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humming mom

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  1. yes, I think a parent has to be in tune and discerning enough to know when the "feelings" are based in fact (my brother is actually bullying me)(this food is inedible) or when the kid is just acting spoiled and entitled. Getting the children involved in acts of service for the greater part of the day/week goes a long way in curbing the emotional roller coaster. Thinking of others and reminding everyone of the bigger picture gives it all some perspective.
  2. No drama please, I have enough of that teaching theater. Seriously, though, Covid may have forced us together enough for some rethinking of techniques. I'm interested if any staking has backfired, or if new habits have led to more harmony in the home. I think that's maybe the goal?
  3. Hi, I think it's my first post? I haven't been on a message board in 5-6 years! I was reminded of the book because my youngest needs a lot of supervision in our new neighborhood, and overall it's a great idea to keep her near me!
  4. I found this thread trying to find a story I'd heard on a RGT message board years ago. How is everyone's parenting going after the pandemic shut down? I'll have to say, I did actually make a return to the staking and outlasting techniques, and it's paying off in happy campers.
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