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Posts posted by hodlB

  1. On 1/28/2024 at 9:02 PM, Anna sun said:

    I didn’t see geometry so I wondered if Diane decided not to run it.  My daughter is trying out one of the intensive science courses this winter and she loves loves Diane, says she just explains things clearly and my daughter is paying attention the whole time (and we all understand how tough it is to not drift into your own little world while teacher on screen is taking).

    I have a rising 8th-grade son who I'm considering signing up for the science intensives. I would like to know what the workload is like and if you think it is manageable. How much time is spent outside of class time doing homework/studying?

  2. On 3/17/2024 at 10:12 AM, Likaly said:

    I loved all of them. I am a big fan of Lukeion, and together with AoPS and IEW, that's the only courses I use now for kids.

    The workload was good, I did not find any issues, pretty rigorous, detailed. Kids loved them.

    After the course, my 8th grader had the SAT without any preparation, and he said that Lukeion, a barbarian and witty wordsmith, saved him. He is the kid who could come to me 30 minutes after the class started and say, please, talk to the teacher, and let's stop the class; I do not want to waste my time.

    I highly recommend them. Now, my 7th grader is doing Scribble on and Creative Scribbler. The first one is without classes, just recording (the first semester was with a class), and the second has a class. The discussions are active, and I am guilty; I like to read them, too. They are done not for grade, but because kids love to share their thoughts. And kids love to share their thoughts when they are taught well and know the material. And they are taught only well when teachers demand a lot and give away a lot.

    My 4th grader loves listening to these classes and begged to have their mythologist next year.

    What I personally like the most, it's how they treat students - with respect and dignity. That's the image of a teacher I would like my kids to carry through their life. Without silly screaming - "oh, it's fantastic-amazing"-"nice job - no feedback - and then, 80% - I am so proud of you". 

    They are demanding (the Roman history project assignment was read to everyone in the family, concluding my husband) - the teachers have such a good humor, and they really love and care about kids.

    And yeah, they are strict with the assignments like IEW - but then, who wants to come to see a doctor or a teacher, who make mistakes and then, redo it several times to get a better grade? 

    Thank you so much for your feedback on their classes! I signed up my son for their Fall semester classes, Skillful Scribbler and Witty Wordsmith, and plan to sign him up for the Spring semester courses, too, but at a later date—I have to pace my spending. I am excited to try them out, and if all goes well, I will sign my daughter up next year, and we will add Latin for my son. Did you use IEW along with their course? How many classes did your 8th-grader take with them, and which ones, if you don't mind me asking? I may look into signing him up for more, but I don't want to overwhelm him. 

  3. 3 hours ago, Likaly said:

    I loved all the scribble classes, they did the first one in the fall, and now the scribble on, which is academic writing, and creative scribble. I do not know about you, but I choose the classes which are not blah blah, which should be rigorous and with pretty much workload. They are completely different, and help him grow fast in writing. The feedback is detailed and to the point. The kids are amazing and are very involved in discussions. The creative includes a reading each week, discussions, and a writing piece. In scribble on it’s a paper with outline and thesis statement. The teacher pays attention to everything and kids work hard to earn the grades. By the way, my son said that their grammar classes were the best help in passing sat. He did barbarian and witty wordsmith. Amazing classes. I am so grateful to the teachers working there!!! 

    How much time outside of class was spent doing homework for Skillfull Scribbler, Wordsmith, and Grammar? I would love to put my son in all three classes, but he is not an academically driven kid, so I wonder if it would be too much. 

  4. On 1/22/2024 at 7:19 PM, Likaly said:

    I signed a 7th grader, he is a good writer, loved the class tremendously, and the teachers feedback is always deep and one of the best I have seen. I pulled him out of the class, I think the rhetoric book is more inclined to the high schoolers. My 9th grader will do it next year, and the younger son was switched to scribble on and scribble creative classes. I would compare lukeion with AoPS approach, rigour, depth of knowledge and strictness. Kids did philosophy history writing and all grammar and Latin. 

    Can you tell me your thoughts about Lukeion's Skillfull Scribbler class? I have a 13yo son who I am thinking of signing up for the course, but I haven't been able to find any reviews. Could you tell me the kind of workload to expect and if you thought there was enough instruction since they only meet 1x/a week? Thank you!

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