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Posts posted by MsTake

  1. 4 hours ago, Elizabeth86 said:

    I’ve had 2 that wet the bed until around 8 or 9. They would have worn them no question. It was never anything they were ever embarrassed of. My oldest especially. He is a very practical kid and would have appreciated the money saved. 

    eta they WOULD wear them no question about it. I accidentally typed wouldn’t. lol

    My husband was floating the idea of framing it as "We can do X fun thing with the money we save from not buying you pull-ups!"

    But...it looks like he might not need any convincing after all! Our oldest fell asleep early tonight, due to being zonked from lacrosse practice - which gave me some time to talk with DS in private about it.

    I seem to not even know my own kid that well, as not only was he NOT bothered about wearing them - he was actually on the verge of waking up his brother to SHOW them to him (because they have Lion king on them 😑).

    The good news is, between all he boxes we have (I need to check one box out in the garage, to make sure all three are the same size) we have approx. 200+ diapers to be used. Since he just wears one per night, that's more than enough to last many, many months. And they seem to fit him GREAT.

    The only unknown now, is just...do they hold up? He has one on now, but I did not double it up like others have suggested (he was already in bed by the time I saw that mentioned). So tonight I suppose will be a big test. If it works, that is a big $$$ savings, right before the holidays. 😍

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  2. 44 minutes ago, Ottakee said:

    Another trick for heavy wetters is to use 2 diapers or a diaper under a pull up….but cut a split in the lining of the inner one so the wetness can flow to the outside one.

    Another option is to get flow through pads (like old fashioned maxi pads but designed for urine) and place on in the front of the diaper or pull up or even crossways across the top.  Some really heavy wetting boys we made a 2 with 2 of the pads.

    Special education work plus foster care teaches you lots of tricks.

    That's a great idea!!! He tends to sleep on his belly, so having that extra barrier would be a huge saving grace I'd think.

    Does it matter if you have the pull-up or the diaper on the outside? We actually have plenty of pull-ups still remaining....just if he'd be fine with wearing these diapers, we'd essentially not need to buy anymore for a long long while. (which is nice! with the holidays coming up $$$).

  3. 33 minutes ago, Elizabeth86 said:

    I’ve had 2 that wet the bed until around 8 or 9. They would have worn them no question. It was never anything they were ever embarrassed of. My oldest especially. He is a very practical kid and would have appreciated the money saved. 

    eta they WOULD wear them no question about it. I accidentally typed wouldn’t. lol

    I may have jumped the gun a bit. I was nervous that he'd be hesitant to wear them, because they're so obviously *baby* diapers (they're literally Huggies) and he's very much in a 'big kid' phase at the moment.

    BUT. We may have had a slight breakthrough.

    I was just informed that 2 of the 3 boxes have Lion King on them. If that's true, I can almost 100% guarantee that DS will gladly wear them, without any hesitation. He's a lion king fanatic. Actually has lion king bedsheets on his bed at this very moment.

    My biggest concern at the moment, is that I'm wondering - is their absorbency at least somewhat comparable to nighttime pull-ups? DS often wets more than once per night, and more often than not, he's on his stomach when it happens. So we're asking a lot of a diaper designed more for toddler-sized pees.

  4. 18 minutes ago, Corraleno said:

    If he's soaking through pull-ups and the free diapers aren't nighttime ones, would it be possible to put a diaper under a larger size pull-up for extra absorbency? Or is there a way to just use the absorbent part of the diaper inside a pull-up?

    That's actually BRILLIANT!

    Our biggest problem now (I think?) is due to him mostly sleeping on his stomach, so leaks tend to happen even before the pull-up is fully saturated. But it might be that if we could have multiple barriers, there could be less of a chance of a leak happening right away. Great idea!


    I'll try and research a bit more if/how this could be done.

  5. 1 hour ago, fairfarmhand said:

    I'd let him know that we have these available because they were free. They're basically the same thing as a pull up but they fasten at the sides. I would not mention that they were baby diapers. I would just say, "Oh, neighbor lady was giving these away. I thought you could use them." If he balks I would explore why. If he's worried about brother, I would mention that he can put them on in the bathroom and then put on his PJs so brother doesn't have to know anything about them. 

    In many case with my kids, if I've been casual and nonchalant about things, they have been the same. If I approach something as if I'm worried or it's something to be upset about they tend to mirror that. YMMV.

    Somewhat ironically, big brother might actually know about this (although by now he might have forgotten). He was actually with DH when she approached to to ask if we wanted a few boxes of them. She's babysat for the boys on occasion, and knows our youngest wears pull-ups at night.

    They're very close, as brothers go, and I'm all but certain that my oldest wouldn't be phased even slightly if his brother were to stroll into their room one evening with something on besides a pull-up. He's never ever given him a hard time over it (despite the fact that oldest stopped wetting overnight almost before he was even 2 😶).

  6. 3 minutes ago, HomeAgain said:

    The way I see it, it turns out one of three ways:

    1. You take them, try to get ds to wear them and he accepts.  All good.

    2. You take them, ds doesn't wear them, and you pass them on to someone who can use them.

    3. You pass, and she gives them to someone else.


    Your end results overlap, but it all ends up the same way: eventually someone who needs them uses them.

    That was actually DH's thinking as well. I even think I know of a church that would accept them, even if already opened (unless that's changed since covid?)

    He's not convinced they'll even be absorbent enough for DS overnight (they're NOT 'nighttime' specific diapers). But my biggest concern is that he'll lose it when he realizes they aren't pull-ups, and won't want anything to do with them.

    He's not majorly shy about wearing pull-ups right now so much, but he does share a bedroom with our oldest...and I feel like he'd not be keen on wearing a 'baby' diaper around his brother so much. Could be totally wrong though. I'm trying to think how to break the subject with him tonight before bedtime.

  7. Hey there all!

    So, during Covid, we had a neighbor that closed her home daycare business, during the lockdown. As a result, she either donated or gave away most of her existing supplies. In addition, she was one of the overspenders (hoarders?) who bought up tons of supplies for herself, when things were still quite scarce.

    Among these, she has boxes and boxes of diapers, some of which she's offered to give to us, if we'd help her shovel snow off her driveway in the winter. (something we likely would have done anyways).

    Anyways, both of the boys are potty trained. But my youngest does actually still wear a pull-up at night, because he wakes up wet every night (regardless of what he's wearing) without fail. We're not too bothered by this, because he has a family history of this on my husband's side, and we've been told by the pediatrician not just kind of let him grow out of it on his own time. That's fine and all, but he is still at the stage where he's regularly soaking through pull-ups a few times a week. They fit fine, he's just a wriggler at night, and tends to sleep on his belly.

    Getting back to my question...

    Our neighbor has 3~ boxes of size 6 and 7 diapers (not pull-ups) that I'm about 95% certain would fit youngest just fine (he's worn the same kind in the past when we were on vacation with family and ran out of pull-ups). She offered to give them to us for free.

    Do I take them? And attempt to convince DS to switch to wearing them at night, while he can still fit in them? Or should we simply pass and tell her she can donate them elsewhere? WWYD? 😲

  8. Specifically, we're actually floating the idea of essentially living out of our RV with our two boys for the next year or so, and treating the entire trip as a giant, non-stop 'field trip' for their homeschooling.

    Does anyone know of any resources for such a (potentially crazy) endeavor? Their ages are 5 and 8. Would that be completely ridiculous for us to attempt? We have tons of experience with camper life/boondocking/travel etc. But none on such a scale as this. 

    Our goal would be to be loosely traveling the country, stopping at national parks etc etc on the way.

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  9. We do PJ's for the kids only. But that's only really because my MIL is a wizard at sewing, and hand-makes them Christmas jammies each year. (which the kids LOVE).

    They typically wear them as soon as it starts to get cold though, and often wear them well after christmas as well.

    Even our son that has historically never been a fan of PJ will wear his ones from grandma, just because they're comfy, and our house gets fairly cold at night in the winter (super old house).

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