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Posts posted by ele325

  1. We have used the 10-12 for my 9yo at the time dd. She has used it almost completely independently. Occasionally she needs help with a project, etc. It has been a good supplemental curriculum for when I am working and I need her to be able to work without much input from me. I wouldn't be able to use it as a stand alone curriculum though.

  2. Okay, so after looking at all of the above, I think I like Hake the best. I really like the content of R&S, but it seems from the samples available, that there is a lot of religion in the text. Is that correct? If we were to go ahead with Hake, with an advanced 10yo who has done all 4 levels of FLL which level would you start with? It seems like there is a lot of repitition between the levels.



  3. We are also excited about starting MCT this fall. Also trying out Moving Beyond the Page this year, dd is excited about this one. Mine also loves history so we are continuing our slow but enjoyable pace with SOTW 2 and adding History of US audiobooks for fun. We are looking forward to our first year in a coop and lots of fun outside classes. Trying to follow more rabbit trails this year and really enjoy our learning!

  4. I agree with the list as well. I keep a list for dd9, which I continually add too and she reads through it at her own pace. There are always more books to add if she reads quickly, but if she is really taking her time with one we aren't "behind" either. This year we are going to add a more in depth study of a few books through the year.

  5. I'll be the dissenting voice here- I can't imagine doing "island" with a bright 9 y.o. as it's really pretty basic. I'm doing it now with my 6 y.o. My older DD started in "town" when she was working at about a 4th-5th grade level and it was perfect for her. She would've been bored with "island" at that point.


    This is what I am really worried about, I don't want to buy Island and have her (and me) be bored with it, but I worry that there is something we will miss if I skip it. So, if we did go straight to town , would I be missing something? Particularly with Sentence Island and the poetry book. She is already studying Latin so I don't think she would miss anything in the vocab, and we have done LOTS of grammar.

  6. Help please, we are looking to transition from FLL 4 and WWE 3 to MCT with our 9yo. So the question is which level should we start in and do we need to purchase all of the teachers and student books? Also, is there enough writing in MCT or do I need something for writing in addition?




  7. Help please, we are looking to transition from FLL 4 and WWE 3 to MCT with our 9yo. So the question is which level should we start in and do we need to purchase all of the teachers and student books? Also, is there enough writing in MCT or do I need something for writing in addition?




  8. I am doing SOTW2 with my 8dd. We do almost all of the extra reading, depending on what I can get from our library. It is not usually finished the same week as the chapter, but she has a list of books from each chapter and a bin of history library books that gets read over a few weeks leading up to and following any given chapter.


    She does read and do a written narration for each section. We talk about the review questions and do the mapwork every week.


    We only do a few activities a year for history. When we come across one that really looks like fun for both of us.


    This is one of those places that there are so many "right" answers. Do what works for you and your dc. Mine is a voracious reader so the books are easy to implement, but the projects often feel like a lot of work for me.


    Good luck!


  9. We have tried all three. We started DD7 in WS, didn't care for, switched to WWE2. We did about half, and switched to CW b/c it came so highly recommended. We hadn't has any complaints with WWE just though CW looked really good. We did Aesop A and part of B and it was just so much work.....and I didn't feel like I was implementing it right. There were parts of CW that I really liked but it was bogging us down. So we went back to WWE 3 and FLL 3 with a now dd8. This seems to be the best fit for us. We also do 2 history narrations a week and 2 science narrations a week in addition to freewriting 2-3 times a week.


    Good Luck!

  10. I am looking to add latin to our 3rd grade curriculum next year. DD8 is currently working through Spanish for Children A. We love the curriculum and plan to continue it for B next year (if it comes out on time) My question is with latin being a second language do I use the same curriculum that we are using for Spanish or should I get something different? If I should try something different are there any suggestions?




  11. I have a dd8. She tested at higher than 8th grade reading level last year. We still read aloud. She reads lots to herself. She also has to read aloud to me. We did all of the Ordinary Parents guide to Teaching Reading with her and continued even after she could read at such a high level to make sure that there were no gaps. We have also started All about Spelling this year as yet another way to make sure that there are no phonics rules that we have missed. In my opinion, it is too important to skip even if it seems that they are beyond it.



  12. We're doing them as separate subjects. I have a history lover who begged to do history five days a week, so we do world history three times per week and American history twice per week. He is in first grade, and my plans for the year are on the website I set up to keep track of what we're doing. This is only our first week of doing them both as separate subjects, though, so I don't have lots of experience to pass on. I think what we will do is learn about government in-depth during the same year we do SOTW4, so we can quickly review what we've already learned about the chapters that deal with American history but still have a full year of study. Does that make sense?


    Mind-Fires Academy First Grade American History Plans



    Wow! Thanks this looks awesome.

  13. We are using SOTW and we are finishing Ancients by Christmas and moving into Middle Ages. I am concerned that we will not cover enough American History. Any good recommendations out there? Would you cover some American history parrallel to SOTW or is there a logical place to put American history?




  14. I have a dd7. I found that the most learning took place when we stopped doing school. She did ETC and OPGTR and RS A. She did fine with them when we were using them, but when we took break she would grow by leaps and bounds and things that we were finding difficult would suddenly be mastered, with no drilling. So my advice is, if you are hitting a wall, put school away. Read some good read alouds, play games, go outside and I would be willing to bet when in a month or two you pull out some school it will be easier than it is now.


    Good Luck!


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