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David O.

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Posts posted by David O.

  1. Can y'all give me some ideas of extracurricular activities or types of organizations I can get my 14 year old daughter involved in?  She used to be in karate but she kind of has grown out of that and doesn't care for it much anymore.  I'd like to get her into something that she can start anytime, rather than waiting for like basket ball season which is months out or other things like that... I'd like for the activity to continue year around so she can get good at whatever it is.

  2. 20 minutes ago, maize said:

    Hi David,

    This sounds like a really tough situation. I have a teen who struggles with mental health, and what has worked for him this year academically is one-on-one tutoring through Preply; it advertises as a language tutoring service but tutors can offer any subject--my son has tutors for math, chemistry, Chinese, and cello lessons.

    That looks like it might be a good resource.  Yeah, when I first clicked on it, all I could find was language learning tutors.  You really need to dig to find other types of tutors.  Amazing that they limit their initial appeal to appear they're very narrow focused.

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  3. also, i went through this process myself.  I never ended up in the hospital but I was feeling down and extremely depressed.  It runs in our family.  I went to a psych to get help.  But, the doctor explained to me that medication was like glasses for the brain.  You see foggy now but you don't know it because you've never seen any other way.  You take the right meds, and now it's clear.  But, he said there's no exact science on what meds I need to take.  He said there are two spectrums of medications.  We had to pick one or the other.  So, we did.  Then he just started trying meds and I took them a few weeks and reported back.  Some of them were really bad.  I felt suicidal.  Some made me feel high.  Some made me mad and short.  I finally found the right meds, but it took months of back and forth.  We don't have that kind of time for her.  Seeing she's my blood line, the doc did start her off on one med I'm taking.  So, hopefully it gives her a head start from the process I went through.

  4. Yeah, so she got out of the hospital and we had her scheduled to go see a psychiatrist.  But, the psychiatrist they told us to take her to was booked out many weeks.  So, she hasn't gone yet.  I told the hospital, we don't have weeks.  A lot of bad stuff can happen in a few weeks.  So, she'll get out of the hospital in a week or two and then she'll have a lot of time being home without any support other than what she got leaving the hospital.  

  5. I totally get it.  I'd rather treat the source of the problem, not the result of the problem.  But, the problem is she's already been there once for a week and it didn't help.  (It did help some... but obviously not nearly enough.)  So, she's back there again for a week or two.  When she gets out, I have to have a plan.  My options are to put her back in the same situation that is causing at least some of the problems or change something.  It's illegal for me to just keep her home after the doctor says it's OK to go back to school.  We'd get reported to DCS.  

  6. Ok, we have 4 kids in k-12 school.  One of our kids is having a really bad time in traditional school.  She's in 8th grade.  The triggers school has now caused her to end up in a behavioral health hospital twice in 3 weeks.  A few days ago, she stayed home "sick."  She then wrote a concerning text to a schoolmate which then alerted school staff and they dispatched police and an ambulance to our house, then called me to let me know they're on the way.  There are some serious issues she's having with in person learning.  One of the other big trigger is technology.  She's addicted to social media.  I've tried to block it for years and they always find a way around the blocks.  But she has also told us that it doesn't make her feel good, but she can't help but access it... like she can't control herself.  But, if she did online school through the district, she's required to use a district provided chromebook.  Problem with that is they don't block anything unless it's very serious.  Whatever they're doing has to hit a lot of checklist items before it's flagged for a human to look at it.  The things she's writing is subtle and their system isn't picking it up.  I have no ability to monitor their school computers.  We talked to the school yesterday.  They're trying to monitor 10,000 kids.  I'm trying to monitor 1 kid.  My stakes are a lot higher than their stakes on my child.  

    So, I'm wondering about just home schooling her.  I work full time and so does my wife.  I work from home.  But, I can't teach her all day.  I was wondering of an online school where she could work one on one with a teacher, work on her assignments and be able to get help as she needs.  I can keep her on track and making progress, but I can't do the teaching.

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