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Dena P. Mitchell

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Posts posted by Dena P. Mitchell

  1. On 04.10.2022 at 21:17, Malam said:

    Матеріали для читання:

    https://fcrr.org/student-center-activities  <- безкоштовні заходи від прек до п'ятого

    https://ufli.education.ufl.edu/  <- ресурси для батьків та вчителів

    https://www.thephonicspage.org/  <- безкоштовні відеоуроки фонетики та орфографії

    http://donpotter.net/education_pages/blend_phonics.htmlhttp://www.donpotter.net/don-potter-tutoring.htmlhttp://www.donpotter.net/education_pages/valuable_reading_programs_f.html  <- Дон Фонічні ресурси Поттера

    https://www.readingrockets.org/  <- дуже багато інформації про читання дітьми. Включає безкоштовний курс науки про читання

    EngageNY ELA  <- PreK до 12



    Картка попереднього перегляду/перегляду алгебри  <- корисно переглянути до/після курсу алгебри

    https://www.serpinstitute.org/math-by-example  <- безкоштовні ресурси для 4-х і 5-х класів

    https://www.serpinstitute.org/algebra-by-example  <- безкоштовні ресурси з алгебри

    Eureka Math  <- Безкоштовна, сувора навчальна програма на основі навчальної програми з математики EngageNY

    EngageNY Math  <- До 12

    Zearn.org  <- сайт безкоштовних математичних занять/ігор, topcis майже ідеально відповідає Eureka та EngageNY

    Alculumus  <- чудове джерело складних проблем на рівні змагань. Складність коригується, щоб учень залишався викликаним, але не перевантаженим.


    Математичні відео:

    На цих каналах є багато математичних списків відтворення для різних класів:

    Математичний чарівник


    Підготовча школа коледжу

    Академія Хана

    Репетитор з органічної хімії  <- Так, він володіє математикою

    Кріста Кінг

    Професор Леонард


    Math Mammoth  <- на відміну від багатьох каналів, які йдуть від арифметики/преалгебри вгору, це йде від 1-го класу до преалгебри

    Дерек Оуенс

    GreeneMath  <- переважно алгебра, але, ймовірно, містить більше вмісту алгебри, ніж будь-який інший канал, крім, можливо, khanacademy. 


    Плейлист Герба Гросса

    Список відтворення Khan Academy  (приємно мати, оскільки це лише 41 відео, порівняно з сотнями на веб-сайті)


    Список відтворення Khan Academy

    Список відтворення WhyU


    Математичний мамонт

    Алгебра 1:

    Більшість вищезазначених каналів мають списки відтворення Algebra 1. Ось ще деякі:


    Ще один плейлист на рівні AoPS

    Дерек Банас

    Урок гіка










    pbslearningmedia.org <- кліпи з шоу pbs

    https://www.pbs.org/parents  <- інструменти для батьків, щоб знайти дитячі епізоди PBS, які відповідають освітнім цілям. Чудово підходить для батьків, яким потрібен вільний час.

    libgen.rs <- безкоштовні електронні книги

    Thank you for your post. Good information for development. I know it's not time to answer because it's been another year and I looked at all the links and I have to admit that there are very good resources.

  2. On 2/20/2023 at 10:17 PM, Clemsondana said:

    I'll have my first senior next year!  It's weird because I usually start making a general plan at this time of year, when I have the Februaries, and then finalize it in March when the co-op schedule comes out and I figure out which classes we'll do at co-op and which we'll do at home.  But, my older has mostly decided that next year's academic classes should either be for college credit or else be something interesting that we DIY.  There is the possibility that kid will choose to take something fun, like chess or ballroom dance, at co-op with friends but it may or may not fit with the DE schedule.  

    Kid only needs 1/2 credit of Bible and 1/2 credit of English to graduate.  We can't decide exactly what to do for English and math until we have AP scores.  Kid is doing Calc BC and Engl Lang this year, and if kid gets a 5 then kid will start with the 3rd calculus and a 200 level English class.  If kid scores lower, then kid will probably start in the 2nd calculus and the second course of the freshman English sequence.  

    Science will be the first physics with calculus DE course.  It may be that kid does calculus the first semester and physics the second, both the spread the math around and also because kid does quiz bowl (that show that PBS does) and will have to participate a couple of mornings in the fall.  We'll have to look at the lab schedule, but between those mornings and after school baseball practice, it may be easier to schedule the lab in the spring.  

    We'll look at the social science requirements for kid's preferred colleges when choosing this. Kid did a DE psychology last semester, and depending on whether the colleges want depth (upper level courses in one field) or breadth (a sampling of psych, soc, econ, and/or history) then kid will make a choice based on what will count and looks interesting.  

    We'll likely do a 1/2 credit of Bible at home, and may do 1/2 credit of AoPS  - we have the book to do the second Counting and Probability.  

    Kid may choose to do something with coding, but it's likely to be DIY since nothing at the CC transfers or looks interesting and this is spouse's field.  

    This feels crazy light after years of doing 8 credits each year, and kid may choose to take something else, but those 6 credits may be it.  But, kid also likes to read, and if there is more time then I'll probably leave an assortment of interesting books sitting around, and if kid reads them then I may turn that into a credit.  I wish I could figure out how to create a yearly 1/2 credit of 'nonfiction books that are interesting and make you better informed' for this kid.  I buy books to read to incorporate into classes or just for interest and kid plows through them when there is time.  

    Hopefully, the child will probably try to apply to college early. The kid is not interested in super competitive schools, and since some have early acceptance dates, it would make life less stressful if we knew something about some of them in December. The child has a goal of continuing to participate in quizzes, science olympiads, baseball, and earning the rank of Eagle Scout. But for this, she needs to slightly reduce the load with the help of https://ca.edubirdie.com/assignment-writing-services  , which will perform written tasks. So she will have more time to improve her own interests and skills. 

    I'm not sure about summer.  Kid has expressed interest in working at some baseball tournaments - kid usually plays in weekend ones but there are some that run Th/F and kid could work at those and then play on the weekend.  That would be a great summer job and would let kid do the Eagle work and maybe get that mostly done over the summer?  This is kid's busiest time of year, with baseball starting and science olympiad preparing for the state competition after winning at regionals.  So, it'll be a bit before kiddo has time to give serious thought to what comes next.  

    Mine is also going to college next academic year; I must admit that he studied almost by himself and chose all his subjects himself. He has been able to make decisions on his own since childhood, and sometimes this worries me. He became responsible too early and spent almost his childhood reading books and not having many friends. But maybe in college, he will change, and I will start scolding him for something, and he will become a "normal child". Although I cannot say that I am irresponsible, after looking at all your achievements, I must admit that you are doing everything well.

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