so good to hear from you all.

  4. Be like a Berean and prayerfully search the Scriptures about it. The Lord gives wisdom willingly to all who ask and will not resent it!


    He will let you know what's right for you! :grouphug:


    Great advice.


    Thanks everyone for continuing to chime in!


    I know this can be a heated topic, thank you for being respectful and loving.

  5. Thank you everyone for sharing. I'm really enjoying hearing what everyone has to say.Thanks HappyGrace for being so candid, and I think I am still trying to figure out what we will teach in our home about "magic" and "witches". Grandma already told oldest that they were bad, and I don't even know how I feel about that!


    It's so hard sorting about all these things and it's so nice to hear from other moms.

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