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Posts posted by Qs3

  1. Thanks EL. I love the idea of letting the characters' choices dictate the plot. It sounds awfully daring somehow, like bungie jumping into an unknown world.

  2. Just wondering if anyone has ever gone into this with no planning? I've been mulling some ideas around, but I don't have any hard core outlining. I guess I'm thinking I might run out of steam in the middle of the story if I don't hammer out my plot first. I have heard of people just winging it, but I'm curious about your thoughts...

  3. For those who have done nano in the past, how much do you write daily? Considering that November is a busy month, do you give yourself daily or weekly goals? 50k sounds like a big number. Please tell me this is really doable for a first timer.

  4. Tanya,


    I'm sorry that you're going through this. I also know what it's like to go through something that totally rocks your faith. In February, my dad who had been a strong Christian for 30 years, committed suicide. Not only that, but he did it in anger. In front of my mom. The pain that he caused was earth shattering for everyone. And it was very, very hard to understand why God would possibly let this happen. For months I would try to read my bible. For my mother, it was the only thing that sustained her. For my brother and I, it was like chewing on stale crackers. I admit, I was very angry with God.




    I did pour my heart out to Him. Sometimes I cried and yelled. Sometimes I pleaded for help. Over and over I asked why?! I couldn't see how in the world this situation would be good for us. Did I even know who God really was? Didn't He know that I needed my dad? How could He love me and let me feel so much pain?


    Yet, God was and is working. I will never understand why He thought my children shouldn't have their grandpa for as long as possible. Or why my mom has to start over with her life. But, God has healed relationships in our family. Our hearts are focused more heavenward than ever before. Wonderful people have come into our lives that we would never have met otherwise. And, strangely enough, things are starting to make sense. God's ways are higher than ours. Nothing can seperate us from His love. His promises are true.


    Days aren't always easy. We also still get mail for my dad. In fact, we are selling everything from his estate. I have to see his stuff every day! But, it's getting easier. I can read my bible and get great comfort and insight again. My mom is taking medication for depression. It helps her a ton. I try to surround myself with good music, movies, books. Some days we do nothing but talk!


    So many people here have given wonderful suggestions. Please take care. God knows what you're going through. He knows how much you miss your mom. He knows how much you hurt. I pray that you would experience His abundant healing love. :grouphug:

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