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Posts posted by Riceballmommy

  1. One of the big ones I'm looking at is, we can go to Disney World in May, our in-laws have to wait until June, so Hubby's twin sisters will be out of school (It's too crowded in June). I also love that with us, Monday is not a school day. Two days of the week we make sure to do school early so we can go to my grandparents for the day. I know I wouldn't be able to do that with her in public Pre-K.

  2. I think it's a bit much to give a kid detention for calling someone who hit them a jerk. I also think that you should have been called. They advocated "using your words" when I was in middle school, you think they'd support that rather than punishing it. I definitely think it's a good idea and go talk to the school. If you and your husband want to pull your son out of school and go back to homeschooling, I think that's perfectly fine too. Especially if your son is on board.

  3. I highly recommend NOT relying on the SD card. I am paranoid about my pictures in the extreme. Every six months, I burn two CDs, and one goes to live at my mother's house. Every single time I upload pictures, they are uploaded to my laptop and the family desktop. The family desktop is backed up via Carbonite. Eventually I do have to remove pictures from my laptop due to space issues. The chance of all these things failing at once is astronomically small.

    I have all my photos on the computer, practically. I never really print any because the get lost. I keep meaning to burn them to a CD too. I have a few CD's somewhere though and I can't remember where they are... so maybe CD isn't the best place to have them for me. I've been talking about getting an external hard drive to just store all the photos on as a backup. I think I'll look into Carbonite though.

  4. I opened up an account for my daughter shortly after she was born. I've made a few larger deposits $25-$50, but mostly we save pennies in a jar for her. When the jar is full I cash out the pennies and put that money in her account. If she gets an extra dollar here or there I throw that in too. I can't afford $25/month right now to go into her account, though I'd eventually like to be able to give her at least $10 a month on top of the pennies we save. It feels like I just went through the process of realizing that even if your parents are poor you still might not be able to pay for college. I filled out my Fafsa in for 2004, and had an EFC of 0. Even with the EFC of 0, I still had to apply for a student loan, and after the student loan I was $6,000 short. My mother would not apply for the parent loan, so I went to community college. With an EFC of 0, at community college I had all my tuition paid for plus plenty left over for books.

    So I definitely advocate saving anything you can, and going to a community college if all else fails,or just to cut down on some of the costs in the begining.

  5. Thanks. This is one for my 'to watch' list. I hadn't heard of it before.


    My avatar is Natsuki Kruger from Mai Otome. She is the headmistress at the academy in the anime, and since I'm the headmistress of *my academy....she seemed fitting for my avatar. Gotta love anime!!


    I have a bunch on my "to watch" list, I really should get around to it. I think I'm going to check out Mai Otome, it sounds pretty neat. As for Fruits Basket the show is great, I just wish they'd do another season, and follow the rest of the story. I've read the whole manga series, it was the first manga I read. I think I'll get around to reading more eventually. :001_smile:

  6. On my mommy blog I use a gimmick, I got the idea from a sub community on Xanga. On Momaroo, they use Mama Ladybug, Mama Pig, etc. So on my mommy blog I'm Riceball Mommy and my daughter is Mini Riceball, everyone else gets some nickname or inital. I haven't posted any photos yet, and really don't plan to post much of any in the future. I keep my facebook friends rather limited, and I don't keep much of that public, though I do use my real name on my artist website, and blog, because my name is my branding. After you factor in that the gimmick feels like a moot point but it makes me feel better and I suppose that's what matters.

  7. My grandmother used to bake and decorate cakes, she always used Betty Crocker. On the Betty Crocker website it says they make strawberry cake mix, and I've always thought that it was a bit stiffer than Pillsbury.

    I also bake the occasional cake now, and when I decorate I use her butter cream icing recipe, and I do the cake a day or two ahead and they've always held up well.

    I'm not sure if that's helpful at all, just figured it was worth a shot.

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