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PB&J's Mom

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Posts posted by PB&J's Mom

  1. so I have more than one to report. I read Island of the World by Michael O'Brien and listened to Sense and Sensability on audiobooks. I have also finished Pride and Prejudice (but am holding on to that one for next week if I do not complete another :001_smile:)


    I am going to re-read The Core as I am praying through directorship in CC.


    Loving this challenge and the accountability! Also, love all the book suggestions!


  2. Man, you guys would be twitching and having seizures left and right after being in the same room with me, LOL!! For Reals! :D


    Me Too!!! I was just saying (to myself) "Dude, these peeps would hate me IRL, fo show!!


    Seriously, I must be very annoying! A lot of the stupid things we say around here started as mocking what we heard others say. I guess there is a lesson to be learned there.


    The word that drives me crazy is nipple. I went so far as to call them "bottle tops" when the boys were little! (Referring to the ones that are on bottles, not me!! :001_smile:


    Oh, and my ds favorite word is moist! You wouldn't BELIEVE the raised eyebrows and snickers we get when he uses it around adults!! Cracks me up!

  3. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE First Favorites! Uses books like Blueberries for Sal, Billy and Blaze, etc. so you are getting "real" books rather than readers. Second grade has More First Favorites. The children read things such as Encyclopedia Brown, Now We Are Six, Owls in the Family, etc.The boys love the activities--includes comp. questions, crafts,and a bit of penmanship. The books are easy to find-you probably already have many of them!


    CLP Nature Readers are also a nice choice!

  4. I read this quote yesterday and it helped me so much! I, too, am a planner and feel like a failure when I cannot execute my wonderfully perfect plan!! :glare:I hope this helps you,too!

    "The great difficulty in providing your children with a classical and Christian education is similar to the difficulty that water has in running uphill. I have sought to encourage those engaged in this task with the observation that all of us are trying to provide an education that none of us received. And so the first difficulty in doing this is recognizing the impossibility of it. After that, everything is easy.

    Of course, what is not possible for men is possible with God, and so we must begin this admittedly difficult task by trusting in him completely. The real issue is whether God has called us to it. If He has, then He will make a way. If He has not, then we would not please Him by pursuing it, whether it was easy or difficult" Doug Wilson


    As much as I try to do everything, and be everything as their teacher, I also know that if they learn NOTHING more from history than memorizing the CC timeline, they have FAR exceeded my education! If they have a love for learning, they CAN learn anything I did not have time to teach them!


    I hope this helps a little!

  5. I know I am a lurker-- so my opinion is probably not worth much, but WE ALL love AAS so much that I had to speak up! We are using 1 and 2. The boys think it is a game, not a fantastic spelling program! We work by the timer, also. We can usually get a lesson done in one time segment. My second grader ASKS to do more dictation sentences than I require--WHAT??!!! Anyway, it is well worth the time. I am seeing great results!:)

  6. My best friend lives in a slightly larger house (1600 sq.foot) with her 4 kids ranging in ages from 8-1 and she IS GOING CRAZY! She was saying yesterday that the olders have no place to play without the littles on top of them. The bedrooms are too small to have a good train track or play anything that requires much space. She had to school her oldest in a bedroom along with the baby to keep him out of a game in the living room. She is completely frustrated.


    Hope this helps!

  7. Hi! I am new to posting... I have lurked for years and appreciate all of the advice from this board. I have three boys :8,6, and 3. We are starting CC this fall. I was wondering if you do additional science and history (SOTW) during the 24 weeks of CC or is the memory work, reading the cards and doing the experiments enough? I am afraid we are going to get bogged down trying to keep up with SOTW, a science curric., geography AND CC.

    Thanks for helping me think this through!

  8. What a way to introduce myself--- I have been lurking on these boards for more than 2 YEARS and with all of the great conversations I have read THIS is the one that finally makes me take the leap!!!!!! I CANNOT stand an unmade bed- it kind of stops my breath when I walk into a room. So, because we make beds about 2-3 times a week, I try to avoid those rooms!!!

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