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Fun in the Son

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Posts posted by Fun in the Son

  1. I was lurking on the Logic of English Facebook page and saw a post where a mom was saying that she has gone through to D foundations and their child was still not reading well. 

    She was given loads of advice but there are two things that stood out to me:

    1. A few people on the group mentioned that their children were struggling through reading ( I don't know if the post just attracted that sort of  traffic).

    2. Someone mentioned that LOE is actually not a great curriculum for teaching reading and that they had to change and that's when they saw a change.

    My question is, what has been your experience with LOE, I have began A with my son, but haven't gone far, but already we are doing phonograms. We did kick off with a bit of jolly phonics. 

    Do you think its worth the investment. Do children really need to get to D in order to begin reading decently?

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