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  1. HomeAgain, I just saw your earlier post about backing up to Beast! Thank you again!
  2. HomeAgain & Green Bean. Thank you for this insight. This is what I was afraid of. If we're feeling like AoPS will kick their butts, would you back up a year to Beast Academy 5? Also, I did the placement test for Saxon and got 7/6. Would we say Envision/Pearson/Savvas is spiral or mastery curriculum? For some reason or another I am really sweating that feature of the curriculum I select. I keep coming back to the Saxon/Math-U-See decision. GreenBean, just curious, why do you feel their scores from public school are inaccurate?
  3. Hello middle-school homeschoolers- I am at that stage where I'm starting to sweat and lose sleep over my curriculum selections for the upcoming year. I am a new to homeschooling this age group. What did you choose for your sixth grader? What choices did you or do you feel constitute a complete 6th grade year? Below I have included what is required by my state (Maryland) for homeschooling. Has anyone found a nice curriculum-selection worksheet? Maybe having it all laid out will help me feel better. Also, what components make up a solid Language Arts curriculum. I'm currently settled on Writing with Skill Level 1 but am wondering if there are any extras I should add. (1) The home instruction program shall: (a) Provide regular, thorough instruction in the studies usually taught in the public schools to children of the same age; (b) Include instruction in English, mathematics, science, social studies, art, music, health, and physical education; and (c) Take place on a regular basis during the school year and be of sufficient duration to implement the instruction program.
  4. I'd also like to add that my twins are coming from a public school and learned well with Envision Math. They scored straight A's and seemed at ease with Math, even going to so far as to proclaim that Math is their favorite subject. 😮
  5. Thanks again everyone. I am currently going back and forth between Math Mammoth and the Art of Problem Solving. If you have time, would you all be able to share why you'd pick one over the other?
  6. Since the US Presidential Election is proving to be so.....interesting this go-round I was hoping to find some sort of Unit Study so my middle-schoolers can follow along and get a sense of what is taking place. Any tried and true sources?
  7. Thank you all for your insight on selecting a Math program for my learners. I really appreciate the help. I'll report back in the coming weeks on what we've settled on.
  8. Hello Educators ✋, I am re-entering the Homeschool world with 11 year old twins. They would be entering 6th grade in the Fall which is the first year of middle school in our neck of the woods. We homeschooled during the 2020-2021 school year, which was their 2nd grade year and we really enjoyed it. The only part of curriculum selection that is giving me pause is Math. My twins both tested as gifted (exceedingly sensitive and bright) and were promoted to Pre-Algebra for their sixth grade year. I used Saxon Math's placement test and found that there were some skills they didn't have on board yet and ultimately the placement put them in Saxon's Math 7/6 to begin. How does everyone feel about Saxon? Do you feel it was rigorous and well made? I'd really like something that is as independent-study-like as math can be at this age. I think my kiddos would appreciate that. How much time do you dedicate to math day-to-day in 6th grade? I welcome your wisdom. Thank you!
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