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Posts posted by HeartfeltFox

  1. On 2/24/2021 at 3:35 AM, Jewelei23 said:

    I would love an update on your daughter. What did you do for her? Where you able to find her help? Last night my 5 year old son started repeating the last syllable of a sentence. Example: Mom are we going to the store-ore-ore. This is with almost every end word. He has not had speech problems before last night. I took him to his pediatrician today and he told me he is going to contact a specialist. He said he would get back to me. 

    This came out of nowhere! no recent injuries, no life changes,  o other conditions! We where eating dinner and noticed it. This morning it continued, so we took him to the Dr. Your post is the first thing I have read that gives me hope!!!


    How did you get on with your son? we are experiencing the same thing with our young daughter.

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