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Posts posted by K_0987

  1. On 10/13/2021 at 11:13 AM, EKS said:

    To be clear--the "creation view" is not scientific, and the "controversy" about evolutionary theory does not come from within the scientific community.  If this is the orientation of the instructors at MPOA, anyone wanting an actual scientific approach to biology should look elsewhere.

    Evolution is the organizing principle of modern biology.  To teach anything less is unscientific.

    Hi there! The OP here said she was looking for Christian options, so it appears that you jumped into this thread to specifically insult me and/or having a biblical worldview. But no worries on my end, this is a normal occurrence and I don't take anything personally.

    There is controversy with the evolution theory - because some of it is not observable, which is one portion of the foundation of the whole realm of science (observation, experimentation, reasoning). There are certainly many components within it that are observable, such as natural selection. I'm always excited to teach my students what science is meant to be (i.e. a process, a method of learning, and never a set of completed facts or truth since science is always changing and growing and advancing), because it makes them want to pursue science and learn more things and be "students of nature". I work hard to inspire them. With ALL theories within the whole realm of science we need to be critical thinkers and readers. Our secular biology books uses many words that are speculative language and I point them out to help students understand how the evolution theory in particular has many different components that are still being evaluated by the scientific community, and are not, in fact, completely settled.

    I am not being "unscientific", as you put it, for believing that all of the order, design, structure, pattern, and math we see in nature comes from a Designer and is not just pure coincidence and an accident. This position is a faith position (as is the position that it came about by an accident - neither position is provable, so they are both faith positions), not a scientific one. The scientific position is that order, design, structure, pattern, and math exist. So I can be a scientist, a science teacher, and love the Lord all at the same time because there is no conflict between faith and the study of God's world. Science is a process of discovery, not truth. That's why I love science so much, it never ends, we never come to the finish line.

    Thought I should clarify my teaching angle, and that while you meant to insult me and my capabilities, and the amazing academy I work for that has some of the best teachers in the nation (especially for Latin), I am not offended. All the best to you!

  2. Hi there - just for clarity's sake for any who find this thread in the future, MPOA's classes are not taught with any particular denominational emphasis, particularly the science courses (of which I teach several). I am a protestant. When we teach evolution we do talk about the Creation view a little bit to compare perspectives, but mostly we are teaching our students how to be critical readers and thinkers when it comes to theories such as the Evolution theory, which is not based on as many experiments and observations as other theories and thus has a lot of controversy. I've had all kinds of students in my classes - Catholic, protestant, atheist, Muslim, etc., and all are able to find a respectful environment in my classes. MPOA does not take a stance on young earth/old earth.

    We teach Biology at nearly an AP level (it's actually significantly more advanced than the AP Bio class I had in high school), so it's definitely not for everyone. I'm thankful there are MANY Bio options out there for homeschoolers. It's a difficult course to teach in a homeschool environment (I homeschooled my kids also and had them attend MPOA Biology with another teacher a few years ago, except my youngest, who was stuck with me).

    Just an FYI for you all! God Bless.


    Kristin Peterson

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