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believe in miracles

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Posts posted by believe in miracles

  1. I'm using the older MUS curriculum (Foundations of math) and the old skip counting cassette tape that came along with it. I'm realizing now that the seven's song is mostly erased (must have been my two year old!). Anyhow, is the CD exactly the same as the cassette tape? Now that we've learned most of them, I don't want to buy a CD full of different songs. We just need to learn the 7 song yet- it's the last one for us to do. I'll order it if the songs are the same, otherwise I'll be hunting down the cassette tape second hand.

    The cassette tape's songs are about Jesus sending soldiers out 2 by 2, Daniel's 3 friends who would not compromise, Zacheus giving the sum times 4, "Nine"vah for the nines, etc....

    Thanks in advance!

  2. I debated the same two. What it came down for me in the end was I found Spelling Power second hand for cheap. I was kind of relieved to not have all the AAS tiles... I knew my dd2 would have them all over the house in no time. What I like about Spelling Power is that it's super quick to use. 15 minutes a day. I wouldn't worry about your dd's spelling so much yet. She's so young like my daughter. Apparently, we're not supposed to even be starting spelling lessons yet. I don't even do the Spelling Power everyday and I don't even do the full 15 min. I started early with her just to get her "thinking" about spelling when she writes. It worked! I noticed that she's paying more attention to how she spells words since we started the program.


  3. Math u see is all about building a foundation for life. 8 Lessons is still 8 lessons of mastered, solid math. No big deal that she's not flying through the book. What's great about homeschooling is that the we can cater to the student's needs. If it takes a whole year to do 8 lessons, no big deal! Once he masters this, there will be lessons in the future that he'll go through more quickly. It'll all even out. Tell her to hang in there. Maybe he can do some Life of Fred math for a break.

  4. My 7 year old daughter just finished her veggie tales devotional book. It was very simply written so she was able to read them on her own. She is just starting to read fluently so anything that she reads independently has to be very, very simple. I wondered if anyone might have a suggestion as to what might be a good devotional book that I can buy for her now. Something very short and simple to read (like grade one level) and meaningful?



  5. We love Little House too!!! Not sure which study guide you want to know about? There seems to be an abundance of study guides. We just bought the Prairie Primer from the WTM sale board, can't wait to pick it up from the post office! I was browsing through my SIL's Primer today, it looks so good! There seems to be an abundance of Little House activities that are free on the internet. Here's one for example: http://www.squidoo.com/littlehouseunitstudy

    I think Little House is going to keep us busy for years!!

  6. I used Fenugreek when increasing my supply. A common myth is for people to pump to increase milk supply... it actually decreases the milk supply. It's far better to have the baby suck on the breast than to pump it.

    Does she nurse through the night? If she doesn't, maybe she could start? The more you nurse, the more milk comes in!


    It's too bad that she wants to go dairy free. Some of those cheesy, thick yogurts are so good for helping them grow.


    It does sound like she should see a different pediatrician. Some toddlers are just smaller than others. My niece was always being whisked off to specialists for her size... there was nothing wrong with her.

  7. Forgot to mention that with jumping into any new curriculum, it's always going to set them back a bit. My DD was starting grade two this year and MUS recommended that I start her back in grade one (since I had the book anyways) and let her work quickly through it until she finds her level. It took us awhile to get through grade one (we're just finishing!!). I'm glad that we took the time to go back because she didn't have many addition facts memorized until she started MUS. It was important for her to get the foundation right before we moved on.

  8. I can't answer all your questions as I'm not there yet. My DD just turned seven and is in grade two. She is not quite reading fluently... and definitely not reading silently on her own. She is just slightly starting to show signs that she is enjoying reading... slightly.... :001_smile:


    Anyhow, the amount of time that I've heard recommended for reading time is 15-20 min. Lessons are better kept shorter in the earlier years.


    As far as narration, keep it fun and change things up. There are lots of narration ideas here: http://simplycharlottemason.com/timesavers/narration/

  9. My older two were sick the flu when DD2 started hers too. Hers just lasted so much longer!! Out of the blue she'd cry about her tummy, then had diarrhea. Poor thing. I'm glad she's so much better now. It was a good week of sickness though. Just make sure your little one is getting lots of fluids. Even if it gets thrown back up again. I was glad my DD2 kept asking to nurse... at least she was getting something good, even though she had no appetite for food.

    You're right, kids can really scare you sometimes. It's no fun when they're sick. Don't you just wish you could take if for them?

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