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humming mom

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Posts posted by humming mom

  1. 14 hours ago, Clarita said:

    My parents weren't abusive about me and my feelings but did encourage me to hid my true feelings or "have a good attitude" about things that I don't like. So, I turned out alright. However, when I was in high school my mom told me she realized that sometimes you have to act angry to get what you want. She said "Forget what I told you about having a good attitude. If you feel wronged if you are upset at what someone did show them you are angry about it." She discovered that when some of her friends would be upset when restaurants messed up orders (like waay too much salt on a dish) and they would be comped or have the dish replaced. 

    So sometimes showing people how you really feel isn't a bad or childish thing. I think that was when my mom realized sometimes people just don't know something is wrong or how wrong something is until you become the squeaky wheel. 

    yes, I think a parent has to be in tune and discerning enough to know when the "feelings" are based in fact (my brother is actually bullying me)(this food is inedible) or when the kid is just acting spoiled and entitled.  Getting the children involved in acts of service for the greater part of the day/week goes a long way in curbing the emotional roller coaster.  Thinking of others and reminding everyone of the bigger picture gives it all some perspective.

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