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Posts posted by ldee

  1. I use Shurley 7 for all my children grades 5 and up. I find it very thorough and good. We just repeat it again the next year and I expect more mastery each year. I use Shurley 3 for all my children grades 2-4.

    My 5th grader just went through it for the first time and did fine, she was a little slower than her 7th grade brother, but next year she will know sooo much more. I will add in her younger brother too. I teach the lesson together, parse sentences together and then se if they can do 1 on their own, my 7th grader finishes the lesson on his own, I then do the rest orally with my 5th grader. She will continue to need to do the lesson orally with me next year as she is not ready to do them independently at a mastery level.


    I do know any people who use this for younger students and use it more than a year.

  2. I would pick a Friday afternoon to do Science and another one for History projects. Read SOTW at night, sometimes we read it at lunchtime. I read while they color the worksheets.

    AAL has dictation in it. I also use the other sentences for copy work. That way he is copying the spelling words that we are working on. I agree with shelving WWE; use the other books for narrations. AAS is also a good phonics program. We are using it for that too.

    I have a dyslexic child (we went through therapy) and AAL is the best program for that type of child. I would keep all the phonograms in the review file. We have been drilling and writing most all of them 2-3 times a week for a year. We have only just recently begun to spread this out some.

  3. We used this as an extra book list for a few years, then full force for a year. My children missed the history that year. Now we are in Classical Conversations and use the RC books as extra's. My youngest 2 are working their way through them, my 7th grader doesn't have much time these days. He will get back to them on break though. We love the books. Very much worth the investment. WE printed the book on our Brother printer, and Office Depot coined bound them.

    Check out the yahoo group. They are quite helpful.

  4. My children love books on cd. We have exhausted our library in the children's section, I have all the Henty and Jim Hodges mp3's, we have all the Odyssey's and Jonathan Park's.

    They want more though. What are some good suggestions for a 12 yo boy and a 10 yo girl. Mostly for him though.

    There may be more out there I can order through an audio library.




  5. I use Bridge and love it. I will use it with my 5th grader net year. I am using with my 6th grader this as a grammar review before starting Challenge A in CC next fall.

    I think that WWE and Bridge are a complete LA program. Unless you wanted spelling too. Bridge has so much dictation and suffixes/prefixes that mistakes in spelling are caught and fixed quickly.

  6. I want to use the VP cards and their guides next year for American History.

    We have not cared for most of the VP books in the past. I am using this with my 5th (not a strong reader) and my 3rd (on level reader). That is why I have chosen to use the Sonlight History and Lit. reading books. Does anyone know of a chart that correlates these two together. I have checked our Paula's Archives already.


    This is the one year that I can never quite find a curriculum that I really love!! I used adventures last go round and liked it, but it's too young to use again. The next level is too old.



  7. I was in the same situation as you about 2 ago. My dd was 7 at the time and having sooooo much trouble, S e tested on a per K level with barely any phonemic awareness. I went to the many testing facilities and perused the special needs board too. There is a program I learned about called PACE.

    It was a miracle worker. She is in "4th " grade and working on a solid 3rd grade /4th grade level.

    To find a provider/tutor in your area go to http://www.processingskills.com

    The lady to whom I had much contact in making my decision is a frequent poster on the special needs. Her name is Tara and her website is http://www.braintrainers.com. She is very nice and can talk with you if you need.

  8. We are on the first lesson and totally confused. DS did LC 1 on his own last year.

    It says in lesson 1 that there are 33 words in this lesson. It came with no vocabulary cards for this lesson though.

    What are call cards?, L>E,E<L??


    Any suggestions?



  9. We are using level 2 Middle Ages this year. We are on lesson 6 and are already having a recurring problem. Today ds is supposed to read in Kingfisher 168-169. Then write a summary of 6 religions listed, including the part of the world they are practiced.

    We have looked in dictionaries, very vague;encyclopedias have pages of information. Where do you get this information? I purchased all of the required sources. Does anyone have a perfect source to find all these summaries that are to be written.

  10. I did this in a co-op setting. We would do the following in each 1 hr. class in this order: Go over the past weeks homework and I would pick up the tests. We would do the chants from last week and any proir weeks. We watched the video during class and worked through some of the exercises. I would have contests to see who could come up with the best "cheer", song, or chant to learn the declensions, and conjugations. Then I would send the kids home with the chapter test that mom was to give them the day before the next co-op. They were to finish the homework and write vocab. card on index cards. They each had a cd of the chants to listen to daily.

    I also did a "Latin Store". They would earn tokens for answering questions in class, doing homework, participation, and bonus ones for contest winners (they were voted on by the class.) I bought trinkets from the dollar store and they bought their goodies after class. This was the best incentive I have found to answer questions and for class participation.




  11. It is simple to use without the workbooks for level 4. I cut and pasted excerpts from the Burgess Animal Books on project Gutenburg website. Or it may have been the Baldwin project website. You could even use a few paragraphs from any reader, book, or the Nature Readers from CLP are good too. He would read it, narrate it back while I wrote the 1st sentence down, then tell me back the sentence. The next day he would do a dictation exerecise. We did this for 2-3 months then went on to IEW. We have kept up the dictation because this is a weak area for him He is in 5th grade and has always narrated.

    My younger two are in level 1 and 2 using the workbooks. We are not consistent but I have seen a huge improvements in the listening portion since we started.

  12. I am incharge of coordinating our annual curriculum review. This is when 7-9 moms talk about a curriculum that they are using and like. We are all set up to this Friday. EXCEPT...I need a handout of helpful tips, website listings, character studies, discipleship and training our children's hearts. I need to compile a top 10 or 20 list / handout to give at the review.


    I have only my ideas so far. Can my cyberfriends help me with this?? You are a wealth of information, I have learned so much the past 4 years from this group.


    Thank you.:grouphug:


  13. I love it!! It has turned my reluctant readers into lovers of reading.

    This is how I do it: We do TT for math (saxon was full of tears), CLE LA, IEW and CLE Reading lessons. I am doing SOTW for History (mostly on Tues.) and they read AIG for Science on Tuesday. The other days they spend 30 minutes on vocabulary from the Robinson Book ( I keep the vocab. 1-2 books ahead of the book they are reading), I use their worksheets and make some on edhelper. They work on one lesson of vocab. for 1-2 weeks. I also have them learn to spell the words. I also have them do a Latin Chapter of vocab. per week. We are not doing other Latin this year except for the vocab. from LC 1. When all of the above is done my dc are off to read for 2 hours!!:lurk5:

    They look forward to their reading time. My 10 yo ds is devoring the Rover Boys right now and can't wait to get into Tom Swift.:lol:

    I highly recommend it for the books.


    If you go to the website, there is a free download that will allow the program to work on the newer computers. I have had to do this for both of my computers.

  14. My ds10 started 5/4 and has hated every bit of it. He did well in 3 but missed a ton of problems in 5/4. We switched to TT 6; Yes, grade 6 because he had done 75% of 5/4. He is doing great with this, never scoring below a 90%.

    This said because when my dd finishes Saxon 3 we will then move on to TT 5. I have compared them side by side and found that TT 5 very similar to Saxon 5/4 and TT 6 comparable to Saxon 6/5.

    The younger levels on Saxon are so very different than the upper levels (beginning woht 5/4).

  15. We are finished our first week:

    Keepers:....for 3rd and 5th

    CLE Reading and LA CLE Language Arts....new to us

    Saxon 3

    and ds finishing up Saxon 5/4

    Teaching Textbooks 6 for same ds finishing 5/4(he likes TT SO much better)


    VPand SOTW 1 for 7 and 8 yo

    Diana Waring Ancients for 10yo...new and love it

    WWE I have only been using this level 1, I will add this next week for the older dc


    My 2nd grader( he is a young 2nd) is using BJUP dvd's. It is a long story but I got these in Feb. for my daughter to use. She had auditory processing and went through a tutoring program which recommended a more traditional approach with textbooks to finish up the year. It was a good fit. Well, I paid big $$ for the program so I will continue to use it until my 13 months are up!! My ds uses is for math, spelling, English, and will do reading when he is reading on that level. He is not up to a 2nd grade reading level. BJUP's reading is the only thing that I think is on level.

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